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    anime, sci-fi,comics, movies, art, cooking, making friends.

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I liked it, but the Lady M mystery still bugs me. Boug should have joined Delta lmao!!!!
  2. I do not know how this can all wrap up in 20 minutes. If we do not find out who Lady M is that will suck. I kept waiting for good mecha action like in frontier, or even good deep character depth..but we did not get either one really.
  3. Man after messer died the show just, I dunno got super talky....I do not like the lack of real mech hand to hand fighting....but I still like the show.
  4. This seems like it should have been aired sooner, not like near the end...but I dunno, I am still a fan and hope we get things answered and some mecha going pew,pew pew at things.
  5. This was the first time i was meh on an episode......But I guess I gotta be patient and hope these kind of eps. pay off in the end.
  6. I agree, I like how people here can express themselves without being rude,,,,,But those podcasters will shoot you down faster than Messer going full vartard,,,,,,,,jk lol
  7. Messer was a mess...I thought his time was done,,whew, glad he made it out alive.
  8. this episode had me stressing lol......I was freaking out the whole time. I loved Keith and Messer met face to face.
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