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Everything posted by MKT

  1. More shocking sale guys.. Get your whole Vermillion squadron now for the price of a single DX! https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=115
  2. Not entirely Macross, but was playing around with Sentinel's Legioss recently & it struck me again how small it is next to the VF-1. And then I'm reminded that the VF-1 itself is also very small next to the SV-51. SV-51 is just such a large bird, but the way it is animated in the show makes it look like the most maneuverable fighter ever.
  3. I can sort of understand if packages get mishandled every now & then. But it is pretty hard to accept companies who don’t care enough to provide decent shipping packaging, knowing full well there would be potential abuses along the way. For Amazon, they do at least acknowledge my packages showing up pretty beat in envelopes, & always compensate back in gift vouchers. I have come to realise it is a very calculated move for them; what they save overall in logistical costs of not providing shipping boxes, more than makes up for the gift vouchers given to the percentage of people contacting them to complain.
  4. Is that the Metal Build Arbalest? I had no idea it was the same scale as the others there. Great pic putting them all together btw.
  5. I did consider retaking that shot, but then I don’t much like that hot pink to stick out either.
  6. Just wait couple more days and it should work. I've had packages from HLJ / Amiami whose tracking numbers only activate 3-4 days after they updated them to shipped status. Hobby-Genki can be sometimes slow in communications, and their processes are still heavily manual. I've had a package from them shipped, but they didn't notify anything to me until it showed up at my door. But all e-mails to them are always eventually answered.
  7. Initially I thought it was for one piece, then only now realized it's for a pair. Despite KC's VF-1 shortcomings, at this price they are hard to resist.
  8. Quick playtime with the Legioss Zeta.. Still amazed Sentinel has given us a nice sculpt in Fighter, even if the vertical stabilizers are kinda tiny: If compared to a Macross valk, the Legioss looks chunky, blocky even. Macross valks have tidy underbellies, yet despite the Legioss's bottom looking like a mess following closely the line art, somehow I love it as much as I like Macross valks. The size difference between a same-scaled Legioss & VF-1 didn't really hit me until I put them side by side. Couple of re-processed old pics: Now, patiently waiting for Sentinel to show more progress on their Tread and confirmed PO date. Come on Sentinel!
  9. MKT

    Sv-303 Vivasvat

    No contest there. Both! +1.. Don't mind HMR for the lesser popular valks. But realistically I think they'll come out with model kit for it before a DX. Milk existing 31AX mold, and with it being P-Bandai prolly testing if they should release Bogue's 262Hs.
  10. Looks great @Convectuoso! If and when Bandai decides to release theirs, I hope it looks better than Arcadia's effort. Arcadia's have some weird proportions, like that humongous shoulder missile packs.
  11. The Yamato 1/200 VFC is great in hand. Line-art accurate despite their small size, & have excellent panel lining details. Plus, the only way to own the VF-9 Cutlass & VA-3 Invader in toy form.
  12. MKT

    Sv-303 Vivasvat

    I'm hopeful, yet not optimistic this will be made in DX.. such a unique design!
  13. Arcadia Proto-Garland re-issue for Sept release: https://www.hlj.com/1-24-scale-megazone-23-part-ii-diecast-model-proto-garland-reissue-aca82136-3
  14. Re-issue up at HLJ: https://www.hlj.com/dx-chogokin-movie-vf-31ax-kairos-plus-hayate-immelmann-machine-bans64967
  15. Also the written review: https://anymoon.com/blog/?p=16731#more-16731 Always great to see new content on @jenius's blog. Edit: In reading the review, and also viewing the transformation video, it is mentioned the nosecone in Fighter have a tendency to be loose around the area where it meets the heatshield. My own experience is that on my copies, those areas are pretty much rock solid. Conversely, the point where the heatshield meets the chest feels even tighter here than on Arcadia's 1/60.
  16. The tilt of your Angel Bird on Archi stand pic is about the same as the tilt angle Bandai set for the extra Limited Stand on their VF-1J Hikaru & VF-1S Roy first editions. That set angle on Bandai's stand is somewhat precarious, as the valk is mostly resting on the rear portion of the cradle (the part that holds the valk arms), whilst the front forks of the cradle (between the head) are barely holding onto the valk to prevent it from crashing down. The cradle design is really more suitable to hold the valk at flatter angles like on Bandai's fixed posed stand. Both standard clear adapter & the black plastic cradle on the limited stand uses the same design to hold the valk, so I think tilting the valk on the clear adapter with the Archi stand will also put uneven stress on the adapter. I would be careful of putting the valk at that tilted angle in the long term, as clear plastic tends to be brittle & may suddenly snap causing the valk to come tumbling down.
  17. It’s quite the abrupt zero in uniform to hero in armor now lol.. The armored look is turning out to be much better than hoped for, especially in comparison to the early promo pics. Im thinking to maintain good proportions in both modes is quite an achievement at this scale. The armor doesn’t appear to take away & thin-out base Dana, nor does base Dana having decent proportions make her look too bulky in armor. When I look at my Sentinel Armorize Iron Man figure, it was a cool play concept to attach his various suit-up pieces. However, without his armor pieces Tony looks so weedy & thin that I don’t think anyone displays him armor-less. KC just needs to iterate further on base Dana’s white cloth & this will be a complete winner!
  18. New pictures of Dana armored up.. New planned release date to be July during HK Comic Con.
  19. Been casually interested in that Freyja figure. But on rare times it comes up on Mandarake, the price is always quite above the average Kuji figures.
  20. Don’t have an Archi stand yet, but I’m wondering would DIY-ing some washers cut from rubber sheets work?
  21. This looks like a good price. Extra helpings anyone? https://store.ign.com/products/unicorn-gundam-gundam-uc-bandai-mg
  22. Haha my storage was getting to be like yours @Slave IV, but the initial period of lockdowns was a perfect opportunity to organize everything up. Opening the shipping cartons, rearrange the toy boxes, re-store in various plastic containers & larger boxes, labelling & cataloguing everything. Our box tetris skills starts from organising the toy boxes in wardrobe, then in the bigger plastic containers & the larger shipping boxes, and then tetris-ing these storage containers itself in the spaces they are in, and constantly re-doing them to try to fit & keep various toy lines together. But I have not been keeping up much with new arrivals after the lockdowns, so its becoming a mess again. I can see though, the good thing about not organizing too much. Years later during retirement, the storage will be like a huge cache of barn-finds. Rediscovery all over again!
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