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Zeta Otaku

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Everything posted by Zeta Otaku

  1. Not once, but twice I messed that up... thanks for those who postedthe correct link.
  2. Not sure if this has been posted yet, BUT.... http://www.blackfilm.com/20060721/features...ormers_cc.shtml I seriously got chills from that! Can't WAIT for this. -edit- helps when I give a good link >_<
  3. Speak for yourself I'm all over this one. looks great. Can't wait to see the other modes.
  4. sweet. Looks like they're going with the later, scaled down mobile suits. Wonder when we can expect to see the V and V2 Gundams
  5. Heh, I've built the Zeta PG twice, the first mg 3 times, both Zeta plus units, and the new Zeta ver 2... Go with the Zeta ver 2 MG. The PG is VERY expensive, chock full of tiny, fragile parts, and is VERY difficult to keep standing in MS mode. The Ver 2 doesn't ahve this problem. It has a ton of locking mechenisms and is stable and tight in both modes, PLUS it comes with a really cool stand... not to mention cheaper. The PG you can't do much with. If you transform it too much, it gets VERY loose in all the places you don't want it to. It's backheavy to begin with, and it always gets loose in the knee and hip area. You really can't pose it that much in MS mode, so it kinda just stands there and looks boring. There are a lot of MGs that need a ver 2... the Zeta most of all and they really got it done right this time. It's the only Zeta kit that has a torso swivel! It's limited, but still, it can turn.
  6. The MG Gundam MK II ver 2 is almost the PG scaled down, but a little better. you can pose it better, comes with a stand, and is FAR less expensive... plus the stand it comes with combines with the Zeta ver 2's stand. It also comes with "floating" mechanics if you want to have a garage-like display. The newest incarnations of the MK II, Zeta and the OYW Gundam are just AWESOME. The nemo is great too as it's a redux of the new MK II.
  7. Robot Chicken is by FAR the best original program they have. Venture Bros is a good second. Other than that... can't think of another program they have that I watch... as far as their anime goes, eh, Inuyasha is really all I watch. Family Guy and Futurama I catch occationally (have all the boxsets, so I've seen most of what they air several times already)
  8. That was an Akira class ship. For Enterprise, they used that design and just made some cosmetic changes to make it fit the times. I don't know why, but the NX and Akira are two of my favorite Trek starship designs followed closely by the Defiant and Enterprise E
  9. THat... is my dream car! I love the DeLorean... someone... anyone! It's my birthday in two weeks... if every member on MW pulls together and puts in $20, you can make this birthday boy very happy Do it or I'll magically change every Yamato valk into a Galaxy Defender and MPC sans magnets!
  10. Goldern Arms, Could you post a pic of the hinge you mention, as I'm really not sure what part you are talking about. I took a look at the VF-0S backpack last night to figure it out, but could only find one hinge which looks pretty big and solid and not fragile looking at all. Not doubting your word, I'm just honestly not sure what part you mean. Graham 400700[/snapback] The parts in question can be found on page 06 of the instruction manual. They are listed in illustrations 04 and 05. The hinges on the grey panel (shown in illustration 05-- near rightmost arrow) which secure the backpack flap broke on mine. They were compromised when I was following step 04. I was folding the flap back towards the backpack and I noticed the stress. The right hinge broke later. As Graham mentioned the flap doesn't need to fold all the way back to the backpack boosters. I guess I followed the pic too literally. This entire area is the only place on the toy I would be concerned about in regards to longevity. Sorry about the poor photo quality. I need to stop spending so much on toys and invest in a good camera. 400808[/snapback] yeah... did the same thing with mine... thankfully I stopped when I thought "you know... I don't think this is supposed to bend like this..." so, now I have white stress marks on both hinges, and it's a bit loose... but it holds. would glueing the white panel than connects there hinder transformation at all?
  11. well, it's got working lights in the pack and thrower, the thrower's tip lights up and the whole gun shakes (two settings!) when you hit the trigger. I have a set of ecto goggles (nothing fancy) and a trap that I plan to trick out to actually open and have a mini-light show when the doors open....
