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Everything posted by MKT

  1. I like this idea lol
  2. Angel Birds VF-1A & VF-1J: https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=128 https://www.kitzconcept.com/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=127 It also looks like KC incorporated their own logo / insignia for the Angel Birds, different from the Chogokin lol..
  3. Thanks @Shawn. Would love it if Arcadia made a PF version of this.
  4. Before heading back to the display cabinet..
  5. No premium finish was released. But Arcadia did tease them last year, and we are hoping they follow through with it: https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/image-12758085033-15158689129.html
  6. Apprently, a reissue. But looking at the release date, they are most likely old stock? https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-macross-mbr-04-mk-vi-destroid-tomahawk-reissue-aca82160-2
  7. Something weird is happening at Mandarake. For longest time the 0S is sitting at Yen 11k, and 0D at Yen12k respectively. Then last week, new available listings of them went up by Yen 1k each, which I assume to be the prices having turned the corner, but then I find it has been retrospectively applied to all the sold listings in their other stores too. For eg, the 0S being at Yen 11k sold at their multiple stores, is now suddenly Yen 12k sold in all of them.
  8. Who knows, maybe when it is eventually released, it will feel very much impressive in hand that the other faults we are seeing now in images will be overlooked. It has certainly happened to me in the past. The fact that is 'not for sale' makes it highly coveted.
  9. The transforming Osprey chopper is pretty cool too.
  10. Blasting off straight and true.. As sure as an arrow shot from a bow.. From some angles, the engine housings look overly large. But once I realized that the housings each compose of individual turbine & rocket engines, I thought it was such a cool idea - a VF that combines Super / Fast packs into such a sleek hull. The semi-recessed missiles being part of the design is also a great touch.
  11. VF-4G is among my earliest collection, just about outside the first handful of valks in the collecting journey. I got the Arcadia reissue when it was still very much available at retail, so it happened to have been the best time to get it especially when Yamato's first issue was going at about double the prices just prior. These days the VFX VF-4G seems a bit overlooked, especially with the release of the FB2012 VF-4A normal & premium versions mixed in with the HMRs in the intervening years. I've had this sitting in my display for years, never taken out of Fighter and I don't think it will ever be. So, just further appreciating it in Fighter mode for now.. It may look a bit drab in this colour & with minimal tampos, but in hand it just feels soooo good. The tactile feel of the plastic, the very fine panel lines & the weight makes it feel that it is very well put together. This valk has so many control surfaces - wings, fins, canards and stabilizers but they all come together nicely as a nice coherent whole. I actually like fiddling with the moving fins, because there is the nice stiffness & consistency to the whole range of motion from one end to other, again great tactile feel. Favorite design element: the curvature of the nosecone.. As much as I like to think how all the panels come together mostly flush, this is actually the first time I notice the rear cowlings of the upper booster nozzles don't meet the bottom thruster housings nicely. The nozzle cowling seems to be a bit too wide and it shows on both sides. A minor annoyance but doesn't detract from overall how sleek the VF-4 design is. More flight shots to come in future post..
  12. Yen 98k?! What an ambitious pricing! I wonder what pricing Blitzway is gonna announce later for their version..
  13. MKT

    Macross Books

    I guess Kakizaki looking like Max is Tenjin's way of being consistent with the actual pilot figures in the toy.
  14. Thanks for the tip. It's a tradeoff between focus & image quality then. Took quite a bit of time & many tries to find an acceptable compromise between both..
  15. MKT

    Macross Books

    Yikes Amazon JP shipping stuff in paper bags now?! Such a pity.. they were for longest time still using carton boxes when other Amazons have stopped, even if the boxes were little better than tissue boxes. @seti88 Now we know how Max's 1A upcoming HMR box art look like. But I feel Tenjin just kinda mirror flipped Kakizaki's box art and swapped the color palette.
  16. Hmm rarely take head-on frontal Fighter shots, as I find phones have very limited depth of focus (hope I'm using the right term). Canted down FSW wings doesn't look like what I imagine to be at this angle lol.
  17. Don't know what is happening, but it seems the SHF Street Fighter figures have rocketed in prices over the past few months? R.Mika was in bargain basement price for the longest time, look at where its at today.. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?keyword=SH figuarts street fighter&lang=en I suppose the re-issues of Ryu & Chun Li in slightly different colors makes sense then.
  18. We do see CGI animation of the YF-21, in the form of the VF-22 in Macross Delta. But it is only in Fighter, and in my hazy memory the angles it was presented in made it pretty difficult to make out the proportions vs what was shown in older media. It might be a worthwhile exercise to revisit those episodes & do some freeze frame comparisons.. But yeah, CGI models can still be manipulated for anime magic, though it has been much more subtle & not in the degree it was in older hand-drawn Macross shows. Great observation. It also kinda tallies with speculation of the legs having thigh swivels.
  19. I really like that VF-1 with Minmay scheme. What would be the only other toy (not model kit) produced with some sort of Itasha as that? The Maruyama VF-171? It is too bad the Sheryl graphic printed on that 171 is a bit low resolution..
  20. Most welcome. Agreeing & having about same experience with @Lolicon regarding the yellowing. Previously I think of Yamcadia valks being at least 2X in yellowing resistance compared to Bandai's. But as more time have passed, I'm thinking the ratio is at least 3X. Bandai's gives you the WTF feeling that it yellows all too soon, whilst by the time late Yamato / Arcadia valks starts yellowing, so much time has passed that it becomes pretty acceptable.
  21. MKT

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Visually, it looks to be exactly the same. Perhaps they might fix the left vertical stab issue, which tended to pop off very easily on the first YF-19 release. You'll also get 2 new boiled-egg barrier punch effects.
  22. As straight up re-issues, there will be cavity fillers & they will be bright white, same as the valk itself. Packaging should be no different from previous, in keeping with Arcadia’s practice. (Images from Jenius’s site)
  23. LOL! Run Max..
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