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Everything posted by tankball

  1. well i once again forgot about the forums but this time it was a good thing, 2 years ago i started working for mikumo but lost my drive to finish her. well i now have that drive again and i getting really close to gettiing her done. unlike Sheryl im on my own for this one and so far im very happy with how she is coming out. i will hopefully remember to do updates as needed and i have maybe 3 week more of work
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  2. with everything said there r bug like i said and i made two videos showing them off time stamps for all the bugs seen - [0:00] [1:12] - Character Interactions Broken On Android. [1:12] - [4:50] - Auto Selecting Cards Soft Locks Your Game. [4:50] - [7:30] - Screen Rotate 180 When Starting Song/Pause Song Not Working. [7:30] - [14:06] - Micro Stuttering on Higher End Android Phones? [14:07] - [20:13] - Last Song Played Not Saving (Android and PC) since my iphone didnt export the video in 60FPS i rerecorded the part about the micro stutters witch for newer phones may make it unplayable or very hard to FC
  3. heres the GitHub - https://github.com/Xele02/UMO there is a on-going offline mode rewrite going on for Uta-Macross. right now i have the app up and running on 4 phones and 3 PCs. its still a WIP and ver. 0.10 is in the works (we r on ver. 0.9). i've missed this game and im now happy i can play it again! so why not show how to set it up for everyone else so heres a video i made. its really easy setting it up on your phone. running on a PC is a bit harder but is still easy.
  4. since i can now upload photos i may as well say she is done now. heres the done video also -
  5. since the forum will refuse to take my photos i'll have to post them to only sit and link them here. i still keep geting a -200 on any photo i upload of sherly. atleast imgur works unlike this forum....................
  6. heres that other video i was talking about. i have to censor my photo of sherly but i can upload this photo here to this site- https://files.yande.re/image/e77782f50b6e91ff46bdb27750f66e64/yande.re 668662 animal_ears breasts cosplay hamakaze_(kancolle) kantai_collection nipples pantsu shimakaze_(kancolle) tagme thighhighs torisan.jpg but i cant upload my update photo for sherly without having to censer it? what the hell? nice going guys. i dont think i'll be coming back to do any updates or post new builds if this is how the site is now.
  7. 2020.08.06-20.52.mp4
  8. heres what i mean - i'll be posting other video in about 15 mins. it seems like theres a retarded censor bot that got added to the forums that will not let me upload my update photo of sherly to the site.
  9. update time. Sherly has now been posed. i will start building her in 1 to 2 days.
  10. someone else does. i would love to know how its done to. i want to have my own data back up for the game.
  11. Long time no post. srry about the long ass wait, the guy that does the posing was super busy with other stuff. but it looks like now the ball is rolling on this sherly build. right now this is wheres he's at. a very simple post. he will have to rework the mesh a bit. cuz as u can see her butt doesnt look right. video-1592028469.mp4
  12. i know this is a shot in the dark, but is there someone on here that knows how to pose a 3D model in blender? i still want to build that life size sherly and ranka but the guy that does the posing for me never got around to it.
  13. for the last one i made i failed so hard to post anything here about it i should start this build be posting here. this is the ver. of Sheryl im looking to build i did get the Crossover Ranka ver. but not Sheryls i also do build on building Ranka to just need to wait for the guy to pull her model from the game. i dont know if the guy that does the post has a ACC on here but he did bring up the forums when we were talking about the pose for sheryl. since i dont know if he has acc on here or not i'll call him javb92 on other sites. this here is the post im looking to use for this build since this build has a post like this making her stand up right will be hard since im going to make her foot sit on a box that has a big speaker inside it for music. i have a few other sized speakers around the house i can use if this one is to big for the box her foot will be siting on. since its still the holidays it be some time before i can start building since i have to wait for javb92 to do his magic in blender.
  14. idk where to put this so if its in the wrong place plz move it. for what i can tell she will be up for sell or shiping some time next year - https://hobby.dengeki.com/news/809807/ but here what really gets me. she has her own bluetooth. so now im like this cant be a coincidence. i make to life size macross waifus that had bluetooth and LEDs and a few months after i finish freyja they come out with 2 life size figures Ranka and Sherly. then today i see they both have bluetooth like my two figures. i cant see this being a coincidence. also i wish i had 2K but i can build my own Ranka for $150-$250 with a pose and dress i like. well if the guy that does the posses for me u will see a other post from me in a few months down the road
  15. well i just fond out anime news network even picked up my build - https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2019-02-04/fan-builds-life-size-papercraft-freja-from-macross-delta/.142997
  16. i can now say her is done. she came out really good. i also have Minmay with her since there both life size
  17. sorry i havnt post in a LONG time but im geting really close to calling her done
  18. so ya i forgot about the site again. sorry about this, but this time im working on a life size Frejya. i've been working on here for over a month now. normly i'll have something like this done in a few weeks but since theres no local con to go to i've been working on her at my own time. here where im at with her
  19. tankball

    Uta Macross!

    well i havnt posted in some time. i'll just leave u all with feels. (if u cant see the video let me know) https://www.facebook.com/ramond.taylor.5/videos/2388161327880300/
  20. well this time i made a RC VF-31a.
  21. heres the over view video of my done Minmay
  22. heres a 12 sec test video for the audio and LED.
  23. heres some nice DSLR daylight shoots of my Minmay. i think its safe to say her is now done. i do plan on get the part around her arms and wast made out of see though cloth like in the anime and uta-macross. but since idk how to work with the cloth im going to find someone that can help me out. so for now she is 99.9% done in the next day or so i'll upload a video about her.
  24. im so close to calling her done
  25. im geting ever so closer to her being done. also sadly i cant go to the con, since i dont have the money for a drive like that sadly. i would love to go but i dont want to sound like im asking for a hand out. also yes i know my room is cancer to the eyes and needs to get burned, im going to clean my room up and make it look better, it just gets really messy when im doing a build like this and i really dont want to clean up until the build is done
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