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Everything posted by MKT

  1. Of the various Yammie v2 I have, I think the Low-Vis has the most intense rainbow tinted canopy.. I just can't stop admiring this scheme at the moment.. and so it is my most favorite color now.
  2. That seems to be the norm these days for P-Bandai items. The DX VT-1 & perhaps one or two other items before that also have very short notice times.
  3. Well my go-to proxy for years has stopped accepting purchase requests at P-Bandai. There isn't really great proxy choices left & now likely have to buy from one of the JP stores.
  4. VF-25S Revival: https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/macross/130116-dx-chogokin-macross-frontier-vf-25s-armored-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-revival-ver-limited-edition-bandai-spirits-.html
  5. In the Tamashii page, when one lists condition by DX Chogokin, the VF-25S Revival shows up no matter what location one sets the page at: If one sets the page to Japan, then the other P-Bandai VF-1 shows up:
  6. RIP wallet at this moment lol.. The Tamashii web link doesn't even have English language option yet, so browser translation at moment. Price: Yen 36,300 (including JP domestic tax) Release: Nov 2024 PO starts: 06 June 2024.
  7. Hmm in the new video it shows the swing bar can also be detached ala Bandai's DX. Hopefully the attachment is sturdy won't accidentally or unintentionally detach during handling.
  8. Always wanted to revisit the Low-Vis..
  9. Couple of interviews with Kawamori & Itano. https://dig-it.media/showa50/article/836837/ https://dig-it.media/showa50/article/836846/ These first appeared in Showa 50 Men, July 2023 issue:
  10. Some stores still have it. https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/hi-metal-r/129539-hi-metal-r-macross-flash-back-2012-hikaru-ichijo-s-vf-4a-lightning-iii-bandai-spirits-.html https://anime-export.com/index.php?product=80835
  11. If you are on mobile, it probably asks you to view on app when clicking on the link. Try enabling web translation, & then there should be link somewhere on that page that says ‘continue viewing on web browser’.
  12. Thanks I actually have a strong urge to go back and redo that VF-4 pic, because the canard can be pushed in further such that its flush instead of the gap it currently has & that bugs me quite a bit.. But 'volkaholism' is a new vocabulary I'm liking a lot! haha.. I do love the YF-19 too, and it's quite the perfect FSW shaped valk from all angles. Love the vibrant colours and background.
  13. Definitely check out Jenius's review I guess.. https://anymoon.com/blog/?p=7715#more-7715 But yes, Arcadia's mold fixed all the issues you mentioned. For the hips, Arcadia's have pull out joints, but the big caveat is that for the 0A & 0D, you might run into copies on which the hips might separate on you, so I think many owners do not even pull out those hip joints for fear of it happening. None of the 0S or the OD PF version have that problem though.
  14. For the HMR VF-4 Reissue: Yoyakunow: https://www.yoyakunow.com/en/robots/21708-hi-metal-r-vf-4-lightning-iii-flash-back-2012-.html Amiami (note it opens a day later, June 04, 11am JST): https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-170914
  15. In-hand video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV19i421m7BP/ Articulation wise, there doesn't seem to be much surprise from the pics we've seen so far. The guy in the video didn't really go through articulation in detail, but we do see the new ankle flap. He didn't try the sideway hip joints or pull out the feet though. But the way he puts the figure through its motions give the impression that the joints are suitably tight yet smooth like how a normal TZ figure is, and certainly no hint of fiddly-ness that plaque KC's valks. We also see the waist swivel mechanism in more detail, and it is exactly as described in my earlier post a few pages back when TZ released the transformation animation video - this is a big win over Bandai's fiddly mechanism that I think many of us pretend doesn't exist lol. What is surprising is the rear landing gears also cant sideways like the DX. I always felt that was a nice touch on the DX, and it is very welcome here.
  16. CM’s Gutto Kuru Megazone 23 Part 3, Eve Tokimatsuri. I wish CM’s didn’t skip Eve from Parts 1 & 2, especially Part 1 where the characters are designed by Mikimoto.
  17. By hikarumacs: https://x.com/hikarumacs/status/1796535714504655220
  18. Ah gotcha.
  19. it’s been a while since I’ve watched Zero - There were CF 0Ds in the show but never noticed if any wore the super parts. I hate to think it’s Bandai bandai-ed in some way, somehow leaving the slots there when they used the 0S’s CAD file as starting point for the 0D. Yet it’s not impossible thought haha
  20. If not mistaken, the one who did that beautiful 0D is also a member here. @EastwindS2k. Here’s the link to his thread of his other works: Depending on the platform you are viewing this forum on, the pics might show up as thumbnails, so gotta click on them to appreciate in full.
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