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Everything posted by MKT

  1. Agreed. I guess I was reading too much into that last bit of quoted paragraph, and in hindsight it doesn't really make sense to design a VF to take advantage of the HG shortcut transformation whilst ignoring perfect transformation toys.
  2. Never heard of this band, but thoroughly enjoyed the performance! It does make one feel as if sitting together in a room with them. Pretty great costumes actually!
  3. Agreed that more pics should have been shown. The official Bandai pics (or rather, just one pic) can look cool in some way, even if the clear parts are weird. But the older pic from exhibition is a big no-no since there's too much of a difference in tone between the different surface treatments. It looks like someone's incomplete kit bash, or a VF that has crashed, replaced with new panels but not painted yet. Bandai should have went completely with the Imai Iron Type scheme that @Shawn posted, that would be infinitely cooler even if it gives us a shiny finish all round. At least we know where KC got inspiration from for their Dark Red scheme.
  4. Agreed it should be re-issued. Master Made is still around, it's just they have moved completely into TF territory after making Makuros.
  5. Love this interview as well, since it also segues into thinking & decisions behind the scenes for current DX, HMR & HG kits. Most of what Kawamori saying has probably been covered in older interviews before, but nonetheless refreshing to read again with some small new details. What's new for me is that one reason YF-19 was intentionally different from VF-1 was to have the cockpit in a more logical position in battroid (yet the YF-21 has the cockpit in the same position lol) and Basara's ride was almost a variant of the VF-11. Should we be worried(?) when he says of the HG kits: In the past, plastic models were also tackled as complete transformations, but I think the decision to abandon them and incorporate replacement transformations was wonderful. As long as it is a plastic model, the element of "wanting to assemble as many aircraft as you want" is an important factor. By doing so, it is possible to distinguish it from DX Chogokin. It was also an opportunity for me to think that if it is possible to increase mobility to this level, I should be able to do it so far for the next aircraft I will work on. I hope that doesn't mean that he will make future VF designs to have more anime-magic porportions, seeing how anime magic can now be tackled by the shortcut transformation aspect of the HG kit. How about the toys then? lol..2 Since Mac Plus & Mac 7 were pretty successful, I wonder what's preventing them to do something similar again - developing 2 sequels concurrently for different audiences?
  6. Hobby Japan Web interviews Shoji Kawamori, together with staff from Bandai Spirits Collectors Division & Bandai Spirits Hobby Division. https://hjweb.jp/article/1456828
  7. ^^ Even stuff sitting in the wardrobe so well organised lol.. Those deep behind will be fun to be rediscovered again years later when sifting through them, it's like buying them all over again!
  8. Price is at quite a premium, which makes it easy to skip especially since the scheme looks.. weird. Don’t really understand why some parts get clear bits and others not. Won’t sweat if I miss it, perhaps pick up at later date if it hovers around MSRP but definitely not if it goes to the current price of VF-1S Mechanics Edition.
  9. What is this abomination? Lol.. it really looks some KO mash-up..
  10. From the general DX 1/48 tread: https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45206-bandai-dx-chogokin-148-vf-1/?do=findComment&comment=1696333 Details here: https://tamashiiweb.com/item/14921 This says a 'Tamashii Store Event', indicating that it is neither a general release nor a TWE. Is it available only via proxies for us? What's weird is that in the link, there are general links for it to be available outside Japan (Asia & US only, but not EU) almost like other WWM valks. Perhaps this being a non-canon VF-1 scheme, it is out of reach of HG... Edit: So, this is part of the Chogokin 59th Anniversary Exhibition, which includes 3 other products in their own 50th scheme: https://tamashiiweb.com/store/tokyo/event/detail/202405.html Here is the sale mechanism, still not fully understanding it. It sounds like available via both TWE and lottery scheme?
  11. I'm thinking the material rot on Anubis' tail should be more to do with long term oxidation than UV, so the lighting you are using shouldn't have much effect.. Another example of something similar would be Apple charging cables for their devices, which develops cracks and flake off at places along the length of cable after some time.
  12. Very nice display set up. I love the lighting arrangement, especially the curtain lights at the back.
  13. Technically not the most recent, but pretty stoked to have got the Master Made Makuros SDF-1 earlier this year. It is quite a well made.
  14. Nice grabs! I remember having a mini-obsession with getting them a few years back, & pretty ecstatic when finally got Anubis to complete. Anubis has a weak point though, the PVC / rubbery sheathing on his tail can rot & fall off, based on some used examples I’ve seen. I’m guessing a lot is to do with exposure to UV or oxidation, not unlike some plastic-leather materials on 1/6 scale figures..
  15. Very nice pic, love silhouettes like this.. And agreed on the rear landing gears, it's surprising Yamato didn't implement any sort of locking mechanism as they are always particular about the gears.
  16. So they are really vintage stuff... Awesome to see that design in 1988, and the size of those jets! Something we'll hardly see today unless it's some Haslab or kickstarter-type release.
  17. Haha ok I re-read my post, it sounds like I was really stating the obvious on the VF-19, but I was having the Yammie v Arcadia YF-19 in mind when I wrote that. It's just I met some casual collectors who thought they are the same molds & only insist on the DX YF-19, and I can see their confusion even if Arcadia's have already been out a long time. I brought out my Arcadia YF-19 once and the look on one's face was priceless when they realise how the new mold was superior in every way to the Yammie.
  18. Very cool, at first I thought the one the right is a Darkstar from Top Gun Maverick. Threw me off because of the pseudo-F-14 beside it lol. After looking it up, am only realising now it’s an X-19. Are these the same as below video & really vintage items?
  19. The differences between the HM and HMR reminds me of the Yammie vs Arcadia YF-19. Individually they look similar but look very different side by side. And all doubts on differences immediately dispelled the moment one picks them up in hand.
  20. Thanks for the comparison. Ace Toyz weight being much more substantial is quite surprising, seeing how Bandai's already pretty heavy. I don't have Ace Toyz version, just Bandai's. I keep thinking Ace Toyz version is smaller even in the second comparison video, but on rewatch, the size is actually the same. I too am leaning to the light up features, which I'm usually impartial to as electronics in toys are usually more trouble than they are worth. The good thing is the on-off switch can be accessed easily. And now learning about the weight also tips me over to it as well - nothing like a good old school gokin-type feel sometimes. I didn't plan on getting this, but now I just might!
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