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Zeta Otaku

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Everything posted by Zeta Otaku

  1. I think I still have mine somewhere. I bought one but never touched it.
  2. ok, so I finally got my VF-25G after some fun with the post office (a long, fun story best left for some other day). Anyway, I friggin love this sucker! However, a few gripes. 1) the little grey wing/radar things behind the head in jet mode... one came broken. while not a deal breaker... just kind of a let down. 2) Bandai makes articulated hands for Gundams... they couldn't modify a pair to work with this guy? That's really all I got and this thing looks really cool next to my Yamato Valks. I definitely see myself getting at least one more (most likely the armored VF-25S)
  3. hey guys... just bought my first VF-25... the VF-25G. My first Bandai valk since... well, I think I had a VF-17 Nightmare for about a week Anyway, just a couple of questions that may have been answered already that I might have missed... the first one is the most important to me.. I ordered this sucker from Overdrive and I live in New Jersey (hold the jokes please). About how long will it take to get here? Besides the tampo stuff, anything I should be careful of? Any parts that are prone to snapping/popping off/activating auto-kill mode?
  4. Nice! yes, that just made me happy had NO idea it came with a standard gunpod. Now I can save some cash for one of the impending Armored Messiahs. Yup, that did, in fact, answer me perfectly. Thanks!
  5. Probably a stupid question, but how are the head lasers on the re-issue? (ok... can it REALLY be a re-issue if the original came out like a year ago? wouldn't this be considered a revision? maybe? no? ok, I'll shut up about it ) I love the Alto scheme, but I'm avoiding it and the Ozma versions due to the Dr. Suess head lasers and getting a Micheal/Mikhail/Max clone version instead (besides, I love the VF-25G design and weapon anyway... but having a non-snipe version would be cool too).
  6. image anime is consistantly higher than BBTS... though I do order from IA a lot since I usually get my stuff next day or 2 days tops for regular shipping costs instead of a week from BBTS. It's nice for those "OMG! NEED IT NOW!" items =)
  7. heh, you weren't there when the TF movie designs first got out... dear god... the horror that I unleashed that day... (I was the guy who managed to leak the pics of the designs and early toy prototypes to them under a fake name... Pulsar Striker I believe I used) Anyway, I'm loving the new pics of the DX toy. I am REALLY unsatisfied with the model... it just doesn't jive to me at all.
  8. hologram or not, those breasts would have a gravitational pull twice that of Earth... what a way to go though
  9. I'm new to the recasting game, but I have an idea I want to try to implement... a locking slider the legs attach to on the hip area. position A would be for F/G mode, then slide it to position B for B mode. I just hope it's doable without seriously compromising the integrity of the hips... (has nightmares of the original stock VF-11B)
  10. Looks like it's just angled wrong (I hope). There's a gap on the end closest to the nose of the fighter too. Granted there will still be a slope in the back towards the shield but it won't be AS bad had the head been angled correctly.
  11. They destroyed it? I thought they just threw up those blast shields and it folded out by itself.
  12. Hey guys, didn't want this getting lost in the Gundam model/toy thread. Me and a few friends need some replacement parts for a few of our Gundam models. At some point in the recent past, Rainbow 10 stopped their Bandai part service. Basically, I'm asking if anyone knows of an alternate site that offers a part replacement service like Rainbow 10 used to. Thanks for the help!
  13. odd request, but I need intake covers for the YF-19 and VF-0. Color doesn't need to be perfect, but as long as the left and right of each match each other... yup, somehow I managed to lose them >_< I'm either looking for originals or recasts. Thanks for the help! (and if you can help, please PM me)
  14. The first part of the game is VERY action oriented and almost has a Halo feel to it, but once you get past the first planet, it's good ole Metroid goodness... a lot more exploring and puzzle solving with standard critter fights thrown in. Hyper mode is SWEET, but I know there's more to it than just temporary One Woman Army mode. There's just gotta be a bigger downside than losing a full health tank. I REALLY hope that future FPS games rip off MP3's control scheme. This is how it should be done! One thing I REALLY like about this is that you start off with some of the more advanced moves you had to find in previous games like the Morph ball, ball bombs, Varia Suit and double jump. SO nice to have those right away... OH! Gone is the old bomb jump method. now you just flick the remote up and you jump... but you can still use the old method if you'd like
  15. ah, gotcha. wow. I would've SWORN it was the same guy.
