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Everything posted by in2seconds

  1. Yep confirmation email for HLJ get!
  2. I secured one from Amiami fine. The second from HLJ was in the cart for 50 minutes before I finished the order. Still yet to receive a confirmation email.
  3. You can camp in Mandarake come release. You might get it with only 2000-4000Y increase.
  4. Gosh, the madness is real. I only read from the archives so it's my first time experiencing this. Still managed to score one from Amiami since HLJ is having seizures for me.
  5. I see, I thought I'm the only. HLJ is usually late for PO, but who knows this time.
  6. can anyone link NY's listing for -31J?
  7. Tomorrow: "When does the preorder starts?!"MW is such a tsundere
  8. Ep13 made me feel torn whether to get -31F or -31J. Damn it, my plan of limiting myself to only 3 valks is falling apart real fast!
  9. I'm thinking of picking up the Hasegawa kits. VF-25F's misshaped canopy irked the perfectionist modeler in me. Might try a VF-31A lo-viz paint scheme on it for the heck of it with NUNS markings.
  10. Dang that was fast
  11. I was even thinking of just not panel lining it since it wouldn't show anyway. I did it just for completion's sake, and it somehow shows. However, the flatcoat killed it.
  12. Alto's grey parts looks really nice in matte. Ozma's dark grey/midnight blue parts doesn't. It doesn't even show the panel lines! The main body does look good in matte. Regarding the flatcoat, I figure I'd have to give you some warning based on my experience: - It scratches really easily even if it's fully cured, especially the underside and hook points were the stand adapter goes - I can only flatcoat it in fighter mode, flatcoating it in battroid mode will result in the tight tolerances becoming much tighter - While it becomes less of a fingerprint magnet, dust will stick out more due to the satin/semi-rough surface and cleaning it would be more challenging That being said, I like the look of it. I'm not even sure if its supposed to be matte or glossy in the show, but I did it anyways to hide the swirls, mars and microscratches during the manufacturing process.
  13. Yes, I just masked them. Same with the canopy.
  14. I did too, but what's worse is that it broke when it wasn't attached. It probably got crushed by another piece and it sheared right off.
  15. Done with Ozma. One of the pylons holding the reaction missiles broke. Good thing it was easily fixed with some CA glue.
  16. From the preorder madness? Or the prices? But most likely both?
  17. I'm torn, do I buy all or do I only buy 2?
  18. I finished two MGs and figured I'd also panel wash Alto's valk. I used Tamiya enamels and butane for clean-up. I also colour matched the valk's colours, what I found is: Grey - Tamiya NATO Black Red - Mr. Color GX Red Black - Mr. Color GX Black I found out the grey the hard way because I had to fix the paint scratch that happened after the first transformation I also flatcoated this guy with Alclad Klear Kote. I prefer flat over gloss because flat hides the imperfections of the surface and is less of a fingerprint magnet. Downside is the coat can scratch very easily by the stand adapter. Two MGs in question. These took two years to build due to my chronic procrastination syndrome
  19. I only buy P-bandai gunpla kits from Mandarake, first time experience getting opened figures from them. I find it amazing how well the Japanese take care of their figs. I am itching to get the -25G and RVF-25
  20. Ah figured as much. I was tempted to try an opened item from Mandarake. It was going for 12kY, but man this thing is pristine! Somehow I feel like buying an opened one in Mandarake is better because they could check if there are defects or not
  21. I finally got some super parts for Alto! Ozma is supposed to get here tomorrow. Fingers crossed Armors are popping off everywhere, probably because this is a opened item from Mandarake SAHRA. Wonder how different it would be if I splurge for a non-opened one?
  22. Mandarake, Jungle and YAJ. You will still be looking at around 300$ to get it.
  23. No such thing, I said this before I ordered -25S and -25F, and before I know it I was looking for Armor and Super Parts to dress them up!
  24. eBay: 1000$ ULTRA RARE YF-30 w/ correct SMS markings on right shoulder It wouldn't see the light of the day
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