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Everything posted by MKT

  1. As opposed to the VF-25S Armored, this 262 repaint is now being offered on official P-Bandai sites outside Japan across Asia. Bandai appears to be testing out different avenues for web exclusives now. I’m also surprised Bandai didn’t package in the missile packs for this, as what they have been fond of doing for other WWM DX releases. With this scheduled to be released in Feb next year, safe to say we won’t be getting any more new valk toys this year that hasn’t already been announced. The VF-25S Armored in Nov will cap off a rather busy year of reissues, revivals & new molds. Hopefully we’ll get a DX 262Ba next year, and they’ll also do a SV-303 Vivaswat soon!
  2. Ok finally an acknowledgement of the Gluu-ger delays.
  3. It is similar to Keith's, but they adopted that for the show too.
  4. PO links for SV-262Hs Bogue: Yoya: https://www.yoyakunow.com/en/robots/22082-dx-chogokin-movie-edition-sv-262hs-draken-iii-bogue-con-vaart-use.html Nin-nin: https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/macross/140445-dx-chogokin-macross-delta-bogue-con-vaart-s-sv-262hs-draken-iii-red-knight-ver-limited-edition-bandai-spirits-.html
  5. MKT

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    Yeah just gotta try and have zero expectations now with anything Bandai. We already can’t reliably predict what they gonna release next, & now we can’t take for granted if the quality is gonna be ok for repaints. Keith’s Hs color scheme still look much better than this Red Knight’s, the gold/copper really pop against the dark blue base & is just the most gorgeous paint scheme in Macross toy history IMHO. Such a shame no Ba yet, but when the movie debuted this Hs Red Knight, the intention to milk Hs is pretty much telegraphed, even if I was just saying we shouldn’t predict anything Bandai does lol. Frustrating..
  6. Updated first post with official info. Sales area is only in 3 regions, unlike the immediate previous P-Bandai item the VF-25S Armored Revival. I wonder if they Bandai will do hybrid style sales like the latter...
  7. Yup it was at the start of the 2nd movie.
  8. Not the Ba though. Gotta milk that mold..
  9. DX Chogokin SV-262Hs Draken III Bogue Con-Vaart P-Bandai item. PO Date: 23 Aug 2024, 4pm JST. https://tamashiiweb.com/item/15103/?wovn=en Alternative pics, this one shows Bogue’s pilot sculpt. from Macross Showroom:
  10. Before watching @jenius's review, I didn't realise there were all these sculpt & design issues with the FP in Fighter mode. I'm wondering if the FP pieces are supposed to have any markings on them? There's so much tampo on the main valk (not a complaint) but the FP have none, and with the plain grey plastic against the valk, they look little better than plain 3D printed pieces.
  11. Went to watch it on a whim yesterday on the back of generally good early sentiments of it. Before this, I've only ever watched the first teaser trailer that came out months ago, and at that time it felt a bit wearying like its beating another tired old horse, with the visuals looking like it was made more for streaming rather than with a big-screen experience in mind. Came out pleasantly surprised that the flick is so much better than what the teaser suggested. I think the visuals looked exactly right, with good effects and mood setting throughout its runtime. A problem I notice more often with cinemas post pandemic is that the equipment may be behind on their maintenance schedules, and movies with dark and limited light settings like this demand good projection calibration in their brightness settings, so I was thankful there were no issues on this aspect in the hall I was in. I'm only catching up with detailed reviews now, and there have been some criticisms on its story in that it recycles a lot of old ideas. I think it depends on how much of a fan one is of the originals, and when was the last time we watched it. It has been many, many years since I watched the originals, so although there were homages that I recognize, I didn't think it was too much on the nose. Sometimes, franchises do need this after years of straying into the wilderness - to remind what makes the originals great but in a different take, with enough scenes that makes it stand on its own. This is why I thought SW Episode 7 was pretty enjoyable when it came out, which in turn reminds me exactly of how Macross Frontier homaging its older brethren at that time. There have been other titles more recently that lean into nostalgia like Ghostbusters Afterlife & Prey, but I think Romulus is a better movie from this standpoint. I'm hearing terms like 'back to horror' being thrown about, but at this point most of us are pretty familiar with the xenomorphs that it is not scary anymore. The movie does have thick suspense & some inventive scenes though.
  12. @jenius’s transformation video is up. Edit: Video re-uploaded by jenius, see his post further down this page.
  13. From what I’m hearing about Bandai overseas support, they are nowhere as efficient as domestic JP. Any replacement parts can take up to 6 months to arrive, so just have to tamper expectations accordingly.
  14. Random buys again. Sega prize figures of something called Heaven Burns, apparently a mobile RPG game. I just like the very dynamic poses of these ladies with their weapons, which is somewhat rare for prize figures.
  15. More details end of this month. From Stone Cheung:
  16. I’ll always remember Frontier valks as my entry point in Macross & toy collecting. I’ll never forget holding a renewal VF-25F & going misty eyed seeing how much toys have progressed from as I was a kid. Just only few years prior to that, I happened to pick up a Transformers Alternity, and only that in isolation, and thought that was the high line of toy engineering. How wrong I was.
  17. +1. Though these days if it’s a movie I’m interested in watching at the cinemas, I won’t first read the entire piece in case of spoilers, but just key summary to know if it’s worth watching or not. Then only get back to whole review after the show.
  18. Yup at moment KC’s looks to be a great toy, much more so than their mainstay VF-1. The Yamato 1/60 posted above by @Ignacio Ocamica really looks majestic. Can be found here. Poster seems to be adding pics over time so check back on it occasionally.
  19. The packaging look to be the key offender at initial glance, much in the same way the YF-19 Full Pack did with so little clearance on top, but then again every single report we’ve seen of broken stabilizers are of the left side.
  20. In addition to @Ignacio Ocamica’s list, there was also a reported case of having 2 of the same sided mini-fins below the intakes.
  21. If Bandai follows the HG 1/100 scaling as an example like what we are sort of seeing with Fire Valk, then it’ll be even more jarring if HMR YF-19 & YF-21 gets made. Despite what the official comparative specs say, I’m just so conditioned in thinking the VF-1 as among the smallest VF by far, so to see it being mid-tier height needs quite a mental adjustment lol. On other note, that sensor module is something that looks really out of place. The whole Ghost look sleek but then it’s as if Kawamori (?) remembered Zero’s to take place in an older era so tacked on a brick on top.
  22. At this point this is the only realistic option. KC must have tried hard to make it work with one figure, just like they tried with Dana.
  23. Epic Gerwalk pic from Macrossover.
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