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Zeta Otaku

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Everything posted by Zeta Otaku

  1. I have a first edition ROTJ Green Luke saber that's snapped... I gotta look into getting a conversion kit done on it since there's no way to repair it as is
  2. Yup, same one I got
  3. no no, not the banpresto. this is way smaller... like those small tradable figures... something like the Worlds Smallest Transformers.
  4. I'm down for one.
  5. So, I get home from work today and find a nice big package from our friends at VALKYRIE-EXCHANGE.COM on my doorstep. HUZZAH! My VF-1A Fireball came today! Oh, how happy I was.... until I opened the box... Inside was an added bonus... a small, PVC, transforming VF-1S... I've been messing with this cheap little thing for HOURS and my VF-1A is still sealed in the box. This little thing is just too much fun and will be prominantly displayed on my work desk to distract me all day at work.... oh, for you vultures, no, you can't have my brownie! MINE!!!! Away heathens!!!
  6. Payment sent and looking great!!!! However.... give me these parts immediately or I'll shoot this kitten out of a cannon into the mouth of a toothless shark! Behold the awfulness of being gummed to death! No! you may not look away! Look at the horror of severe discomfort! Look at the little thing wriggle in annouance. The little fella's torment will end when the parts are mine.... take your time... the gumming will take a while.... -looks at shark- gum harder dammit! This psycho-babble has been brought to you by lack of sleep, excitement, and the letter Q... the most evil letter ever.
  7. should probably add... if you can make mine non-pigmented I'd appreciate it.... my VF-1D is going to be a CF VF-1D.... why kill just one pilot when you can kill two with just as much effort... or lack there-of
  8. put me down for one.
  9. probably won't happen, but I hear ya.... I will dump the Launcher pack as soon as a PG is announced... but I have my doubts unless they make a second skygrasper kit...
  10. With some work, you can get the launcher pack to fit the Skygrasper... And the Strike... Unfortunately, I totally butchered the Sword pack and is currently being repaired to be used on HIS PG Strike. one last one for fun
  11. yeah, problem with the Ultimates is the artist... he's in England as well as his inker. he takes his sweet time getting his stuff sent to the states for publishing and reviews. it's a shame too because the book rocks. favorite comic next to ulitmate Spidey. (before you ask how I know about the artist/inker thing, I'm good friends with Ralph Macchio, an editor for Marvel and has direct control over the Ultimate series of books... and he'd love to find another guy that can do the same work locally with the same quality... unfortunately all his top picks are busy on other projects for now)
  12. That would be the Takara Masterpeice Convoy (Optimus Prime) Probably the BEST rendition of Gen 1 Convoy (Optimus Prime) ever
  13. just seeing if there was a progress update on this
  14. ok, I'm 24, grew up on Ghostbusters and TMNT... today? still love the two... however, I fell in love with the new cartoon. Looking at the logo on that poster, it's the new TMNT logo, so, if the quality level from toon to toon translates to movie to movie, we're in for some quality stuff here...
  15. I've had the classic ROTJ Luke saber for a while now and I love it... but I just got the new Anakin blue saber... and damn does it rock! smaller hilt, better quality light and sounds... yeah, the blades on both need to be hit with some force to make the clash, but still, these are great items. not toys, but display peices with some extra bling. I cant wait for my vader saber to come next week.
  16. put me down for one!!!
  17. Who ever doesn't like this movie shall be beated and sodomised with no less than 3 plastic sabers for the beating and 5 sabers for the sodomy! movie rocked. The music, the tech, everything is a nice blend of old and new. THe "Nooo!" line was probably the weakest part of the movie and that was only 2 seconds long. The best part of the movie? the two nimrods dueling in front of the screen prior to the movie. One guy was dueling with a "custom" darth maul FX saber (glued two vader sabers together) the other with a mace windu. "Maul" spun his saber, one of the blades hit the floor, he stumbled, the blade snapped, he then fell into "mace" who in an attempt to sheild himself from "maul" cracked "maul" in the wedding bells. nothing funnier than seeing a grown man cry while hugging his broken toy and cupping his sack. again, this movie kicked all sorts of butt
  18. True, but loose code can be fixed over time. What's even more vital is elegant and robust gameplay mechanics. A poor and unbalanced one is a disaster to unwind once you let it run a little while... ie. SWG. If the game design is actually pretty decent, it could be a winner. Anyone know how it actually plays? -Al I play it pretty often and I love the game. Yeah, there are a few bugs that pop up now and then, but the devs are fairly quick to fix them. Now, the current comabt system is slightly unbalanced (being fixed next month with the Combat Upgrade... pretty much making it an entirely new game...) but it's been fun to play none the less. The space combat system is hit or miss... it isn't like ground combat and you actually need skill to do well. Think the old X-Wing/TIE Fighter games with a mix of Wing Commander... there's a ship for every play style. Now, as long as you can ignore the continuity being raped (anyone can be a jedi after a long, tedious quest system and mindless XP grinding) and spamming of ingame stores in every starport, the game is a blast! PS> if anyone else plays this game and is on Bria server... a warning to your guilds... there's a Wookie Jedi by the name of Tibarraji. He's a liar and a thief. he was a foudning member of the guild I've been in and we recently forced him out due to pilaging our in game museam of rare items and loot and selling them for his own gain as well as raiding our town's treasury. He's also an all-round bastard... if you see him, stick close to him while he is in combar or using force skills.. this will give him visability and put him on the bounty hunter terminals... where hopefully he will be hunted and killed.... granted there's no perma-death, but there is XP debt which would set him back a few days of progression (the death/xp debt is Jedi exclusive, so for those of us normal players need not worry ) ... kinda went on a rant there... any other questions about the game, just ask. I've been playing for a year, so I should be able to answer most of your questions.
