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Everything posted by charles88

  1. So You wanna repeat Gundam mistake like how Fukuda ruined Gundam
  2. Well in the series he expert in driver destroid crane and mover. And from what I heard all mech controller in Macross are universal standard , which means Hayate already expert in VF Battleroid mode. Only he need to learn how to fly fighter. At least in Delta Movie more realistic as Hayate ALREADY newly joined Xaos and trained pilot before setting start. Like how Alto able to take control VF-25 using Civilians student EX Gear as he did mention control system are universal standard.
  3. Yeah well sure Mirage not as good pilot as her other family but as movie 2 shows Max and Arad realized that Mirage actually REALLY good at 1 skill that even better than Arad and Max What you dont trust japan impression and feed back obn Delta movie 2. And you still haven't respond on Movie 2 debunk Lady M is evil and villain.
  4. Here Full Armored VF-31AX and Super Ghost. And here VF-31 AX with Super Ghost pack.(It HAVE 14 FREAKING THRUSTER AND ENGINE) Which you guys prefer?
  5. So what end credit message from movie about?
  6. Seto beased on summary of Movie 2, I think I get villain motivation.
  7. Man its really hard to topple YF-29 Durandal as most powerful VF. Even Sv-303 couldnt beat it. I wonder what Kawamori gonna take to make VF that surpass YF-29
  8. I think you misunderstood what Ledakan43 says, he mention that VF-31 are more like mass produced unit,not AX He already explain in the movie where
  9. Maybe we get to watch movie sooner in cinema.
  10. Well after whole Harmony Gold deal with Big west, this going to be biggest test that if Macross sequal Finally able to being distribute internationally Speaking of Delta movie 2
  11. Its seems that VF-31 AX has become contender for title strongest VF for reason of
  12. Unless Big West keep to their promise to screen internationally after whole Harmony Gold deal thing then we got to watch movie earlier in cinema. Seto , i think your bias has clouded your judgement toward Delta movie 2 (to the point you think that that obviously corrupt happy trigger WMD NUNS officer are good guy.) The movie haven't out in US yet so please reserved your judgement on it. Even threader says Delta movie 2 are very well received. Also we cant really trust outside material as recent Frontier short movie contradict magazine material concerning Sheryl and Alto fate after Frontier movie 2. Also if there no communication at all, how Lady M able to communicate with Xaos and sponsor them. I read that they trap dimensional Fault that constant shifting which why they end up in Windermere when they supposed went missing in center of Milky Way.
  13. Like I say NUNS only able to communicate with them only but they did not know WHERE Lady M Locations is. Don t make assumption that NUNS knew where Lady M location is and cover up as Heimdall just found where Lady M is and they have to use latest technology to do it. Also that Roid saying , in which he cannot be trusted. I already explain on Delta movie 2 where Johan, Wright best friend and high priest explain what really happen.
  14. Err I think you got some of your assumption on Lady M wrong such as:-
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