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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. That circled torso joint should have been die cast; it looks like a tragedy waiting to happen.
  2. YEOWCH!! You could fire an Itano Circus' worth of missiles through that gap
  3. Yeah, I personally believe Vector Prime should have had his own mold; it seems an insult to recycle Jihaxus just to save a buck here.
  4. Taking a closer look, I did some research and a bit of math. Let's get a head count here: Max (VF-22)- 1 VF-11 Squadron - 12 Sound Force - 3 Diamond Force- 3 Emerald Force - 3 TOTAL- 22 Valkyries. Then I went and looked up the complement at the Macross Mecha Manual, and this is what the page for the Northampton Frigate said: Variable Mecha: approx 37 x variable fighters (28 x VF-11C Thunderbolts, 4 x VF-17 Nightmare, 4 x VF-19 Excalibur + landing pod and 1 x VF-22S Sturmvogel II + fold booster aboard Stargazer, 2046 February (emphasis mine in underline bold). http://www.macross2.net/m3/macross7/northampton-stealthfrigate.htm Not trying to be a jerk or contradict you Seto, but it looks like from the info they could do it easily (unless I'm reading stuff wrong here).
  5. Understood. Still think they may go wonky, but I'm just a pengbuzz in a cold cruel world. O.o Moving right along.... I personally think they used the "expanded universe" to keep some kind of revenue coming in from Star Wars before George /Lucasfilms thought of doing any sequels. They never banked on the franchise reaching this point, let alone trying to mine the EU for material for their various series'. And I agree with you 100 percent: all this ends up in is a bunch of potential fans being choked in minutiae and esoteric "callbacks" like a bunch of irradiated mutant kudzu vines gone wild. (this moment from Gi Joe ARAH illustrates what I mean):
  6. Good grief. 😬
  7. I wonder how much they had to strip out of the ship to accomplish that (if possible)?
  8. I straight up will not buy or even look at stuff from them.
  9. Yeah, I would call; having worked retail for several years, a "floor person" is liable to say anything to get a customer off their back.
  10. Agree on all counts.
  11. Yeah... the exact race and gender of Plaegis was never firmly established. All we have is Palpatine's telling of the story to Anakin. AFAIK.
  12. *imagines a bunch of VF's stuffed into a telephone booth, like what college kids used to do in the old days*
  13. Maybe they stayed back a few grades...
  14. I'm guessing that their layouts are pretty much "whatever we come up with that sounds good"?
  15. Dunno... legs look kinda skinny to me. JMO.
  16. The shipping is probably the "shock".
  17. Have them send it to my place then.
  18. *makes notes for archive*
  19. I'll check out that video; thanks!
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