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Zeta Otaku

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Everything posted by Zeta Otaku

  1. Just got my first and ONLY Toynami MPC from Keving today. While nothing instantly exploded, I realized that I've bought bootlegs with a higher standard of quality. For instance, the legs... they wouldn't budge. Had to pop them open. What do I find? Well, the polycaps that allows the legs to slide were GLUED in the track. freed them, cleared the track, and it's all good. Now, is it just me or do the arms just NOT want to fold together and lock in with the legs as snuggly as they did when it was first boxed? Anyway, on my own personal scale of Lego to Binal Tech, the MPC Alpha rates as a "meh"... there was a lot of promise here, but there's just too much wrong with this sucker. I'm sure when the bootleg comes out, it'll be superior to this guy in some ways warrenting a kitbash for a true MPC. And this thing is definitely staying in Fighter or robot (whatever they call it) mode. Guardian/Gerwalk/roadkill mode will not be used.... ever.
  2. I'll vote once I get mine from V-Exchange
  3. The Strike and Freedom are two of the best MGs I've built (and I've built most of the ones available... in some cases twice). One thing I found that helps with the Freedom's wings is take the tube part they pop into and coat the inside with a thin layer of glue (I use crazy glue with the brush applicator) and let it sit and dry over night. The next day, pop the wings in (make sure th glue has fully dried first) and the wings should not budge unless you want them too.
  4. Hmm... been planning on getting one. I still am, but now that I know what to expect from the Alphas, I gotta prepare my fixing tools... screw driver, glue, hobby knife, and the holy Hammer of Frustration. Worst case scenario, I get an Alpha that looks like it took a nose dive into the Earth from a high orbit...
  5. If DD does show up, it probably won't be Ben Afflack. Marvel is having some trouble getting him to sign up for DD2, so even a cameo is a little out of the question. I have a really good feeling about this But, in the end, this Female Super Hero Movie will kick the poo out of the current female super hero movie... Batman Begins better do well or I fear DC will never recover their loses from Catskank... er... Catwoman.
  6. I believe she's supposed to be Cagalli from Gundam Seed, but I could be wrong...
  7. LOL!!! Graham, they have a little old asian lady plucking away at a violin singing it... when peter walks by her, his face is priceless!
  8. Actually... he still could be an older Stark... thereby giving the filmmakers an excuse to introduce Jim Rhodes as... WAR MACHINE!!! Have you guys seen Pierce Brosnan with a mustache? He's old enough to be Stark now. I don't want a "young Stark" like in the reinvented comics. But all this talk of superheroes and nothing of Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins??? And they're currently casting a new Superman which may begin production by the end of this year! But back to Spiderman. I sure hope Spidey ditches Mary Jane and they can find a new love interest...like Felicia Hardy! I just can't stand Kirsten Dunst. as of now, Dunst doesn't want to do anymore Spidey films after #3... so there are a few things that'll happen: 1) They'll kill her off and move on to another love interest 2) They'll recast the role to someone else 3) She'll decide she still wants a sizable paycheck from Marvel/Sony and sign on for a few more sequels
  9. If you really want to know, PM me... otherwise, i'd like to keep anything spoiler-ish about this film or the next under wraps
  10. yep, she sure is!!! i think they were waiting for Alias to wrap for the Elektra movie to get going.... There was that and I think they wanted to wait to see how their main female super hero rival would be stacking up... meaning Catwoman... I don't think Marvel has much to fear in that...
  11. Toby has Peter Parker to a T... he's a dork. But yeah, I felt the acting was better this time. The actors have their roles nailed down. As for Spidey being a smart-ass... he gets in a few great lines. Quick fact: there's a scene where Peter throws out the Spidey suit. (not a spoiler since it's in every TV spot I've seen). For this scene, Raimi requested a page from one of the Spidey books. The way to suit is laying in the can is 100% accurate to how it looks in the comic book.
  12. You know, this all started as an office joke that spiraled out of contol? Eventually, Marvel is going to start an official investigation about all this and then have a press release or something. It's all quite silly... but funny as hell. I was in his office and he had two letters framed. One saying "I loved you in the Karate Kid movies! Can I have an autographed picture?" Next to it was the angry response letter after they got his autographed picture.
