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Everything posted by MKT

  1. That may be true, but the VF-31 base or AX releases after YF-19 all had rigid lasers sticking up..
  2. Classic flavor always the best
  3. Now I’m reminded, one part of my Yammie 1/48 Max 1J also tealed few years ago whilst the whites remain white. It was just one particular piece underneath the wing glove. But few moments ago I just took it out from display to inspect, plus Milia’s 1J, and now the whites have also yellowed. It must have happened over the past year, so I guess our 1/48s are similar in that regard. Not bad, yellowing only after like.. 20 years?
  4. Ok had a look at all the images, and yeah it is one set of arms after all. My bad. The diagram really is nonsensical then, the arms should be out of the yellow highlighted area lol.
  5. This is the biggest mystery on why it exists lol.. It just looks so out of place, even more so on Gerwalk / Battroid, and the aesthetics of it look like its kitbashed out of something else. At least for the huge gun we know it's sort of influenced by the Windermerean 262s.. although I don't recall the movie explaining anything on that.
  6. Being a partsformer, its interesting to see the stylistic choices for each mode. Fighter looks stellar, and perhaps even more so than the HG YF-19 which has the huge feet sticking out back. Battroid also looks good, it reminds me of a cross between the more sterile line art accuracy of the GNU-Dou & the exaggerated sculpt of the Revoltechs. The graphics do look a bit confusing at first glance, but looking at the renders a bit closer, I think the arms in Fighter are different parts from Battroid/Gerwalk?
  7. Thanks @Lolicon @Mog Yeahh that shot was heavily inspired by M+ lol.. Yellow but still gold, knowing they have been played with quite a bit. Some of biggest personal heartache are those toys which yellow or rot without seeing much play.
  8. +1. Also tornado parts pretty unique because it totally changes the shape of the wings as compared to any or most other packs for a VF. The blue on blue for the 25G helps sell that illusion compared to the 25F.
  9. Another personal favorite angle of the 0D... With a contrast to the VF-0S.
  10. Unix Square shared more pics of the transformable 1J on their FB. Compared to the earlier prototype, some surface greebles have been removed for a cleaner look.
  11. *Peeks into this thread*.. Love me an Arwing. That's a nice print @Chronocidal!
  12. Perhaps one of the shipper boxes is the renewal version brown shade.. So far it looks to be the same as all Revival 25/29 releases - matte finishing, extra thigh screws, chest lock & the 'no step' tampo print on the wings. The head laser being one soft and one hard as confirmed by @ArchieNov is an odd choice though. For the other Revivals, Bandai made them all hard plastic.
  13. Hopefully that extra head laser piece is straight lol
  14. When I first saw the scans, I thought it could be a whole new mold. But turns out it is the same sculpt as what they exhibited previously though, with very minor differences: There was some discussion on the Battroid backpack shortening feature when it was shown in one of the more recent exhibitions. As it turns out, the one in the exhibition was mis-transformed, and the backpack wasn't pushed up as far as it should be. With a higher backpack, this should also allow the leg belly plates to have a bit more backward angle. I noticed the arm cannons in Fighter have a slightly different sculpt too. Not a really a notable change, but a difference nonetheless. It just shows that Bandai have continued to iterate on the mold, but only on minor stuff but the overall sculpt should be pretty final at this point.
  15. A preview impression: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/convention/2023/tokyo-game-show/macross-shooting-insight-hands-on-a-solid-shmup-with-rocking-music/.202723
  16. So its not only the toe and heel have separate articulation, the toe has an extension feature as well. Hopefully everything won't become an over-engineered mess like the 171.
  17. The recent 0D pics were all mostly lit using a small LED torchlight, narrowly focused through the transparent diffused panels. I like what I think to be layered shadow look to the pics, and exploring more in that direction these days. I think your 0D will be your best work ever judging by all the custom decals this time.
  18. New pics via Stone Cheung on FB, examining some aspects of the mold: Edit: Updated with better scans from Gokin.it
  19. Pics from Kin Fung Chan on FB:
  20. Agree with this. Really thinking what is the point of these repaints that nobody asked for, when they should have gotten on with releasing the other characters they never completed.
  21. These Bring Arts figures are really nice, love the gradient shading they show in the pics. But yeah the price really look ambitious.
  22. Thanks The gun blocking the landing hook is a bit of booboo on Bandai's part, mimicking Arcadia's original release. Unlike Arcadia's though, the gun's butt does rub a little against the landing hook. You can still make the gun point straight, but it's easy to bump it aside ever so slightly but thank goodness it's not so noticeable.
  23. Shin & Edgar on night training mission..
  24. Love it from most angles.. TBH, the least favourite of the VF-0D is from top straight-down view, but there are other nice angles to fire off the imagination & nerd out with. Found the thread. Always like to come across interesting tips. I only recently started using tripod, which is super handy not so much for image stabilisation now as today’s phone seems able handle it well, but for minute adjustments to the subject within the frame.
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