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Everything posted by MKT

  1. Yeah especially when the super pack is slapped onto Fighter & then everything underside barely holds together. Even so, the mold has its own charms and sculpt-wise Bandai really tried to make it look great in all modes. It is a shame they didn't continue with the other designs. Would have really loved the VF-2JA, and an eventual Metal Siren.
  2. It's been gestating for so long... they need to put it up for PO already, to make it for their planned Dec release.
  3. I looked up the original game, and it does look pretty cool for its time.. Too bad my local arcades didn't have this then.
  4. Ok got it into Fighter today. Yup, everything stays on better than Roy's 0S, I never once had the arms or any other bits pop off, with everything underside coming together perfectly. There was some complication tabbing one side of the wing to the leg like some folks here experienced, but in the end the entire leg first needs to be perfectly straight for the wing to tab on securely. Small gripe: after the wings are tabbed on, there's still a slight bit of tab being very visible, and it's mostly down to that tab being in base white/grey among its blue surroundings. For better or worse, the canards and vertical stabilizers are like Arcadia's, needing to be manually adjusted to align both sides, instead of having some fixed detent position. OCD folks will go nuts trying to align them perfectly.
  5. IMHO the nicest Gerwalk mode for any VF belongs to the VF-0D, and the HMR toy makes it exactly that. This is one area where the HMR VF-0 is miles improved over the HMR VF-1, allowing some really aggressive stance whilst keeping both feet firmly on the ground.
  6. I've only recently opened my VF-0D, and played around with it a bit in Battroid & Gerwalk. The 0D by nature of its design with the various winglets does feel a bit fiddlier than the 0S, but to compensate, Bandai refined the tolerances compared to Roy's 0S and mostly for the better. Stuff that was very tight before, such as the cockpit heat shield, now slides smoothly in and out. The ankles are now easier to slide in and out too, so it's less effort to adjust minute feet posing. On other hand, the joint extension at the knees feels a tad too loose, and I foresee it may flop as it becomes looser over time with more handling. Specific to Gerwalk (and also Fighter), those small flaps that wrap around the head stay tightly tabbed with handling and do not come undone as easily as the 0S. One of my biggest gripes with Roy's 0S was the translucent plastic, and thankfully it doesn't rear its head here. Been taking a few pics and so far haven't noticed any unusual light bleed through the plastic like Roy's. The rainbow coating on the canopy looks to be lighter on this compared to Roy's, but that is likely due to variations between individual copies. Haven't put in into Fighter yet, hopefully everything tabs in nice and tight like the 0S. It's kinda strange; this 0D is a derivative of the swing-wing 0S and VF-1, yet there are enough differences such that it handles like a whole new mold. Perhaps it is also because I've never transformed my Arcadia 0D, so everything on this HMR 0D feels very fresh to me.
  7. Looks like lunch just started.. more bottles once table cleared of food.
  8. I thought Grogu piloting IG-12 was a very familiar concept, but couldn't put my finger on it at that time. THIS is really what I wanted to remember haha.. cool that they making figures from this game. Seeing this does take me back to 16-bit console gaming
  9. I'm warming up to the 31AXs more now. Primarily I think the paint scheme, especially in Fighter, looks better than the base 31 and even more so when putting all three AX releases side by side..
  10. Probably for the first time, I'm liking an HMR more than its bigger 1/60 counterpart, at least in Battroid. The VF-0D's shorter wings really help with the sculpt, and the fixed posed bigger hands makes it much more expressive..
  11. Absolutely love seeing customs @nightmareB4macross What are we looking at here? Sorry not familiar with that at all..
  12. I’ve been using acrylic risers for years on the toys. The toys either stand or lean on them, and so far there have been no issues of them reacting in anyway to the toys. On contrary, it’s the older PVC figures that weep substance, & leave small puddles of gooey mess on the risers instead lol.
  13. Recently browsed through old pics, and Unique Toys' Peru Kill (Bayverse AoE Lockdown), piqued my interest again.. So I took it down from the display to fiddle with it again after some years. Back when it came out, there were many comments on how UT did some black magic for its transformation design, and no wonder, as there were hardly any car bits to be found in its robot mode visage, whilst maintaining pretty good accuracy to its on-screen counterpart. The car bits weren't pushed to the back either to result in all sorts of hanging kibble. In fact, it probably has the least (none!) kibble of any car bot that I know. Only a couple of details are visible from the back that gives a hint to what Lockdown actually transforms into.. Figure not without its faults though - in robot mode it probably looks the best in basic A-stance, as due to the transformation the joints can be located in slightly odd positions and dynamic poses may make it look a bit out of whack. Still, when returning it back to its shelf, I'll put it in what I think is a bad ass stance that defines this iteration of Lockdown - its B.F.G Face as seen in the movie.
  14. Movie was a dud, and the toy even more so because of it. Still, this is a very nicely made diecast spaceship. Too bad it doesn't transform, have variable wings or other movable parts to change to other modes, else would have easily picked up another.
  15. VE-1 & VT-1.. purely because they have never been done before in 1/48.
  16. Thanks for pointing to the post. I'll give the arm sliders another go on my Hayate's the next time I bring it out from storage.
  17. The absurdity, ridiculousness yet awesomeness of a face transforming into a B.F.G.
  18. I tried sliding the forearm parts but it didn't do much for me at all, whilst others like yourself have success. The arm cannon issue seems to vary differently from one copy to another. If you meant the wing pegging onto the leg, my first copy Hayate's hardly fit too. Mirage's and Bogue's at least fit somewhat better, but still feels like they can easily come undone.
  19. I am wondering, if you would know anything about Bandai’s model kit plastics? I’m finding them extremely resistant to yellowing..
  20. I was one of those that thought the arm cannons on Bogue were fixed. But it turns out I just got extremely lucky, whilst others’ copies still have the same issue.
  21. I do agree. I’m trying to wean off multiples but this is one I’ll gladly pick up another if it’s reissued.
  22. I'm guessing Arcadia didn't produce any extras like they might had done for their other PF web exclusives. Possibly down to all the QC issues that was the likely the reason for the lengthy & repeated delays for it.
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