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Everything posted by MKT

  1. I actually quite like the ejection pod, even though it doesn't do too much haha. I appreciate Yamato managed to take care of tolerances so it's very flush and doesn't interrupt the lines around the cockpit area.
  2. This is pretty cool in its own weird way.
  3. Wow a new SHF SF figure after so long.. and never knew Guile's comb was actually like a folding knife.
  4. It's showing available again, although it's the last items in stock. They just added the VF-25F to the sales, although not as cheap as the previous 2: https://hobby-genki.com/en/bandai/16974-tiny-session-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-alto-machine-with-sheryl-nome-4573102638977.html
  5. That would be better Thunderbolt FP can then be released with the Ghost X-9
  6. Trying to look suave lol
  7. Ah yes.. its just wild speculation on my part lol. Not sure how TWE items work with WWM items now.
  8. Perhaps it could be translation error, but in one of the development notes, it is alluded the Fast Pack are included because there are just too little pieces to be sold separately? Seeing that YF-19's FP are almost similarly little in volume, them not including the FP in the re-issue pretty much just confirms that they will be sold separately later on with the rest of the full-pack the original issue came with. What would be really great, if Bandai makes the X-9 Ghost right after this YF-21. They are going through the trouble to make delimiter mode, whether in response to Yamato's effort or not, but it would be a shame to not have this side by side with the X-9. And now I'm thinking if it would have been better to have left out the FP entirely here and release the FP together with the X-9 haha.
  9. Seeing that there hasn't been any TWE releases for the VF-0 yet, for a while there I thought this CF would be a good candidate. But then it is likely the TWE spot will be taken up by the Reactive Armor..
  10. 3 years sounds rather long. No idea on HMR, but for the Chogokin we can take the Delta TV series timeline as example. The series was announced in Oct 2014, prologue episode released in Dec 2015 & the DX VF-31J was out in Dec 2016. Assuming Kawamori already had the designs finalised when Delta was announced, then the DX took 2 years..
  11. Great to see more progress on these after being repeatedly gaslit by KC on the release dates lol
  12. After the initial snafu of mailing out items in plastic bags, we haven't really heard of that happening later on. Back then, LP blamed it on the DHL logistics service they used - stock goes directly to DHL and DHL staff were the one packing it for them. Since then, I think all items sent out have proper shipper boxes. But other aspects just points to them not having dedicated staff for the more regular everyday stuff - stock receipt, inventory control & orders fulfillment. It's likely the owners or the front-persons doing everything themselves. Hence the sometimes inconsistent service. A big pointer is how they reply e-mails - instead of cookie cutter or direct-to-the-point responses that one would normally receive from dedicated customer service staff, you can tell by the way they write that it is the owners themselves answering it. My single experience with them was pretty positive, there were issues on that order but they did make it right & amenable to suggestions & discussions.
  13. With the current underbelly proportions & new delimiter belly panels more people might be choosing to do so.
  14. LOL.. Looking back, am not surprised if the HMR VF-4 is also done by T-Rex, seeing that they are just as much a shrunken version of Arcadia's.
  15. And now the web version for easier reading using web translators: https://hjweb.jp/article/1249653/ Something that wasn't so apparent earlier are the barrier punch effect parts. As per article link, the colored ones on the left comes with the reissue YF-19, whilst the egg whites-only on the right are included with the YF-21. The YF-21 ones should eventually be colored to look like the boiled eggs of YF-19's.
  16. I've been earnestly avoiding these Tiny Sessions figures, but these prices finally make me cave in & pick them up: VF-31S, 990Yen: https://hobby-genki.com/en/bandai/10446-tiny-session-vf-31s-siegfried-x-arad-moelders-machine-with-mikumo-guynemer-4573102649713.html VF-25G, 1238Yen: https://hobby-genki.com/en/bandai/14009-tiny-session-vf-25g-messiah-valkyrie-michael-custom-with-ranka-macross-frontier-4573102638960.html
  17. The colors of the green one look somewhat familiar.. then I remembered the VF-25F Family Mart edition. Edit: Added pic from Jenius's site.
  18. @tekering Very, very nice!
  19. I’m reminded of your penguin pic again
  20. Congrats @m0n5t3r and with the impending 0A, the whole trio will be complete
  21. KC going back to their KO roots.. by KO-ing themselves? How does that work
  22. Not surprising that the HMR VF-0 are mini-Arcadias, because they are designed by T-Rex as well as per scan info. It's rare Bandai acknowledges the designers.
  23. The scans confirms Fast Pack is included. Nothing about fold booster though. The guns that are to be plugged into the FP are separate, thinner (although barely from the pics) partsforming items.
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