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Everything posted by MKT

  1. Hmm.. As I am appreciating bike mecha more & more, I really want to like the Tri-charger. Yet my biggest issue with its design are the huge wheels sticking out of the shins, looking somewhat unresolved, and just looks wrong. I imagine it will a real chore to walk with huge weights on your knees or shins. There should have a way to move the wheels somewhere to the back, perhaps at the butt below the front wheel, even if they cheat a little by just simply unplugging them from the shins & sticking them there.
  2. At the moment, the only way to have Zentraedi ships will mostly be resin kits and 3D prints, and something I try to avoid as much as possible due to limited paint skills. Now that there's ceasefire between BW & HG, I wish a company like Eaglemoss would take the mantle to produce all the Zentraedi & other capital ships in Macross universe just like what they do with other franchises. Don't mind if the scale would be pretty small, but it will be fantastic to have representations of all them.
  3. On the B2Five ride armors, I watched a FB video not too long ago where the designer was introducing the toys, transforming it on-screen with some discussion on their design philosophy. The designer is from Hong Kong, & is actually the same guy behind the recent & very excellent Pose+ Baikanfu. Some takeaways: 1. It is not perfect transformation, yet nowhere near the huge partsformer of Megahouse's. Only the front forks are removed from bike to armor mode and stored aside. This is for practical purposes at this scale for the transformation & posing in armor mode, plus to avoid overengineering & complexity like CM's. 2. The designer intended this to be a desktop toy, to be fiddled frequently, quickly transformed back and forth & easily posed with the included stand. From the video, the transformation process is pretty straightforward, & the pre-production sample he was using to demonstrate the transformation look to have pretty good tolerances (unlike the CM's, those were quite a nightmare to transform). 3. The stand has peg holes all around it to plug in all the accessories - extra hands, head / helmet, weapons etc. Once everything in on the stand, the entire toy can be moved just with one palm. No need to look for a separate parts bin. 4. If sales of the initial 3 armors are good, Houquet should be offered up next. So, this could be another line where we might have the complete 4. I was quite lukewarm on the B2Fives before this, but the video made me very interested in PO-ing them. I just can't find the link now, will post it up when I come across it again. Edit: Found it https://fb.watch/9cmGSJIIGY/
  4. Anime Export has it as well: https://www.anime-export.com/index.php?product=54467
  5. It's also a big relief the color isn't a hot pink, like the pilot figure that came with the Legioss Zeta.
  6. it’s been a long time coming, but.. Woo hoo finally!!!
  7. Ah space... early on in the collecting journey, display space was the big headache. Need more cases, then need more rooms. Boxes were a minor problem; they were just shoved into whatever available space in closet or corner. Then later it became obvious, the boxes were the biggest problem. Because even if run out of display space long ago, the boxes still need to be dealt with as the toys keep arriving. Came to a point where we probably need a 1:1 ratio of display real estate to boxes storage space..
  8. I'm happy with the Yamcadia GBPs.. but Bandai's tampo printing just makes it look miles better.
  9. Quite amazed that the Lancia Stratos' design still looks fresh today, as when it debuted more than 40 years ago That Tyrell is another outrageous design which really stood out to this day. No doubt it directly influenced Kawamori when he did the mecha for the Future GPX Cyber Formula series. Though I've never watched the series, I've been humming and hawing on the toy when it was on PO last year. And look, its the same scale as the Tyrell!
  10. When I looked for my copy not too long ago, I went by what was shown in Mandarake: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/listPage/list?keyword=Aoshima Gokin Airwolf&lang=en Looks like there’s at least 4 different versions: 1. Standard metallic dark blue. 2. Metallic black. 3. Matt black. 4. Matt black & weathered.
  11. Great pick ups! Cool Bond Esprit and an even better Blue Thunder..
  12. Well, next 2 DX releases are the VF-31J Speakerpods in Oct, and the VF-31AX in Dec. Going by previous years, the next DX release likely to be only in April 2022. Whether it will be another VF-1 at that time is up to speculation, but since the new Delta movie is coming out next month, I think it'll likely be another Delta valk release.