  19. Long story short, thanks to a bout of gravity, several of my gundam models have taken damage. I need a site where I can order parts or if any one here has some parts they'd be willing to sell. What I need is as follows: right inner hand of PG Gundam MK II large white v-fin of PG Strike Gundam white fin for the shield of MG Wing Gundam ver KA both leg tab parts for the PG Zeta Gundam Does HLJ offer a service like this? I really need these parts as they are beyond repair (seeing as how the chipped parts went lord knows where). Any info would be a great help. Thanks!
  20. Nope, not transformable even though it's 90% the same as the Transforming ZZ gundam, but the armor makes it impossible to transform... plus it's missing the arm wings
  21. Wow, now this takes me back. Reminds me of when I cobbled together my ZZ MG and anime FAZZ after a bad fall off the shelf! (thus making the MSZ-010S, which is canon, just never seen on screen). Just a warning, careful with the arms. That peg that connects the arm to the shoulder assembly ALWAYS broke on my ZZ and FAZZ. I can't even tell you how many times I had to order new parts just for these models. Not sure if they made the plastic on the Sentinel FAZZ any stronger, but just thought I'd give you the heads up.
  22. I voted for the VF-1D mainly because I'm more of a fan of the TV series than DYRL? and I prefer the D over the other two seaters.
  23. The extras are pretty cool, definitely worth checking out. My favorite scenes are from the RotJ out takes... director to Ewoks jumping on the Stormtroopers "Beat the **** outa them!!!" "Han! Can you reach my lightsaber?" "I think so..." *can't figure out which way Mark Hamil is "That's my face." "Oh, really? I thought it was a dear's ass."
  24. ok, don't know how I missed this thread... anyway, I've had the DVDs for a week now (ah, nice to have friends in high places who don't give a poo about the place they work for... blockbuster...) let me list all the changes for you right here - not too much was changed over the SE edition. Some special effects were cleaned up, mainly the saber glow during the Vader/Kenobi fight on the Death Star I The sound Ben makes to scare of the Sand People is a LOT different. I've seen this movie a bunch of times, and, well, I jumped when the sound came out of my speakers... not because it was scary, but because I wasn't expecting it at all. The Greedo scene was altered... again... while better than the SE version, still no where as cool as the classic The Jabba CGI model was redone and looks a LOT better this time. After the Death Star fight, there's a cut in the hanger. Luke no longer cries out "Carrie!" though I'm not 100% sure if this was cut in the SE as well or if this is new. The Death Star's control panel is no longer in English (Though I've been told this was changed in the SEs, but I haven't seen those in years) Some of the explosions were cleaned up (X-Wings and Y-Wings blowing up and during soe of the blaster fights) one little good I noticed... on the Falcon during training, Luke's saber is green for a short amount of time... maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me EBS - Mostly unchanged from the SE version. However, Boba's voice is now his father's... meaning the guy who did Jango redubbed Boba's lines (makes sense). Some visual effects were redone. The Emperor's transmission to vader now shows the current guy doing Palpatine and has ALL new dialogue (very cool). Luke's scream to the bottom of cloud city? gone. Nothing else is changed from the SE version. RotJ - they really did a lot here. First off, the entire Rancor scene is cleaned up to the point where it looks like they reshot this whole scene! The rancor looks real and blends seemlessly with the footage. No more distortion from where they pasted the footage of the stop-motion prop in with the other footage. The movement of the beast has been made more natural. The twilek dancing girl's boob still pops out (YAY! Star Wars pr0n!!! for you sickos, it's before she gets thrown in with the rancor where she's pulling on her chain. it's a quickie, but if you're looking for it, you'll see it). Lando's scream at the Sarlaac is still in (I had heard they removed it). Other shots were also cleaned up. Naboo was added in the final celebration scene and yes, you see Gungans. if this ruins the movie for you, get a life or take your own. It's like a 2 second blip on the ending. Deal with it. Also, the Jedi Counsil and the old Senate building were added in the final celebration scene (or I had just missed them in the SE). The old guy playing the enlightened Vader had his eye-brows shaved off... and the new guy playing young Anakin is now in the ghost scene at the end. Meh, I'm indifferent about this. I see it as him taking the form he had when he was fully light. again, a real quick scene, don't let it ruin things for you.
  25. Love this show. Love the humor, the animation, the anime references, the Jersey references, the characters... I'm a fan til the end! My favorite episode thus far is hands down the S-Force episode.
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