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Everything posted by MKT

  1. I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but only found out today that Kawamori designed a watch for Sony a few years ago. https://shojikawamori.jp/en/works/wena-wrist-2020/ I'm actually more intrigued by the promotional video, which has another aircraft specially designed for the watch. The jet really looks like an amalgam of his other works, but I thought the most prominent feature is the rear stabiliser that looks very similar to the Thunderbird Shadow, which he also designed. Here's the video (weird there's no audio, but perhaps its due to song copyrights):
  2. I would argue that the white skull isn't really missed, as the rest of the scheme already look so nice.
  3. Haha good catch. Hopefully that flap doesn't fall off easily in the actual toy. Unlike for Rick's 1J, the pics of Roy's 1S seem to be based on an actual production unit, with the tolerances and gaps especially for Fighter looking tighter. No surprises here as they likely use an actual Rick production & then manually painted it to Roy's scheme. At least the cockpit canopy is no more frosted like the previous samples. One thing that bugs me about Battroid, is that in the many pics here and before where the thigh sideway joints (some refer to it as drawer joints?) are engaged, the leg looks weird, unnatural and makes the whole thigh area look very skinny.. I am also seeing this aspect in KC's v2 VF-1. Yet it is something that I don't notice on Bandai's DX. I think Bandai sculpted the thighs fuller so they don't look weird when that joint is being used, and it is something Bandai got very right even if I didn't know it before until I see KC's and ThreeZero's now.. Still, ThreeZero has some nice angles. This is my fav of the whole lot:
  4. Bandai DX 1/65 VF-17D. Got this more out of curiosity, since been reading there's some good aspects to it compared to the later 1/60s.
  5. Yeah it is a shame they didn’t make more, at least an Ozma. Such a waste it being a one & done.
  6. More pics.. I do love how Theeezero supply plenty of pics during PO. On other side, KC likes to provide only one single lousy image.
  7. Roy is next. PO on 17th May. https://www.threezerohk.com/product/robo-dou-robotech-vf-1s-veritech-roy-fokker/
  8. WOW! This is really, really cool & awesome! Great build, great pics.
  9. All these popcorn merchandises are really quite bizarre nowadays haha.. but I kinda like it in a strange way. Perhaps I wasn't concentrating much, but I thought the power swords were just too hot such that the hilt heats up, hence can't be used with bare hands for long. We see that guy Kora was with (can't remember his name) using it against M. Bison in the end fight. Not very effective if they are indeed keyed that anyone can still pick up and use them, albeit momentarily.
  10. The sculpt of that Milia figure is extraordinarily sharp & well defined for a custom.
  11. Love this. Quite some cool playability, and I like the idea of powered suit ever ready in hand when ejecting from cockpit.
  12. https://twitter.com/nue_post/status/1788215905643798763
  13. Max Factory Plamax 1/20 Lyn Minmay. Skipped when they were on PO, and even the reissues. But finally picked an original issue up, to be built on retirement. The new Basara & Mylene ones being previewed looks good though, & will likely get them.
  14. So far, all 3 missile pairs do have their place in the tray. Cribbing from anymoon.com: Arad’s 31S: Hayate’s 31J Kai: Mirage’s Supers:
  15. Bandai did tease Bogue’s red 262hs after so many years, but it really isn’t the 262 variant we want. There was a time going into Delta that I thought Bandai would make all the valks in the show in full force, especially coming from Frontier. Even many Macross 30 schemes got released during the Frontier era. Then something changed along the way mid-Delta & suddenly full line-ups get abandoned.
  16. New pics are cool. Though the bike & figure set still look like rendered images..
  17. Sometimes can't even remember if the links have been posted before.
  18. Nice pic showing the great articulation Pose+ is known for.. This sells it even more for me somewhat. Though I can't help feeling JJ appears to be the main star of this toy package lol. Many of the poses he's been put in look to put other established figure-centric lines to shame.
  19. I had to look really hard to spot the differences and wondering if its due to the camera, but this encapsulates it.
  20. LOL Max will probably take out both at same time in 10 seconds.. at both their age combined in their prime.
  21. Haha just an app filter to give it that effect.
  22. Sentinel Prime is not pleased..
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