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Everything posted by MKT

  1. They seem to be trying out different sales models. For the first few years when they started, payment was 100% upfront for POs. Then sometime during the pandemic, they switched to something like 30% downpayment and balance once product was ready to ship, around the time they announced POs for the Battlepod. Perhaps that was to defray concerns people started having when their products started to be continuously delayed, like Roy and Dana figures. Now, they are opting this flash sale method for POs, which is quite a short period to make up our own minds and its back to 100% payment upfront? The problem is that once that flash sale is over, I just don't feel like ordering it anymore; it's like I will be overpaying like how one overpays to PO at scalpers when having missed Chogokin POs.
  2. MKT

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Fast Packs and fold booster to be one TWE pack, missiles and arm cannons to be another.
  3. This new Roy scheme actually looks pretty good!
  4. MKT

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    No idea yet if it comes with 1 or 2 of the pin-point barrier punch effect. One picture shows it using 2, others show 1, and the description is not very helpful.
  5. Great work detailing up everything & pic set @Lolicon I like how the green lenses are portrayed with details going inside it.
  6. MKT

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Unless there are changes to the earlier YF-19 mold, I will not expect the tolerances to change.
  7. MKT

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Well, I guess the accessories will likely be a separate web exclusive. I was already quite surprised they chose to include them in the initial YF-19 release anyway. Full pic set:
  8. Game tokens to come with Max, & a deluxe bundle of 1/12 Max + Miriya with the arcade cabinet down the road. She better not have knife-fight face sculpt though.
  9. Haha yeah.. They are playing to their strengths, though perhaps not so welcomed for this release. I wonder what accessory comes with 1/12 Miriya? They better bundle that knife at least.
  10. I confess I like the metallic interpretation for the new Max & Miriya VFs. It may not be anime accurate, but that also can be said of VF models that have all manner of nice weatherings, panel linings and details that we don’t actually see in the anime. Ok it may not be similar comparison though, as detailed VFs have their basis in real jets & non-anime source materials, whereas that metallic scheme is just an imagined interpretation. I can see it as how they might look like if SDF was remade today, & so the in-universe videogame would have updated graphics? I’m just concerned that with bare transparent plastics without any markings, it would be overkill at this scale, kind of like scaling up a small, cheap Happy Meal figure. Then it becomes a pricey but cheap looking Happy Meal figure.
  11. Thanks @Lolicon. Sometimes just exploring how to get a better sense of scale.
  12. Wasn’t there quite some complains from the get go when the reissue was released? Arcadia even responded in a sort of indirect manner acknowledging the issues by tweeting out a pic showing a bunch of broken YF-19s on their workbench. Understand this sentiment, but the 31A Kairos is already a proven mold & release, and I speculate even more desirable in light of the AX shenanigans.
  13. To be fair, it is just some tolerance issues. There have been no catastrophic material failure or breakages, like Arcadia's latest re-issued YF-19, which just muddies the water now on how to identify it from the packaging alone. Yes there is that 40th Anniversary logo, but it is not foolproof if one is wanting to avoid it as that logo is just a sticker that can be removed. Stores like Mandarake are not creating a separate listing for it, and lumps this re-issue with the older ones.
  14. I guess you can still get Max's figure with the set. KC just split the listing into 2: With Miriya's: https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=121 With Max's: https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=120 The question is, will it now be 300 sets each, or 300 sets combined? lol..
  15. Bandai really needs to re-release the 31A Kairos. Either a straight re-issue or Arad's 31A. We'll buy multiples! Agree with this sentiment. I like how with the older 31, the hands integrate well and very flush with the wing, but here in the AX they are just awkwardly covered over.
  16. In my very fuzzy memory, I always thought the VF-1J 30th Anniversary scheme appeared with Ranka in one of the Frontier movies, in a short scene of it coming up a carrier lift. The timelines don't match, which meant I must have saw that image somewhere else. I can't seem to find the illustration now though, so I thought I'll make my own of both together And it so happened, I think I managed to recreate above illustration perfectly with the toy Jokes aside, if I look at it slightly cross-eyed, the colors exactly as presented in just this pic down to that bronze canopy, reminds me of a certain other screaming star transforming jet.
  17. "Original price: USD229.9, now only USD179.9 with an additional 1/12 MIRIYA OR MAX figure (will not be included in the set after the promotion)." Well looks like KC read our minds in giving making a Miriya figure and I guess one will be shown in next few days. The VFs can be produced very fast, but by bundling either Max or Miriya, the whole set might be delayed for some time as they take time to develop both figures based on their track record. On other hand, their new clothed figures mean they can greatly reduce development time by using the same base bodies & just changing the heads & fabrics. I strongly suspect Max will use the same body as the recent jumpsuit Hikaru, and Miriya same as Dana's. Unfortunately, they will not scale properly to each other though if they use the same base body.
  18. Good point and agreed. Always full confidence in Bandai being able to deliver once a PO put directly to them and delays are rare or at most a month. I want KC to really succeed to be able to give us more 1/12 Robotech figures. The unexpected sales of God of Flame seem to have given them renewed confidence. They really do seem to be struggling with manpower issues at one time, and probably still do, when their FB occasionally updates there will be paucity of news & responses for a week or two stretches of time because the whole management office is down at the factory to resolve the order backlog. I was imagining themselves actually assembling the items in the factory line, but sometimes it felt like just a couple of steps away of taking all the deposits and run. The 1/72 Battlepod is another product that fallen into this delay spiral, website says updated release to be June 2023 but we have not seen anything yet so far.
  19. Pandemic must have thrown their schedule off, but looking at their rate of actual releases now they appear to be moving along at back to pre-pandemic speeds. There were times over the past year it felt like they announced new stuff or variants too soon, with a whole existing backlog of deliverables that made me think if they were just trying to rollover new funds from PO’s to bankroll older stuff, which is always a sign of trouble. At least Max now gets announced after being being unofficially confirmed for years, so they seem to be sticking to their long planned list of releases. Meanwhile we look across the aisle and that SHF Breetai is firmly in distant memory.. If ever an Alaska Base VF-1 is to be made, KC is the best bet now.
  20. Hmm I always thought this scheme would be better done as smaller, trading figures. But props to KC for exploring unconventional & even non-canon schemes. Now they need to make a Miriya figure to complete it!
  21. I'm liking what I'm seeing with these new Jada articulated figures. They hit the right spot between price, sculpt and features especially when most other toy prices have inflated, shrinkflated or both. I'm still fighting the urge to pick up all their Street FIghter pieces, but I think the time has passed for me when I resigned to stop SF figures when the SH Figuarts line ended.
  22. It would be a tough choice between the Low-Vis and the Cavaliers haha. Cavaliers remains a grail for me, and sadly I don't think I will see it pop up for a reasonable price anywhere like how the Low-Vis sometimes does.
  23. Yeah on my small phone screen Max looks ok, but now that I see it blown up on my PC screen, he looks odd for all these reasons. But will still support it nonetheless, and KC likes to tweak stuff heavily from PO to release so hope they continue to iterate it for the better.
  24. Such a tight space but so much fun to be had! Mad respect to @xoxokin
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