i want to rant here for a few. so im in groups all over on facebook from Date A Live to just Anime out right, out all all the groups im in the Admins for the Macross ones like "Macross Fans-US" and the bigest one out there with 3K something ppl in it, all those admins r ass holes. i cant remember why i got outright kicked and banned from it. but they didnt even give me a warning, they just kicked and blocked me, the Macross Fans-US kicked me cuz i asked a simple ? about robotrash at the time cuz i didnt understand it at the time. a few ppl in the groups helped me out and i soon fond that theres a dud for macross so i drop robo right then and there. but then i got a message from one of the admins saying i broke the rules and said i;ve been warned about it before and yet i never was. i never even saw i cant ask a simple ? like that. that would break the rules. its really sad to see the admins will out right kick and bann u right out without leting u know. i really like macross but thos $hit admin r really leaving a bad tast in my month about the anime as a hole... atleast the Macross world facebook is nice to me.