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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Interesting; then again, Macross is known for triangles. Even their mecha have three modes.
  2. Ah, okay. I thought he was stating the normal capacity of the Northampton class. And thanks for the info on the squadron composition; I need to let my DM know, as his squadrons in the RPG were based on 12.
  3. Which means it could probably be run under hot water at a sink and straightened out fairly easily with minimal risk of breakage.
  4. Looking pretty sweet so far!!! Eager to see the full attachment set-up you have in mind for the legs in Battroid mode!
  5. They did a really nice job on Stalker!! Looks legit and like the comics. On that note, I sometimes wonder who's deadlier: Snake Eyes or Stalker? Stalker just seems to have this look in his eyes of "I will end your world for you".
  6. And especially by Bandai, of all companies. I'd expect far better from them, given their history and previous stuff.
  7. I like how the Turtles have extra gear and pouches on them for stuff. Seems to make more sense, and it gives a reason why their harnesses would be marked; prevent confusion when donning their gear.
  8. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master File isn't canon. Master Card can be used to buy a canon. Master Shake should be shot out of a canon. Master Chief carries a canon. Master Mold makes sentinels that use built-in canons. Master File isn't canon. Master Miyagi could use his bare hands to break a canon.
  9. Strangely enough, the Ostrich never appealed to me. Dunno why, just looks too odd to me...
  10. Maybe they should look into getting GED's at this rate? O.o
  11. Any progress to report on this yet, nonner242?
  12. I agree; really tight work on those! In comparison, the old ones look like utter garbage!! Almost looks like the same plastic they used on the knee joints for MP-44 Optimus Prime/ Convoy! 😠
  13. On second thought... maybe naming it after the old web service wasn't so bad after all.... o_o
  14. Yeah...remind me to never use DHL. While your stuff was spared this time, it makes me worry for your sake the next time they ship one of your collectibles using them! O.O
  15. Yeah, that gets old really quick. When a gimmick is overused, it sours me like few things can, and I just tune out completely. Let me know when he pilots the Falcon again.
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