  13. ePacket from JPost is the same as Airmail Small Package from other vendors. Slower than EMS, but faster than the old SAL method.
  14. Prime in Cybertron..
  15. The weight of the new 2.0 base is reassuring.. their old 1.0 base was only 20g. Looking at the pics, the stand is now able to at least take the same banking angles as the regular Flightpose. But the good thing about this Router stand are the additional arms of varying lengths that come with it.
  16. Even though the Armored is one-mode only, we still need multiples. One to outwardly pose display, another to display from within its cool box windows, and a 3rd for just-in-case.
  17. Really, really amazing!! 1. The tampoes make the armor look much more detailed than any previous Armored implementations. 2. The missile exhaust vents, a topic that was brought up recently, has some sort of grille surfacing details. 3. The sculpt looks perfect. The base valk has the line art accuracy, yet with the armor it morphs into & captures the exaggerated anime proportions well. The oversized hands are hilarious yet look so right with the armor. I'm comparing with Arcadia's VF-0. The 1/60 VF-0 and Bandai's 1/48 VF-1 are about the same size, both base valks look really great, yet the Armored results between both are so different. Bandai's really captured the anime feel, whilst Arcadia's has some strange proportions that doesn't endear so well. 4. The VF-1 thigh side-joints really find purchase here in getting around the traditional leg articulation limitation of Armored valks; we finally get to have the Armored in stances that we couldn't have done before.
  18. After owning it for a while & some of the initial shine has passed, as a display piece I still love the ES Gokin for many of its individual things: the metal, the deep candy red & dark silver paint, the sculpt on each individual parts, the mechanical details and greebles on the surfaces that comes with a nice wash. The downside is when stepping back & looking at the sculpt as whole - the lanky torso in Slave, Bike-mode's huge front wheel fender gap & leg pods angle (viewed from top, the leg pods are not straight ahead like the anime Garlands, but more of arrow like). Thankfully, all these can be mitigated with choice poses. Looking at the pics of development prototypes, I think some of these sculpt issues were not so pronounced, but they probably couldn't get the perfect transformation right as it was, hence the long delay and releasing it with the changes we get. One thing that still irritates slightly is the continued use of development prototype pics in the sale posts, instead of the actual released product. In these pics, Bike mode's front wheel fender gap is almost non-existent, giving it a sleeker hunkered down look. But yeah, the huge discount now at HLJ is really a boon.
  19. This is the 2nd or 3rd time HLJ put the ES Gokin on heavy discount. Earlier this year, a bunch of it was on Mandarake at the 20k yen range as well. Each time I had to hold back pulling the trigger for the 3rd time.
  20. Superb pic!! I was really on the fence on this Figma Motoko, skipped it in the end but I might just regret it down the road..
  21. Thanks.. It was junk item with missing parts, but pretty happy with it. It looks crazy heavy, perhaps more than a real monitor lizard of its size..
  22. Kinda like how the kits are about the same size as the Atelier & Organic Garlands.. They will display well together. How much are these kits? They look just about good enough not having to paint them (I suck at this).. Edit: Since the kits are Wonderfest items only, I guess its gonna be pretty much hard to get, let alone the price..
  23. I am hoping the pictures in the Twitter link show a further development of Arcadia’s prototype, but these look like renders with simpler lines.. perhaps a smaller scale model kit?
  24. Quite envy your multiples. Now I’m looking for an APC too, but perhaps not at current crazy prices. There’s just something very satisfying handling a toy or model piece that’s mostly metal; the weight, cold surface & feeling of robustness.. The long nose gun (or is it some sort of antenna?), is missing. So are the retracted landing gear doors. It so happens if I want to display it in flight mode, the landing gear door cavities make great resting places for the Flightpose tips. But there’s the issue of whether or not Flightpose can taking the weight of the Dropship over the long term…
  25. Picked up a loose 1/72 Cheyenne Dropship, by Aoshima.. This thing weights a brick! I wish Aoshima would have continued their sci-fi diecast line.
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