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Everything posted by MKT

  1. So far from the pics the colors look much better than Arcadia's non-PF version, especially the undersides which are a very light grey blue as compared to Arcadia's white. The wings look like they are molded in that light color, before being painted with the darker blue, hence the slight difference in shade to the fuselage which is likely molded in blue. I do hope Bandai has opted to make the plastics less transparent unlike what they did with Roy's VF-0S.
  2. Nice to see the Beagle Houquet prototype pics again haha.. It looked like they were close to releasing it. I'm not sure which would be sadder: abandoning Houquet as they did, or releasing her but no Yellow follow up.
  3. Huh white landing gears.. better late than never I guess LOL
  4. Got my notice from HLJ as well. One of rare times a Bandai valk arrives early in the month.
  5. Sounds like Bandai making people jump through all kind of hoops for a pretty meh release.
  6. That HM prototype in battroid actually looks pretty different from line-art. But purely on its own aesthetics it looks nice & the most well balanced in battroid & it’s other 2 modes from the angles presented.
  7. Yikes lol.. just remembered the missiles. So this won’t really be a complete bundle now.
  8. This is a valid concern. If we look at the clear stand adapters used for the recent DXs, and also the clear Tamashii figure stands, they can yellow pretty easily. So hopefully the clear covers used for this Mechanics are not of the same brittle plastic and are made of other formulation.
  9. Yeah I remember the discussions when someone pried open the leg covers on the normal strike pack. It also wasn't resolved then if there were molded missile details under their cover at front of boosters. Now we know why Bandai did what they did then for the normal strike packs. The inner leg molded details were just a cost optimization thing, a single mold for both the normal and now the mechanics version. The engine detail in the booster is on a separate mold that can simply be removed from the normal pack as it doesn't affect the structural integrity of the whole booster, and put back for this mechanics version. Bandai figured that just offering clear covers down the road was not enticing enough; they now want to package it together with the full mechanical details underneath to make it a better USP.
  10. From the product page description, it appears both covers are included: "Two types of removable cover parts are included: a clear version and an in-play version." (ok whatever in-play means) In the product specification, what is included in the set is 'strike packs set', which can be read as the set with the standard covers, and 'clear molded strike parts cover set'.
  11. lol.. this time it is clear parts for only Yen 33,000. Good value because a valk is thrown in free! Meanwhile, I actually question the purpose of the clear covers anyway. If the intention is to show off the mechanicals underneath, might as well just have the covers off. Wait, the Yamcadia's can already do it! $$$ saved! (yet I sound kinda sour grapes ) Anyway, this is great for those who missed out on the Hikaru 1S earlier.
  12. I wish the parts are sold separately. Yeah Bandai did sort of already hinted it was a bundled set when they first showed it off last year, but it is still a d**k move. It's gonna be the 31J Speakerpods all over again.
  13. Wait what? The mechanic edition parts only come with the valk? Boo!
  14. Perhaps deserves its own thread, but posting it here for now: Good Smile has a follow up to its Cyclion, a Type Darktail. https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/14744/Cyclion+60+Type+Darktail+62.html
  15. +1 on this. Bike mode look mangled almost beyond recognition.
  16. Didn’t realize the original 19P sold poorly (it was before I started collecting). I really was & still hoping they don’t see the low sales of 1J Max & Milia reissues, & perhaps the VE-1 too as factors against reissuing 19P. Would think it would figure more prominently against the VT-1 instead.
  17. Hopefully the VF-19P is the next release. It is still a hero valk, it is 99% a repaint, so there is no reason for Arcadia not to do it.
  18. Excited for this release as well. Even if already have the Arcadia versions, I'm usually reluctant to handle them much so this HMR will be a alternative to play & whoosh it around.
  19. Ah so the recent Cyclone at SDCC is actually MoShow's. Somehow conflated it with Pose+ earlier. But what huge difference from the earlier art renderings! The art has that odd rabbit ears and gundam-ised feet, but I do prefer its lines now than the current grey prototype that looks really overdesigned. Plus the wheels have shrunken substantially, such that it now looks more like a mini-bike.
  20. Wave WHAM Fighters 1 & 2, metallic version:
  21. Gotta agree, this grey 'special' VF-1S looks really good just on basis of the color, might be even nicer than Yamato's 1/60 Low-Vis. If not for it being a KC, it would be insta-buy if it was on the other VF-1 molds. The head lasers including the base being wholly black just reminds of the old 1/55 VF-1S.
  22. I have trouble reconciling Dana in full body armor + helmet, and without. When she's in the body armor but with frontal mask or helmet removed, it looks like some sort of crossover between 2 different franchises.
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