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Zeta Otaku

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Everything posted by Zeta Otaku

  1. Yeah, showing that could get him arrested in most countries
  2. it's about the same sturdiness you find in recent MGs with polycaps.
  3. Well, depends on the kit... very few still use screws. I think the Strike was the last one to my knowledge. There are only 4 polycapless MGs... the two F-91s and the two Crossbones.
  4. It's the gold chrome plating and hopefully mold tooling to make it so no sprues are in visible areas like what they did with the MG Hyaku Shiki (first version). That always bumps the price up. Pluse there are a LOT of parts seeing as it comes with both equipment packs (I am officially shocked they didn't milk this like they did with the 1/100 HG Strike and Impulse Kits). I'm just wondering what the proportions will be like and if I'll be able to retro fit these parts onto an MG Strike frame.
  5. can we expect any new Mac Plus units? (VF-11, YF-21) Do they have plans to develop fighters that have not been seen in animation before? (VF-4G, VF-5000) Do they have plans on revisiting the VF-1 in 1/60 scale?
  6. 1. Zelda 2. Trauma Center (FUN game) 3. Madden 07 4. DBZ 5. Wii Sports
  7. Just take your time and watch the backpack. The part that keeps the beam saber hilt holster/thruster assembly attached to the backpack can be delicate. On my AEUG version, I snapped one of them pretty easily.
  8. heh, thanks. Also, just built the MG Strike Freedom standard version. VERY nice kit, though had some problems with one of the gun handles... doesn't really fit well on either hand. no biggie. in a few days I'm gonna whip up my own stand for the DRAGOONS (they are dragoons, right?). If it works out, I'll do the same for my Nu and later the Hi-Nu. I heard the Full Burst stand you actually need to boil the arms for the DRAGOONs and bend them into the shape you need. Is that true?? Why didn't they just use solid wire like they did with the bugs for the F-91 stand? Also, anyone build the HG 1/100 Saviour (Savior?) kit? I'm an MG purist but couldn't resist this one (I have a soft spot for variable mechs). My question is this: would it be possible though heavy kit bashing to attach the savior armor around an MG ReGZ frame? I did something similar years back for a Zeta 1.5 (MG Zeta armor bashed with a MG Zeta Plus A1 frame... wasn't bad actually) and was just curious if the leg transformation was the same.
  9. Is that really called the full cloth or is that a translation error? Anyway, having the first Crossbone MG... I think I'm going to have to get this one too because... well... I am a semi-completist
  10. The first few episodes of SEED defintiely mirror First Gundam to some degree, but then branches out into its own... Destiny... well, it started off with major potential, then it lost itself... and the focus of the show flipped... and it all had a happy ending.
  11. True, but I don't know if they'd work for this as you use the Wii remote to type on an on screen keyboard. I'm tempted to try plugging in my spare USB keyboard to see if that'll work.
  12. Hello from Zeta's Wii! A trial version of the internet channel is available now. It's not bad and you can even get porn and youtube but they really need a keyboard for this
  13. well, I HAD that, but my camera decided to eat that pic... you'll have to wait a few days until my friends and I exchange gifts.
  14. Ok, this isn't actually mine, it's a gift for a friend, but I'm seriously thinking about getting one for myself. I present to you a 1/1 scale replica of Link's Master Sword! And that's a Master Replica Anakin Skywalker FX Saber next to it for scale. (and a busted ROTJ first edition Luke FX Saber in the corner there... poor thing) The Master Sword is about 8 pounds in weight and could REALLY mess someone up if you took a good swing at them. It's not sharp, but... yeah. It comes with a cool custom leather sheith for it (not pictured yet).
  15. Just warning you now, the magic armor sucks in most situations... though if you have a full wallet of rupees and two hearts left fighting a boss... it's good to have around
  16. they do not. They are fixed in the normal position in fighter mode. there's no possible way for the wings to be swept back unless you can bend the laws of physics.
  17. I'll have mine in a few hours... and I'm so excited, I actually can't sleep... holy poo I think I have a problem >_< I mean, it's 4 AM... screw it, I'll just play around with my VF-1J, VF-0, and classics Jetfire until the UPS guy shows up... then I will have my precious... and probably pass out.
  18. I will be getting mine tomorrow... I seriously can't wait. Been having a craving for new mecha and this certainly fits the bill
  19. yes, because we need yet ANOTHER version of the First Gundam. A standard Zaku II with a ver 2.0 treatment would be nice though
  20. I'm still in the sky temple. so close to finishing it too... just having issues with the last part. I know what I need to do, it's just a matter of doing it >_<
  21. on a standard TV, very little. If you have a hidef, then yes, there will be as the GC version doesn't have a high def option.
  22. lol, I don't even notice the tingly sound anymore even so, it' beats the hell out of the old "hey! listen!"
  23. I'm about 22 hours into the game and... I friggin love it (I had the past two days off work, so don't think I've been pulling all nighters playing this). This is by far one of the BEST games I have ever played. I'm up to the 4th dungeon and man... just wow. I don't want to give too much away, but there's a "fun" puzzle you have to do to gain access to the master sword. I spent about two hours trying to figure it out before I broke down and out of pure dumb luck, solved it. Also, remember the water temple in Orcarina of Time? There's another one in this game... and it's HARD. As for the controls, they rock. Especially for aiming the bow, boomerang and hookshot (clawshot in this game). I don't think I can go back to the old analog stick aiming. The motion control takes about 3 minutes to get used to and then you're set. I'm playing this on a standard def TV and yeah, it's cube graphics, but still, it looks beautiful and plays even better. If graphics is everything in a game for you, eh, what can I say? However, if you're looking for a fun, challenging game, look no further.
  24. I got my wii and I've never had so much fun with a game system ever! The new Zelda is absolutely amazing. The control scheme is perfect (takes a few minutes to get fulling used to it) and it's much harder than the last installment. I think I'm about 16 hours into it and JUST got to the third temple. I also snagged Red Steel... pass this one up. major sensitivity issues. If you go with average, it's not fast enough, if you go with advanced, you're all over the place. really can't say much else about it since i got too frustrated with it... this sucker is getting returned... next up is DBZ:BT2... hard. just friggin hard. Definitely need more play time with it... Zelda's been sucking up more of my time
  25. ok, it's about 5:30 PM Eastern time... I have about 17 and a half hours before I have my Wii. GIVE ME MY DAMN WII!!!! yes, I'm super excited and I doubt I'll be getting any sleep tonight >_<
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