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Everything posted by MKT

  1. Looks like another Tread variant. Quite liking how the Tread wings visually integrate with the Legioss' to make it look like a single larger delta, but need to see more illustration from other angles.
  2. I'm liking this.. There's been quite a dearth of decent, articulated World of Warcraft figures for quite a many years. Waiting to see which figures MacFarlane will come out with first.
  3. Skull & Bones ☠️
  4. MKT

    Hi-Metal R

    Never got tired of seeing the Monster with the other HMRs. It really puts the sizing & scale of everything else relative to it in perspective, pure awesomeness! Now that the VF-0 is out, I'm wishing hard Bandai will also make HMR of the Monster from Macross Zero. Those claw-like hands are so cool.
  5. Gorgeous work on the VF-25F @Lolicon I thought this new F looked a bit too naked out of the box; somehow the matte surfacing makes the bright white that much more plain, but all the details you've added made it really pop!
  6. The tiny wordings aren't legible to my old eyes, except for the pilots' names which I can just about read. It's extraordinary how Alter is able to make the tampos so sharp, and I don't doubt you for a second they would be just about be readable with magnifiers. I looked it up. It is actually pretty cool how the 2nd cockpit on the Mig-25 look so well integrated into the nose haha. At same time, I just remembered the SR-71 trainer also has a second canopy too, but this one isn't so well grafted. Thanks.. I've been rewatching some clips while taking above pics, and have newfound appreciation for all the other jets as well. I didn't really mind that Alter didn't make these bigger in say, 1/72 scale, because the details are so good that they can be appreciated by blowing it up on-screen & holds up quite well.
  7. More Super Sylph pics in the Yukikaze thread.
  8. For a 20 year old show, Yukikaze was a relatively recent discovery for me just about a handful or so years ago. In the current age of streaming, it must have been pretty excruciating waiting 3 years for only total of 5 OVA episodes back then lol.. But the same can be said for Macross Zero anyway; the wait between episodes was great chance to slow & freeze frame current episodes to saviour the cool scenes. Not long after watching, I had opportunity to procure Alter’s Mave & Super Sylph quite a few years ago. However, they went straight to deep storage then and only resurfaced recently. I took some time to play with the Super Sylph: The details on this model are just phenomenal. I have no experience in modelling, or coming up close to anyone’s else customs of anything, so my impressions are heavily based on what I see here alone, relative to average toys in my collection. There’s just so much going on, surfaces have plenty of compound curves meeting straight lines yet it all comes together so well as a whole. Every part appears to be sharply molded with good defined lines, and ooh, those delicious landing gears! For something pretty small at 1/100, there are fair bit of details with the decal markings, panel lining, nicely painted intake fans & booster noozles. I now wish Macross toys at this scale have this level of detail, though that may not be a fair comparison. I couldn’t recall that retractable single long fin on its belly in the anime, so when I see it here it just brings to mind Macross Frontier’s RVF-171. I wonder if there are any real-life jets with such retractable antenna fin on their bellies? While watching the anime then, the double bubble canopy design first came across as somewhat weird. I remember thinking they looked like a bad copy-paste meme of jet fighter canopies. But perceptions change, and now I quite love it! Here we see pilots Rei & Richard nicely ensconced within the cockpits. The wing design really do remind me of the YF-21 / VF-22 valkyries lol.. Although the double canopies are where my eyes are always drawn to, to me the single key distinctive feature that makes the Super Sylph silhouette so sexy is that prominent swan-neck kink behind the canopies. The outlines of the Super Sylph can make it look pretty different depending on the view, so having this model in hand really made me appreciate its design much more than when I first laid eyes on it on-screen. But perhaps it also was the Mave that overshadowed it in many ways.
  9. Thanks! The more I handle it while taking pics, the more I really appreciate the design of this Super Sylph. It's really awesome.
  10. The animation style looks pretty decent. I have impression that many recent animations these days have the characters drawn in a purposefully ugly way.
  11. Since this a MW forum, I'm sure any transforming jet ideas are welcome. That said, the idea is not too far fetched for a 3rd party to do it, since we now have stuff we never thought it'll be possible like Asuradas perfectly transforming into IDW Drift.
  12. Ok I see it on their website now. I'm not getting any, but I imagine it would be quite a bummer on wanting both tunas but having to pony up for 2 x Ricks. Even more so if already purchased the standalone Rick. Edit: Scratch my statement above, didn't scroll down just now to see that each Tunas can be bought separately!
  13. Such a fun pic!
  14. Their promo pics have shown 2 different kinds of tuna head so far. One raw, one cooked? Are they including both?
  15. Pretty much blown away with the details on this rather small 1/100 Super Sylph. Such beefy landing gears, that the gears on Macross valks look so toy-like in comparison.
  16. The impression I get from Kawamori's interviews over the years, is that there will always be a new focus between the mecha, idols & love triangles for every new Macross series, independent of the animation studio. Since Delta was heavy on idols, will it be on love triangles this time? The most I'll expect on the change from Satelight to Sunrise is the change of animation style.
  17. Small change but such a massive impact! Thanks. Now that the initial shine of Sentinel's Legioss have worn off, I have to say I have some mild loathing to handle it in Soldier mode. The frozen shoulders, inconsistent joints ranging from very tight & loose on various lower body joints, & general engineering makes this a trickier toy to balance poses with. That was with the first release Stick, and supposedly the reissue & Zeta onwards fixed those, but I have yet to try.. But price non-withstanding, I still like them overall & would have them if Sentinel decides to release the Shadow variants.
  18. SDF Macross has quite a few animation errors, so I'm just wondering if the reversed paint on the rear stabilizers could be a result of following errors on some frames?
  19. I wanted to make a joke about Titan's little tadpoles have chosen to identify themselves as others, hence you get Ariel & her sisters as they are now. But perhaps it would be inappropriate, admins please delete if so.
  20. MKT

    Hi-Metal R

    I know its HG licensed, but KC's whole Vermillion squadron can be had for real cheap. If I am not wrong, these are the levels of Yammie v2 fire sale prices a decade ago:
  21. Liking that shade of blue & light grey more & more. No Bandai blue-balls here though - from preview to PO and coming release in a relatively quick timeframe, less than a year? Rainbow canopy is the icing on the cake.
  22. I was casually checking the Yammie YF-21 secondary prices few months ago, and it seemed to have finally went down quite a bit, no doubt following Bandai's DX announcement. Today I checked again, the prices are back to old levels lol.. People tired of Bandai blue-balls!
  23. That statement doesn't seem very clear.. I plugged the tweet into DeepL translator, this is what it spat out: It looks like company B will not release YF-21 in DX Chogokin, so in 1/60 equivalent, Yamato company's is the one and only! We must cherish it 😊. (This is my understanding based on what I heard directly from Mr. K of Company B, so there may be a release by any chance?) Still confusing!
  24. Thanks for the kind words @no3Ljm
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