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Everything posted by MKT

  1. Not only is it strange we can order these WWM releases from unlikely places, but they are also still in stock for quite a while after release and eventually discounted lol. On the chest ratchet, do you see 3 different detents on the underside of chest plate? On the YF-29 Alto Full Pack release, there is one clear detent (pic borrowed from Anymoon): There was some early confusion whether or not this ratchet carried over to the VF-25 WWM (released after Alto's YF-29), but later videos such as Wotafa's confirmed it. So we can assume VF-25 Revival Alto's & now Micheal's also have this.
  2. I picked up one of these from HLJ a few years ago when it was on a cheap sale. It currently sits on my YF-21 shelf as a sort of visual reference of the YF-21 inspirational origins. No idea it goes all the way back 20 years across multiple branding, so it’s nice bit of trivia.
  3. @tekering Very nice painted set & group shot!
  4. Pew pew pew!
  5. Seeing the pic above reminds me to get Tenjin's newer artbooks. Somehow been procrastinating on those.
  6. For those outside of US, there's one available now at Mandarake for Yen 10k, as of the 0D for Yen 11k. Link in the Mandarake tread.
  7. My YF-25 and Yf-30 have also majorly yellowed like @enphily's pic above. But that was own fault as well as didn't properly keep it away from sunlight in early days of collecting. Speaking of which, Bandai needs to reissue the YF-30. Kinda strange they didn't milk the mold for this.
  8. Get multiples of multiples
  9. Bandai always being regarded of over-tampo-ing the valks, but I gotta say for the VF-1 & Super Parts as per @grogall's pics above, they look pretty good especially when a few of them are side by side. Ditto the 1J Armored as well.
  10. @m0n5t3r Nice! They do look good together.
  11. Not sure if this the right thread, but has this been posted yet? https://www.crunchyroll.com/news/latest/2023/10/8/seiko-celebrates-40-years-of-macross-with-skull-leader-inspired-watch Yen 44k.. for what some are saying for a rather basic Seiko watch. At least the face is at least not as bland as the 35th Anniversary version.. Just the right amount of subtlety imho.
  12. Many more Halo figures coming to Re:Edit line.. https://1000toys.jp/detail.aspx?goto=product1310
  13. Picked up a weathered olive Tomahawk along the way couple years ago, and loving the subtle shadings it has compared to the normal version.
  14. Myself haven't had any issues with the silicone-tips stripping paint on the newer ones, but then I have been pretty careful not to have painted surfaces rest on it..
  15. @grogall The Thunder Hammer isn’t canon though. My understanding is that it was a fan-made design, first appeared in a model kit magazine (pic below), and then much later on adopted by Fext Hobby with quite a number of variations in color, minute accessories & fittings to fit the single & dual-seat VF-1 variants. The Atmospheric Booster though is canon. It appeared right at the beginning of the Episode 30 of the TV series. Fext-Hobby was also considering producing this, but sadly it fell through. As to the second image in your post - the Armored-Gerwalk, I think that is an unused concept art so it is not canon. What other accessories for the Vf-1 wish list? Not much, perhaps ones like a baby pod, or the little repair arms..
  16. I hear the tune too when I see this.. but ashamed to say, it’s the wRong one that came to mind first.
  17. Nice time to be collecting for sure @grogall. Great you got Focker after all. Referring to accessories / add-ons, brands usually produce them only for their own line of valks. So for the DX Chogokin VF-1, you won’t find any add-ons aside from Bandai. The only exception I can think of, are the Thunder Hammer inspired armor add-ons made by 3rd party Fext Hobby, but those are for Bandai’s smaller Hi-Metal R VF-1 range.
  18. Street Fighter 6 coming to Amazing Yamaguchi line:
  19. Since it scales with the B2Fives, I wonder if this Pose+ Alpha has space to store a folded up Cyclone within..
  20. I've started doing that too, to carefully distribute the clamp force. Still, the ones with long prongs need more tightening as there is more leverage for them to loosen when something rests on top of it, and they are the ones that risk cracking the most around the screw heads. Too bad the heavy old ones are no more; even the current ones seem to have been halted production for a long time. I love their flexibility for almost anything, so I guess it's a good thing Calibre Wings currently have their own version of it.
  21. 1/48s still have presence! Oh I'm also curious, for the older FP stands, do the acrylic around the screws tend to crack if the screws are tightened even moderately tight? I have the newer ones, and even though I'm careful to not overtighten them, they still develop crack marks after some repeated usage. Haha to me it turned out for the better, as it looks like there's some heat haze going on there.
  22. Another new shot of Pose+ Triple Jim. But looks the same as previous prototypes..
  23. From HK Toy Collector Exhibiton. Pose+ Alpha Fighter on top right shelf.
  24. Have a great convention tomorrow everyone!
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