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Everything posted by MKT

  1. I knew I shouldn’t have passed on the SD Infinity when I had a chance to get it recently for decent money.
  2. MKT

    Macross figures

    Hmm not sure about this new Rick variant. It looks like just some handling on the suit with dirty hands, & wrapped with leftover bandage strips.
  3. Wow previously the arm ‘only’ snapped off when trying to transform, but first time now hearing it’s broken straight out of box. Sorry to hear this @Priss!. But I’m pretty confident HLJ will get you sorted.
  4. Clearer pics of the Bulldog Tread from Genesis Breakers:
  5. Quite liking what I see. This new Rick seems to have bulked up considerably compared to the older flightsuit figure. Even the helmet is much larger. Just have to not have them side by side else it may be somewhat jarring.
  6. The WWM VF-25 is not labelled as Revival by Bandai, but the upcoming Alto & Michael revivals should minimally have the same improvements as the WWM.
  7. Great to see @jenius’s reviews are back, starting with the VF-25 WWM! https://anymoon.com/blog/?p=5279#more-5279
  8. Nice pics @Lolicon This particular angle to me doesn't only show a beautiful mech-fighter, but also captures the form of the pterodactyl-like creature that was heavily alluded to in the show.
  9. Skipping this, as I have already have it. But also feeling excited for anyone else getting this reissue.
  10. Yeah.. they are both so similar with their respective plus & minuses, is that to me the only way to personally decide which one’s better is to ironically have both in hand. One feature I love about Arcadia’s over Bandai’s, is the way the cockpit opens. Whether canon or not, or by toy design legacy stretching all the way back to the Yammie is that for the front canopy to open properly, the anti-glare bit ahead of it need to be recessed. It’s an additional step, but the canopy looks much smarter in this open position compared to Bandai’s. It’s a brilliant design touch and I display my Arcadia this way.
  11. Megazone 23 reboot with redesigned Garlands? Nice!
  12. The new ride armor looks much better now in color, compared to the previous grey mold prototype. Color separation does wonders I guess. The Tread needs to be advanced further. Can’t wait!
  13. I thought that VF-4 was an Arcadia PF at first. Nice!
  14. Absolutely beautiful!
  15. Price: Yen 28,600, inclusive domestic tax.
  16. Yessss.. More info to be released on 24 March.
  17. Never saw or heard these before, but gotta admit they are quite cool being Motoslave-esque.
  18. Ah got it.. great that HLJ been helpful. One of my items from them came with defects previously and they have been very accommodative with solutions.
  19. Sorry to hear you got bad copies, one after another.
  20. MKT

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Wow the Archis are really much much beefier.. I gotta get me some next run!
  21. MKT

    Hi-Metal R

    Very very nice! Didn’t realize before HMR Regults were so undersized.
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