  13. So, years ago, before most of you readers were born, my father befriended a lad by the name of Ralph Macchio... and no, not the guy that played in the Karate Kid films... let's get that straight right now. Who is Ralph Macchio Zeta? Oh, he's been the editor for Spider-man for years... he also had a run with Dare Devil and a few other comics there... he was pulled to be the consultant for both Spidey films, Dare Devil, the Blade movies, and a few of the next films. (if I remember right, Fantastic Four, Blade 3, Iron Man, and Spidey 3) Anyway, since my birthday just passed and the fact that he missed out on tickets for Punisher, he managed to get a ticket for me and my father to this. It was great... saw it in New York in the Loew's Cineplex. They rented the whole place out and it was PACKED!!! Before the movie, we headed over to the Marvel offices and checked out the place... they have some nice peices of ass working there, let me tell ya! Spoiler news from Zeta: The next films coming from Marvel are Elektra, Fantastic Four, Blade 3, Iron Man, X-Men 3, and of course Spidey 3... they're also in the works of getting Dare Devil 2. This is straight from the head of Marvel's lips... he had a 30 minute speech prior to the movie... he definitely cut the speech short though as the crowd was getting ugly... Under the groans and shuffling of the audience, he said something about another Hulk movie and how they were still debating if it should be a sequel or a whole new franchise seperate from the movie Ang Lee did... Enough backstory... Here's the review!!! Spider-Man 2: A++! BEST movie I've seen in a LONG time. The action scenes were great, the witty lines were awesome, and the acting was terrific. A true comic book in action. Doc's metal arms are as much their own characters as Spiderman or Doc Ock himself. J.J. Jameson's scenes were very clever.. he's still the obnoxious prick he was in the first film... and more screen time. There are a lot of cameos thrown in... Jameson's son, Dr. Connors... and a few more I'll leave out... but let's just say, some people from the first film make an appearance. Great film that wraps up the loose ends from the first flick and lead right into Spidey 3 in 2007... and no, Venom is NOT gonna be the new badguy. Trust me on this. PS> if you want spoilers, PM me. I don't want to see this movie ruined for ANYONE!!!
  14. I play it. i'm a Master Bounty Hunter, so right there you know I've encountered nearly every bug this game has to offer... and yet, I still love the game. i've been playing for 6 months and I still enjoy it, but really only when I'm playing with people I know as things get lonely playing solo. I'm really looking forward to the Space Expansion as I feel it'll really revitalize the game for me. i've been craving some space combat lately, and I think this is the perfect answer to it
  15. watch the First Gundam Movie Trilogy. While the First Gundam series is good, the movies are the prefered canon and the timeline of events in the movies differ from the series. Also, the movies are used as canon in the sequel series (most notably 08th MS Team, Zeta Gundam). Plus the movies replace/remove some of the more "super-robot"ish designs like the G-Armor (replaced with the Core Booster) and several of Zeon's mobile armor and mobile suit designs (most notibly Grabro and Gyan).
  16. Sweet! I really hope the movies are as well done as the First Gundam movie trilogy... I'm still getting the series DVDs when they're released in September though
  17. It'd be one thing if they were still making the kits, but these haven't been made in, well years and won't be officially made again. If there were another way, I'm sure most of us here would go that route. LOL, and while I understand where you're coming from G-Head... you're right, this isn't going to make you too popular.
  18. yeah, yeah, it's been said, but this is truely an amazing accomplishment. I mean, a whole (well, a good chunk of a) community getting together for a single project (or multiple if you count each kit as a seperate project) and seeing it through to completion... I can honestly say, this is a momentous occation. Everyone involved should be rewarded with praise and anything else we can throw at them... that won't hurt/kill them. Put down the chairs... NOW! We owe these people a lot. Without them, this would be merely a dream to many of us. Thank you all. Drinks are on me!
  19. I think a seperate thread would be best and a lot more organized. At the same time, I think we should also have a rough estimate on how much these molds will cost prior to saying yay or nay to wanting them So, the Koenig Monster is a definite recast, but what about the VF-4G? (I probably missed something...)
  20. ok, definitely put me down for one of those 1/72 VF-4G's! The Koenig Monster... well, I'd really like to help out, but right now, all I can give is my support for it... not money... yet...
  21. Just got my sets today, and I must say.. OMG!!!! These are friggin awesome! If you have a 1/48 and you haven't bought a set yet, what the heck are you waiting for?!?! crackheads...
  22. I want mine!!!! ::goes into a tantrum:: Seriously, I can't wait... I have big plans... One set for my VF-1S Roy dual strike, one for the VF-1A CF that I'm having done, and one for the future (will probably go to a TV VF-1A Max type I plan to make). I CAN'T TAKE THE WAITING!!!
  23. Zeta likey!! Zeta WANT!!! ZETA SMASH!!! Wait... scratch that last one... Man, I hope we can do both molds... another question about the VF-4... is it "perfect" transformation or do parts need to be swapped/removed? Just curious
  24. Awesome news! What scale is the Koenig Monster? And how much do you think it'd be to recast that variable VF-4??? Hopefully I'll have a large sum of money coming my way in the near future, but I'm not making any promises... any chance you could put me down as a "maybe"?
  25. They both have their pluses. JL is really a dramatic show. The character personalities are great and they've grown a lot since the first season (I love how they went back to the old Superman design from the more recent pre-JL cartoon as well as the voice). It's a lot more mature for a cartoon than many people are used to (well, for those not into anime) and I think that's one reason why its so popular. Teen Titans is just pure fun and I think that's why I love it so much. The one that aired this past Saturday was hilarious. Anyway, I've noticed they're toning down slightly on the heavy overuse of the goofy anime style expressions, but when used, they're used well (still chuckling over Starfire last night). One thing I wish they'd do is say which god damned Robin it is!
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