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Everything posted by MKT

  1. I thought R-Area sounds mightily familiar, and it jogged my memory: he has just started publishing some Macross doujin as well, & feature quite interesting Valkyrie kitbashes. One of the recent ones was of a Tomahawk VF-1 kitbash that interestingly works quite well visually. Seeing some of his (perhaps not all) published works listed on Mandarake..
  2. Wow thanks for the info, I totally missed that jacket poster! I guess it also explains why this book's prices in secondary market appear to be higher than the standalone print.. I didn't watch Zillion, but I got the Apple figure for heck of it, and really like the sculpt and its subtle details the pose brings. I'm guessing the market for figures of older anime are very different from the mecha toys that gets more chances of re-releases. At this point, I think only a true fan sitting high up enough in one of the figure-making companies would be able to push through these figures. Minmay is wayyy overdue, but since new Basara & Mylene figures are now being made, hopefully she'll be next.. @oshanmacross thanks for the link. The more I see the Garlands, the more I appreciate them and their derivatives. Bike mode has that outrageous futuristic coolness (mainly the leg side-pods), Slave mode has the chunky 80's real-mecha look, whilst the transformation process has a straightforward but elegant simplicity to it.
  3. Yeah it is the Maneuver Book, and for Part 1 only. Looking at past posts and other info, it seems the book was considered bad in its time due to heavy recycled content, and high price tag when it was sold as a standalone. I'm pretty happy with it since it is my only M23 book.. No pull out posters though. I wish there were more figures of Eve made from Parts 1 & 2.. instead of just obscure resin kits..
  4. I’m also interested in how Calibre Wings v2 stands hold up. Their v1 stand wasn’t very good for dynamic banking poses. Because the triangle base footprint is quite small, the whole stand tips over easily if the weight on the arms goes slightly off centre, especially if you use the longer arm. v2 supposedly fixes this with the base now being metal for better weight stability.
  5. Nora’s mangled valkyrie after blown up by bird human? 😁
  6. Took to re-watching Megazone 23 Part 1 recently, and just only realized the song early in the movie is the same as another song by a very well known Cantopop singer. Interesting since I read the discussion of songs being ripped-off in the Bubblegum Crisis tread.. Meanwhile, copy and pasting my post from another tread: Recent Megazone 23 purchase arrivals: After getting my first Garland toy from Arcadia back few years ago, I went on a hunt for the older Yamato releases, starting with the repaints. Kudos to @jenius for his reviews. The original Yamato regular red Garland always eluded me, in a sense it was tough to find one that hasn't had exploding metal bars or shoulders, or the very elusive red metallic gift set version with fixed joints & better paint. So when the regular red appeared on Mandarake for super low price and with no remarks of damaged or broken joints, I jumped on it. Duly checked when it arrived and very stoked that all the joints are indeed intact on this copy.. As luck would have it, when it rains it pours, but in a good way. Right after the red Garland purchase, the red metallic gift set version suddenly shows up for sale elsewhere. I have never, ever seen this pop up anywhere before, so was even more excited with this purchase and the anticipation of it when the package was on the way.. And so it finally arrives.. Although the DVD is quite obsolete now, the icing on this red metallic version is the VERY nice artbook that comes with it.. Can't wait to set all these up with the other Garlands.. Now, just waiting for Arcadia to release their 1/24 Army colour version that should be out next month. Hopefully it wont be delayed any longer..
  7. Cyclion does pop up occasionally on Mandarake, slightly below MSRP. I read somewhere before this figure is based on its designer’s resin kit, and he has done a few repaints or minor variations of the kit, much like Nicee & Mocha now. So there’s chance Good Smile might continue with Cyclion repaints down the road.
  8. @wm cheng if NY moved your order to the 2nd batch end Oct, it is likely it will go over the 6-month Paypal protection period from the date you first ordered..
