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Everything posted by MKT

  1. MKT

    Macross figures

    I've no idea on nail polish being a paint sealer, as I've never started using any type of paints for my collection or the small handful of model kits I've built so far. The gold doesn't flake off though, it just sort of fades and loses its shine, like how a car paint gets sun-faded over time.
  2. Love these 2! I wonder how many Cavaliers were made, they really pop up very rarely these days.. Love these 3 as well! And yes, that low-vis is best scheme ever! I pulled trigger on these unique colours when all Yammie 1/48 prices dipped around the time Bandai started on their Chogokin VF-1. Best decision made.
  3. MKT

    Macross figures

    Thanks for heads up. If the gold on her hair is the same gold on the smoking pipe, then yeah it has already faded. Never noticed that before, but now when I look closer, I realize that paint in a few spots have faded over time. I had to put something under her kimono to support it, the weight of the whole kimono pulls the whole figure backwards and can potentially snap the pegs on her ankles.
  4. MKT

    Macross figures

    Nice purchase there @Angesdad I gotta agree with @Lolicon. Early on when I started collecting valks, I thought I'll then get some companion character figures to soften up all the mecha display a bit. Fast forward to today, I think the 'some' quantity of figures could be as many as the valks This especially with Sheryl & Ranka, as there seem to be near endless figures made of them. Till today I keep discovering ones I've never seen before. I didn't get the newest Megahouse Basara & Mylene figs, as the price of figures have greatly increased these days. But one of most recent figure acquisition from YAJ would be of this Sheryl:
  5. I have recently started to catalogue all my items as well. I found a few of the toy boxes have developed these brown stains on their cardboard packaging, akin to paper foxing. Not that surprising as most of my items came used (Mandarake being a huge source), so we can never be sure of their storage conditions previously. Worried that it might spread to adjacent toy boxes in its plastic container or larger carton box storage, I started to wrap every single toy box in OPP plastic bags as an attempt to control any spread that may occur when the toy boxes are left sitting un-accessed for long periods of time. While taking every item out for wrapping and putting them back, I took the opportunity to catalogue them using the code-on-container and spreadsheet system.
  6. Some bit of nostalgia I guess..
  7. No downsides in Gerwalk or Battroid. In Fighter, when feet are retracted, the one with wrong ankle will be slightly offset outwards when viewed from the top. I suspect for most who have received replacement ankles, it doesn’t bother enough to actually replace it..
  8. HLJ having a sale with 15% off shipping. Arcadia Tomahawk at Yen 11,968: https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-macross-mbr-04-mk-vi-destroid-tomahawk-aca82160
  9. First Angel Birds sold at Mandarake: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1219396619&ref=list&keyword=macross&lang=en
  10. If not wrong, Amiami JP site will have PO up on time. The delayed PO is only for their international site, which is presumably their current measure to manage traffic to their servers. No info at all if this mold will have any fixes.
  11. Isamu does what he does best when not flying.. I like this figure, I wish there were more made of him. But more than that, I wish there was a corresponding figure of Guld as well. Even more than Guld, I wish there was Myung & full-size Sharon..
  12. MKT

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I can't help thinking, if I were to look up the sky, squint a bit from the sun's glare, the VF-31 with reaction missiles it will look like a giant flippin' bird.
  13. Ah now it makes sense.. I kinda forgot the Angel Birds are TWE items.
  14. MKT

    Bandai DX VF-31

    It's a good thing the boosters were relocated for the 31AX
  15. MKT

    Bandai DX VF-31

    That super pack equipped VF-31E looks fantastic! Was pretty lukewarm on the way the boosters just sort of sit on top of the wings on the other variants, but they are balanced somewhat with the radar dish on the 31E.
  16. Ok so the special stand is no more packaged separately but included into the main box.
  17. Just read this today as well, I found the whole interview enjoyable & insightful.
  18. Thanks @Lolicon Bandai's upcoming HG YF-19 kit looks to be also aimed at the toy audience as well, what with the play-friendly partsforming engineering & crazy articulation it provides. This will likely be the first Macross model kit I get. Meanwhile, the GNU-Dou YF-19 and its VF-19A variant here, in its base form will feel pretty outdated in the articulation department. But in-hand, I like the choice of mostly ABS plastics used and makes the whole figure feel very robust.
  19. Thanks @no3Ljm You might mean the vertical stabilizers, and I agree, they could be much bigger. Handling these Yamcadia valks in Fighter, there's always a sense of occasion I don't get with Bandai's Chogokins. For example, deploying the landing gears is great pleasure in tactile feel, from the way the bay doors snap open / close and the just-right resistance you get moving the gears into position. But of course, there are some misses - YF-21/VF-22 rear gears being an example, and Arcadia's VF-0 rear bay doors are akin to fighting a very resolute clam in sealing itself shut not letting you get to the meat.
  20. Somewhat lukewarm to this, but likely get one copy eventually. Something I just noticed, is that they appear to have gotten rid of the fabrics in these new designs. The drawings are also ambiguous about that. The prominent ball design at the base of the hips looks a bit incongruous to the original idea of wearing separate pieces of armor, and more akin to a fully covered bodysuit armor.
  21. Is that the box itself or the outer sleeve? But different approach this time, no printed pic or art of toy. Looks like a box of chocolates.
  22. I like this idea lol.. throw in an HMR fan-racer into the pack too.
  23. https://tamashiiweb.com/item/14281/ Re-issue details: PO Date: 02 Feb, 2023. General release. Price: Yen 25,300, inclusive 10% domestic tax. Release: June 2023 Although it doesn't say WWM in the link, the section listing the sales sites sort of indicates that this will be a worldwide release.
  24. Here I was just thinking again, how much better it would be if the Angel Birds were released in the HMR line. I suspect it would be a much easier option to get multiples, if not all 5. I mean, who here will get all 5 x Chogokin Angel Birds? But we have the answer here
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