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Everything posted by MKT

  1. This must be the only valk, or one in a long time, where Bandai extensively previews with lots of explanation notes. I think Bandai must be aware of the pushback toward the design choices and trying to win more folks over with this exercise, and there will even be more explanatory notes in future Hobby Japan issues. The ankle rotation is a solution that although non-canon, is very acceptable as it is really neat. Looking closer at the Gerwalk pics, we can sort of speculate more: 1. The belly plates do not appear to lock to the back overhang, but it looks like they can be angled to make it look like its aligned to the back plate. I believe the belly plates have a swivel joint at the thighs (the black band that goes around the thighs) to allow larger movement range. 2. There doesn't appear to be any knee swivel joint like Yamato's or most of other transforming valks. But it is likely there is a thigh swivel joint for the legs, again at the belly plate swivel joint. No idea why Bandai did this, but perhaps it's for more posing stability?
  2. It looks like.. Bandai's Gerwalk is turning out to be the real winner here! Best looking mode?
  3. The valk will be ourselves holding it pretending to shoot some Regults
  4. Those dirt streaks on the air brake is a nice touch.
  5. 100% agree. Whether Luke appearing to save Mando was a cheap moment or not, if a scene evokes pure awesomeness & joy, it would have done its job entertaining. Not many shows can do that these days. I'm randomly thinking, and one other scene that evokes the same feeling but perhaps not as close, is when Batman re-appears in the tunnel for the first time in The Dark Knight Rises. What's extraordinary about that Luke scene was that there was almost no accompanying rousing musical score to do it.
  6. Looking vibrant! Where are those mini-figs from again? Are they the ones that come with the old Arii VF-1?
  7. ^^ This is the kind of leg articulation I'm wishing the Yamato / Arcadia Tomahwak has.
  8. Agreed 200%
  9. This looks like it can be a miniature model stand-in for the real thing in movies
  10. Had these Lil Drakens right from when they were released. But this is the first time I'm mounting them onto a valk. I did know from the onset that I wanted them on the 31S instead of the 31F, due to how well the colors match.. Lil Drakens on VF-31 may seem to be an afterthought both in movie & toy form, yet strangely enough from certain angles (mostly from above) the Lil Draken's wings can look as though it geometrically matches the VF-31's. By slanting the ghosts' wings a certain way, it picks up & flows through where the VF-31's wings are cut off. Together with the matching paint scheme, it is as though the VF-31S now have extended delta wings with boosters in between.
  11. +1. Of all the Yammie YF-21 / VF-22 molds variants, I only have VF-22 Milia in Battroid, and seeing how it went I have no desire at all to transform the rest. That VF-22 could hardly stand on its own, and in the display case would slip on the smooth glass surface, so I had to put a felt mat under its feet to increase friction for it to stand properly. Eventually I transferred it onto a stand but the hips would not hold their position for long & just dangle down. If the joints are stable and strong, then I'm sure we will be able to find some nice angle to pose it in for display, as perhaps what we are already doing for most of the other valks. From the pics, it looks like the legs detach with the crotch as a whole single piece for delimiter mode, instead of individually like Yamato's. Too bad, as I thought perhaps I can swap Bandai's legs in onto Yamato's for battroid.
  12. Well, first season Mandalorian was released not long after the atrocious Rise of Skywalker, which followed the controversial Last Jedi & pretty forgettable Solo movies. Seen in that time & context, the episodic nature was a welcome change of pace. Some episodes certainly seem to meander a bit, but it was better than the breakneck pace of Episode 9. One aspect I like about Mandalorian & some of these other Disney SW series is how more time is spent on world building & supposedly banal stuff in the environments the characters are in. Another favorite aspect are the extended screen times & close-ups dedicated to the ships & vehicles they use. For eg, the scenes of Moff Gideon in his single Tie Fighter was a treat to watch, much more than repeated scenes of X-Wing fleets vs multiple generic Tie-Fighters in the movies. Or of Boba just carefully maneuvering Slave-1 over the old Sarlacc pit.
  13. Very nice! This pic is my favorite, couldn't help to LOL a bit.
  14. The Tomahawk in the pics is the weathered olive green. But understandably not very obvious because of the lighting.
  15. So instead of pull-down hips, it goes for rotating ones, and I think should be more durable seeing how the legs should have quite some heft. This additional elbow pull-out extension is interesting and probably a first for any toy.
  16. Storing the legs vertically in Fighter & resulting in a fatter side profile is one thing, but I feel sad seeing a ton of space between the legs in Fighter mode. That space could have somehow been used to squeeze the legs tighter together & have more space on the sides for bulkier arms..
  17. I think I will get this. Mainly for its aesthetics - I like chonky 80's mecha, but this also looks to have great articulation engineering, and a fun pilot figure. Price at Yen24,200 isn't so fun though lol. It has an extension gimmick, likely pull-down hips.
  18. Very nice scans The front quarter view of Fighter doesn't look bad to me. Perhaps we have just been too conditioned by Yamato's interpretation, but in the anime the YF-21 does have a very widebody look with shorter nosecone. Some of what was previously speculated a few pages ago on the transformation turned out to be accurate, namely the rotating ankles into the calf. The 2-stage backpack shortening feature is interesting - if I recall Yamato's only had one. A difference in this Gerwalk, is that the belly plates are free hanging from the hips like in Battroid. In the Yamato's and as per line art, the belly plates are supposed to attach to the backpack in a fixed position. Perhaps a mis-transformation in the pics? I can't help but think that to reduce the Urkle-like proportions in Battroid, Bandai could have implemented the nose shortening feature that Yamato did. As far as I can tell, doing that will not affect the rest of their modified transformation scheme.
  19. Now I can't unsee this!
  20. Great for Arcadia if these reissues sell well.. but on other hand, it will just reinforce the notion to them that only hero valks will sell, irregardless the high secondary prices of other schemes.
  21. Thanks for liking the pics guys.. the 31AX Ghosts are the most un-Macrossy item so far to me, based on the design & colors. Before this, I was pretty ambivalent on how the Lil Drakens turned out. Yes, they have landing gears, but the overall shape is just so... pudgy. Anyone still hesitant to pick up a VF-31AX, well now is really a good time to get one, seeing as they are all still below retail especially Hayate's. The fit issues underneath isn't really that bad in overall scheme of things, especially when put against the other issue currently on another tread being the exploding elbows of the Yammie VF-19s. Yeah it may suck somewhat that a brand new toy isn't as perfect as one would like when receiving it, but I rather have this instead of a toy self-destructing many years down the road after the initial shine has worn off - worse so for those said old toy was a recent secondary market purchase.
  22. The original Thunder Hammer looks so much better than Fext Hobby's effort. One key difference is the crotch armor for FEXT's just a bit too overt and sticks out too much.
  23. Hmm it highly looks like there's going to be delimiter mode, by the looks of that partsforming inner belly plate cover. (Image borrowed from Macross Mecha Manual site)
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