  16. This is a good question... thankfully, I have the answer. If you remember throughout the film, all air strikes needed laser guidance (Skopinok, Brawl/Devistator/Tankbot whatever you want to call him) from the soldiers on the ground. Yet, we see Megatron get shot in the back by missiles from the F-22s while the soldiers were still a couple blocks away from the fight. Here's what happened. We see Starscream messing with the F-22s, blows up a few of them, then flies off only to circle back, join the survivors, then fly past them and lead the charge. What I'm NOT 100% sure on is if Starscream made the missile run on Megs alone or if he took control of the other F-22s (hacked them) and then added their missiles to his own... which I think he would do to make sure he got the job done (which, he still didn't). What is for sure is that Starscream is as much a backstabber in the movie as he ever was. Nope, that was Frenzy. Though he was originally called Soundwave, I think it was Bay or one of the writers who said that the fans would be pissed if Soundwave was only 4 feet tall. Also, anyone else notice that ALL of the holograms the Decepticons used (Blackout's pilot, Barricade's driver, Starscream's pilot) looked like the head guy from Sector 7?
  17. Yes, don't bother. It's not that great. a rental at best.
  18. Ew. REALLY not a fan of that thing. It looks like the Strike raped the RX-78 and this is the result...
  19. Ihaven't seen that. Have a pic of it?
  20. Agreed... Though I did just get the Hi Nu... sexy little model, but still has some flaws. The joints are a bit loose without some help and the shield has an odd way of connecting, eliminating the ability to latch it to the side of the arm like the Strike Gundams, Zeta Gundam Ver 2, or even having the multi-connector from the Gundam MK II ver 2 and Nemo. you can't even rotate it out of the way of a held weapon. Now, that aside, construction of the torso reminded me HEAVILY of the Strike Freedom as it features the same pivoting torso mechanic. The legs are probably the most complicated assembly I've seen in an MG, but they look great. The hand plugs work beatifully on this and all weapons fit in both hands perfectly and securely including all three beam sabers. I have to say, this guy has the best sabers ever. The two primaries are like the regular Nu's with the lower beam coming out of the hilt, but unlike the Nu, the Hi Nu's lower beam is about half the length of the main beam blade.it's really quite a nice look. As with the SP Strike Freedom, this comes with remote weapon posing parts and fold away attachement points on the Amuro logo stand. My question to you guys is this: How do you alter the position of the clear sticks? They don't bend, but I know you can make hard angles and such.
  21. I use Nero Showtime. never had any issues with that.
  22. SWEET! Thanks! Now to find a socket 939 X2... New Egg is fresh out >_<
  23. 1) I would, but I don't have another working machine to test it on. My dad accidently plugged the family computer into a 220 outlet... needless to say, that computer is smoked. I may just pick up a new burner. 2) that was sorta wishful thinking on my part I remember having an older mobo that had SDRAM and DDR sockets independant of each other. I was hoping there was a motherboard out there that had a similar set up with DDR and DDR2 slots so I could swap out if I ever decided to. I'm currently planning on getting an Athlon X2 4200+. I'm an AMD junkie, but if there's an Intel compatible motherboard out there that handles dual core AND DDR RAM, I'll gladly switch if the price is around what I was going to spend on the AMD.
  24. Looking for a bit of help on two things: First off, sometimes my computer will reboot itself when using the eject button on my DVD burner. Now, while it's nice having a reboot button that high on my case, it's sorta annoying when installing multidisk programs. Now, it DOESN'T reboot if I eject through My Computer. It's really quite random actually. I've replaced the powersupply (because I'm planning on doing some major upgrades soon) and that didn't fix anything. So, my opinion is that it's either an OS glitch or my burner is screwy. Any opinions? Secondly, I'm looking for a new motherboard. Something that can handle a dual core AMD chip (recommendations?) BUT also run both DDR and DDR2 RAM (or just DDR). I have 2 gigs of DDR and I'd rather just carry that over to the new rig instead of dropping that much money on DDR2 RAM. Thanks for the help guys.
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