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About in2seconds

  • Birthday 10/13/1992

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    Edmonton, AB

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  1. Head’s up: VF-31S is available in MyKombini for MSRP.
  2. How easy is it to get a 31S later?
  3. Good luck with the Laevatein PO as well! Hopefully HLJ updates tomorrow.
  4. I have the 2014 MB Laevatein if you are interested. I will try the plugin. Thanks again!
  5. Thanks for the heads up! Shame figinstock is now gone. Are there any other site that I can sign up for alerts?
  6. I thought the PO was today, silly me. The PO madness didn't seem that from last night didn't seem that bad either. Looks like Nin-Nin-Game still does PO, but it sounds like a place I should stay away from. Any chance some major retailers would take in orders again later?
  7. Wow! How the heck did Amiami got the 4500Y shipping fee from?
  8. Set those figinstock notifications quick for odd PO's!
  9. Thanks! That sounds about right. It would be 50$ for the original shipping, 50$ for customs, and then if I were to get a replacement from NY, it would be an additional 6000JPY + shipping of 4000JPY. It would up real quick! Thanks Yeti! Yes, I always matte coat my valks, because I prefer them looking like model kits. Unfortunately, the flatcoat scratches really easily with the base adapter and super/armor parts. Transformation-wise, it doesn't scratch as much.
  10. Thanks guys! Glad you like it. I glued the seam shut with cyanoacrylate glue, as I figure that thin plastic cement would make too much of a mess. I then sanded it down then repainted the blue strip with Mr. Color Bright Blue with a pinch of white.
  11. I ended up just fixing the defect instead of sending it back to Amiami. I would be losing way too much if I were to send it back, then I would have to play the QC RNG again if I were to order again. I also panel washed the valk with Tamiya Enamels then flatcoated it with Alclad Klear Kote flat. I like to think it turned out better, because the other paint defects got covered by the flatcoat. I also added some NATO black to the VF-25A to break up the color (and to cheat in the panel wash, because that portion does not have any recessed lines to hold the paint, so I just repainted it black to cover it).
  12. Heh I wish that's the case, I have been trying to sell my VF-25S Renewal for 7 months now and no one has picked up on it yet. For a defective item, is the seller mandated to refund the original shipping fees as well? Or will that depend on their policies? Amiami pulled a fast one on me saying that they will only refund the merchandise price because I shipped it with something else (1/48 VF-1 Photoetch parts which weighs next to nothing!).
  13. Thanks, but oh well. Nothing I can do anymore. Maybe I'll just shoot for Messer's valk, but my plan with Hayate+Mirage would go down the drain. Hayate did use Messer's valk, but it just does not feel the same. Maybe Messer+Arad instead?
  14. Yes, they will atleast cover the return shipping fees. For keeping it, well, looking at it just depresses me. I haven't tried transforming it yet, but the nose cone would pry apart whenever it needs to be rotated.
  15. It is pretty hard to get the refund process set-up, now I'm exchanging emails to minimize my losses. I already got axed by customs for 50$, so the sunk costs just keeps on piling up one after another. To be honest, I regret paying for the super parts early. I should have placed the order after I got the valk, but oh well.
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