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Everything posted by MKT

  1. Great pics @no3Ljm
  2. Waiting for Amazon JP link to be up… Still not sure if the markings will be tampo-Ed on. In the old Yamato listings for this, the markings weren’t shown on the product pictures, whereas they are here..
  3. Pic shows all the markings are there, so will it be premium-finished? We'll find out in couple of days..
  4. Great suggestion on matt finish sprays.
  5. Color-wise the tornado & super parts may be close to the valk, but the parts are glossy whilst the valk will be matte finished..
  6. I quite like this shade of cobalt blue chosen for Max’s YF-29. Just the color alone will make it stand out quite a bit in the collection.
  7. Finally we have an actual picture of Mirage’s AX..
  8. Hmm what is that on the right? Looks interesting..
  9. I suppose the current & ongoing full lockdowns at major parts of China is really disrupting movement of everything..
  10. I've been slowly getting the Yamato Tomahawks, to sort of make up for the almost vaporware HMR ones then. So yeah hope this release doesn't affect Bandai's decision to go ahead with theirs after them resurrecting their prototype recently..
  11. The previous official color renderings weren't very clear on this, I always thought the 2 smaller thrusters were an integrated part of the bigger leg thrusters in Fighter mode, and just splits out from it in the X-wing-like & other modes.. With the new underside images, it looks like they actually unfurl out from the belly of the fighter. I am liking the SV-303 design more and more.. But perhaps its a new valk syndrome, same as when the SV-262 was first revealed.
  12. Came across posts of FB, more details on the SV-303:
  13. I have nice memories of MASK.. it’s great Ramen Toys dabbling into this & other 80’s cartoon. Not too long ago, they were toying with idea of getting into Starcom as well.. Hoping Ramen Toys will make Switchblade..
  14. Arrgghh rickrolled!
  15. Hunting down older figures can give a bit of rush. Nice pick-ups!
  16. Which Hordak is it? Somehow this figure looks much better than what I remember in the old cartoon..
  17. Great score @eXis10z! Keep the VF-0D and continue the VF-0S hunt.. if you return or sell off the OD now, it is likely you'll want it back after you get the OS..
  18. Mirage’s with super has never looked better!
  19. Thanks @Ignacio Ocamica I just found the old tread here on MW for these items & yeah quite a shame Series 3 was abandoned. VF-3000 & the Fanliner would have been great items to have even today..
  20. My favorite little VF-1J Low Vis of the day..
  21. Fingers crossed. Otherwise Mirage’s AX will continue to be, in @jenius’s final words on his review “this toy will always just be ‘so close to great’ that it will drive you nuts.”
  22. Nice custom schemes! Always love it when a VF-1 is done in F-14 schemes. Are the decals from the Hasegawa kit?
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