  9. Recent Megazone 23 purchase arrivals: After getting my first Garland toy from Arcadia back few years ago, I went on a hunt for the older Yamato releases, starting with the repaints. Kudos to @jenius for his reviews. The original Yamato red Garland always eluded me, in a sense it was tough to find one that hasn't had exploding metal bars or shoulders, or the very elusive red metallic gift set version with fixed joints & better paint. So when the normal red appeared on Mandarake for super low price and with no remarks of damaged or broken joints, I jumped on it. Duly checked when it arrived and very stoked that all the joints are indeed intact on this copy.. As luck would have it, when it rains it pours, but in a good way. Right after the red Garland purchase, the red metallic gift set version suddenly shows up for sale elsewhere. I have never, ever seen this pop up anywhere before, so was even more excited with this purchase and the anticipation of it when the package was on the way.. And so it finally arrives.. Although the DVD is quite obsolete now, the icing on this red metallic version is the VERY nice artbook that comes with it.. Can't wait to set all these up with the other Garlands..
  10. Nicee is already a great figure, with good solid build and lots of diecast joints. Mocha is visually more appealing to me, especially the alt mode where the curvy hardtop greatly improves its silhouette. Although Nicee started as Arcee before the last minute headsculpt change, I never had the urge to want to replace its head with any of the 3rd party Arcee heads and accepted it as a standalone character. Now with the upcoming Mocha, I think they will make a great companion piece to Good Smile's Cyclion..
  11. Loving this pic & the mood lighting..
  12. Quick 5 minutes unboxing, Fighter mode impressions: 1. Tolerances seem unsurprisingly, similar to the red Zeta. No loose wing flap. To unfurl the vertical stabilisers for the first time & avoid breakage, hands need to be partially transformed out of the way. Didn't transform the figure to Soldier yet, but won't be surprised if there are no further tolerance tweaks compared to the Zeta. 2. The head fin, just like the Zeta, is also very pointy and sharp & can cut fingers easily. 3. Yellow figure's joints stay well together, just like Houquet / Fuke. 3. Still not liking the base. Such a drab, almost featureless cheap shiny black plastic..
  13. Legioss Iota arrived from Amazon JP today. It took less than 24 hours from postage to arrive my part of the world, and in more than a year where parcels are regularly delayed by other carriers, I'm just amazed by Amazon's DHL parcels that's as if someone chartered a personal flight from JP to me to hand it personally. Now I hope Sentinel moves on to the Tread or Fuke's ride armor..
  14. I liked collecting this too. Surprisingly, this Mylene & associated Minmay figure are still at very wallet friendly prices. The paint may be a bit flat, but the combined stage and book packaging gives them a nice charm..
  15. Sorry to hear this... but also pleased to hear couple of dreams fulfilled. Love the choice of one of best FWD handler as your ride.
  16. Always felt its great that DX and HMR exist for the exact same VF-1 variant.. its a space & more cost effective way to display them in each of their different modes.
  17. A simple concept but a very cool blend of both pics. Really liking this..
  18. Hey great!! I think you’ve also tried to match the lighting on the valk, and it looks really nice .
  19. Thanks for sharing that. Perhaps limited production just means they are not ready to open PO worldwide. If that’s the case, perhaps TWE orders have more of chance, since that doesn’t appear to fall under this limitation. On other hand, Roy’s VF-1S release seem to have indicated Bandai can do very much increased numbers for normal releases if they want to.
  20. Perhaps there’s some hope, this 31AX may show up for PO outside Japan soon? Just like the recent Mac 7 Basara & Mylene statues.. Totally forgot about another site that wasn’t mentioned here this round: Hobby-Genki. They are sold out, but I am wondering if anyone did get any orders in? Come to think if it, don’t seem to hear anyone PO-ing or receiving stuff from them over the last few PO’s, although the vendor do occasionally come to these boards.
  21. It’s available depending on location. Me being in South East Asia..
  22. For those still waiting on Luna Park for VF-1D, suggest to e-mail them immediately to confirm if they will pack them properly this time. I just received mine, which is part of the 1st batch sent out the day after release. They put it in the DHL bag, but they did not even use DHL to my location. Instead, it was just normal JP Post airmail parcel (not EMS). Took 2 weeks to arrive. Amazingly on one hand, it arrived in relatively good condition considering the packaging & mail method with just some slight dings & minor dents on corners. On other hand, quite pissed because they invoiced shipping money that should covers EMS cost (shorter shipping, less chance of damage) but went with the much cheaper mail option with crappiest packaging instead.
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