  12. No lie, my friends and I were looking into making quality ghostbusters costumes and we quit when we saw just how crazy the prices could get. Instead we went with the cast of Pulp Fiction... it worked out nice 397169[/snapback] lol, nice... well, it was worth it... I made back the money plus some from winning contests and stuff... the only sucky part... climbing several flights of stairs wearing an extra 50 pounds of costume... not... fun...
  13. I spent about $1000 working on my Ghostbuster costume.... SHUT UP!!!!
  14. Just to let everyone know, I will have a VF-1A Max that was striped and repainted in CF colors ready to be canabalized for any of you looking for OEM parts Well, everyone but the head (I have plans for it) and one of the flaps that was lost by the painter (but he did make a scratch build for it). I'm still waiting to get it back, but order now and I'll reserve those parts for you.
  15. I think the kneecap covers are what's loose; not the actual knee joint itself. At least that's how I interpret it. In the pic below, they're opened all the way, so maybe they are loose. 396218[/snapback] no, the loose is the knee Horizontal rotation joint, not the kneecap covers, the kneecap cover must opened to rotate the leg horizontally , so u always see the cover down 396277[/snapback] I should have been a little more descriptive. the loose knee I meant was the swivle joint that gives the VF-0 the A stance in GERWALK mode. I'll probably tighten them with... something. Any ideas?
  16. ok, I JUST got mine and not that these are QC issues, but, odd choices by Yamato. The plastic used for the hands and the hinge for the backpack "flap" (that sheet that hangs below the back thrusters in battloid mode) are REALLY soft. I managed to snap the pins off the thumb on the right hand and warp the hinge for that flap. the thumb is still tight without the pins, so I'm not worried (worse comes to worse, I'll just drill and pin it), but the back plate I'm still deciding. It could still transform if I glue that peice in place, so I might just do that. Other than that, I have had no other issues except for slightly loose knees.
  17. Godzilla, how dare you talk to us about being blessed... the rest of us BUY these valks from Yamato.... apparently you bought two and started breeding them like rabbits... and I know your little secret... that Toynami YF-1R MPC? Your fault... that's what happens when you unsuccessfully try to breed a Yamato 1A and 1J... why the mother didn't eat that deformaty, I'll never know... kidding aside, I agree with ya 'zilla. Why are people complaining?
  18. I just got confirmation from Image Anime that I'll be getting my VF-0 tomorrow (yeah, it's a little more expensive than most places, but I get anything that's instock the next business day even through standard shipping, so it sorta works out). Now I'm REALLY nervous about this... hopefully those insanes QC issues are a fluke and not a recurring thing....
  19. there are some like that... a lot actually. -watches the intro again for the millionth time-
  20. I got this the day it came out.... I'm addicted. Loved the first one (excpet the final boss(es) holy crap....) I can't even say how many times I've watched the intro. That alone was worth the cost. The game is a lot of fun and after the "turtorial" (or as I call it, the test to see how badly you want to play the real game) the game moves very fluidly and you're compelled to play to continue the story. I didn't sleep this weekend. yes, you heard me, I didn't sleep. after I write this, I will either sleep or my brain will ooze out of my ears and nose. Granted, the game is a BIT easier than the first on the normal setting (there's a hard, don't worry), but the combos, Forms, and command moves are a lot of fun. The few times you play as him, Mickey owns. Oh, second thing I don't like about the game. Aerith's VA... I want to punch her in the throat.... All the other VAs are great. And yes... kairi aged nicely.... I'm so going to that special hell for saying that....
  21. I'm a huge fan of Marvel's Ultimate lines... especially Ultimate Spider-man... that series just really clicks with me. After those, Invincible is a new fav for me. the art took some time to get used to, but as you read, it really improves. I'm hooked.
  22. Zeta Otaku

    1/48 Gbp

    LOL, another thread with the Thunderhammer.... isn't that the most used picture on MW?? we need a count here...
  23. I am so hoping for a ZZ Ver 2....
  24. what's going on in the back of the Stealth's cockpit? it looks like theres extra equipment back there... or is that just a reflection fo the guy's jacket behind it?
  25. to make it different from the "classic" Avengers.
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