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Everything posted by Darkspire17

  1. so you got the My boyfreind is a pilot hybrid release right? cus the newest BD is uncut, restoring all violence
  2. yeah, then its def a bootleg, but atleast its an interesting piece, an english dub, produced for american television, yet the case is entirly in japanese, i wonder where it was sold
  3. The only macross BD i was able to afford was DYRL, and my god its spectaular to see it in high definition, aswell as seeing the theatrical ver, id LOVE to get the megazone 23 archive box, but that thing is like 600 aud, blurays are just out of my price range, its why ive been collecting the early 2000's mospeada and macross sets.
  4. what i mean is, id not consider somthing probably meant to be played once, and then not sold, a bootleg, tho i realy dont mind if (and it probably is) one, its still apart of macross's history, and tbh the artwork is a lot better than the look of the HG release, the colors and the line art resembles the usual look for japanese scripts (witch i own one of, tho not relared to macross, minus a mospeada script) its that simplistic look i love. i know some people get defensive if someone calls out they own a bootleg but, i actually dont mind owning them, if its the only way to get it unless you have a fortune, its just easier, i bought a bootleg of RTM before i eventually got a legitmate copy of it. i just realise i completely contridicted myself, didnt even notice, anyway.
  5. it is not the film, its the original english adaptation produced in 84, 70 min edit of episodes 1-3, id not consider a tape made for a convention a bootleg.
  6. ive seen some racing garland photos in a book of mine, im guesing it all ocurs after level seven falls, and because of shogo, the garland is now publicly known.
  7. Hey guys, bought an interesting item the other night, i was browsing the net looking for photos of the old SDF dub HG put out in 84, and found an auction for that very dub the owner got it from a private house sale (guessing an estate sale) along with a box of martial arts tapes, so im guessing the owner bought it from a convention, the tape has been checked, and indeed it is the harmony gold dub. Ive seen one claim that the release was labled "in english" on youtube, and that is what my tape is labled as, im guessing this is from a very early convention. the case is written in japanese, and uses DYRL "summer 84" Artwork, aswell as artwork lifted from DYRL of Exadol and bretai. item photos are straight from the auction, if any one has any idea where this thing is from, please notify me, ive never seen one like tihs before, so i bought it as quick as possible. sorry for my grammar.
  8. id love to see a release of, mabey a kit of the Plut/Pluto fighters, with the build in space combat garland, or somthing like the flagga hover veihicals.
  9. i use it for a art piece aswell lol, that and my LD box set.
  10. had a feeling it was that much, if i had the cash to burn i would.
  11. heh finaly another person with SPECIAL MEMORY VHD, i got a copy of it for about 20 from yahoo auction, realy gota get a player sometime and transfer it
  12. im actualy quite the megazone fan, the hargun looks amazing. hope that comes with a rider, a sheild and a beam saber, perhaps a small BD figure as a pilot
  13. Sounds like it could have been neat but, sounds like its probably just the first draft or two, with the lifted RT dialoqe and such, or the writers didnt realise the differences, or worked it in i gues to give american audiences familiarity with the film, and if it was released, bet it would have confused alot of people, the '98 godzilla of '94
  14. If you are sierously prodocuing resin transformable kits of the SPARTAS, id be up for one, depends on cost, i was considering getting the matchbox ver but that thing's too bulky, if be willing to pay 70 for one but, ik resin kids cost quite a bit and are sold pretty quickly, hope this becomes a reality, im personaly a southern cross fan, so having a kit representing the series would be great!, im personaly new to resin kids (never bought them cus of the usual costs being high) but im interested
  15. Hello everyone. as a little birthday gift for the 30th anv of dyrl (i know im late) Ive decided to share my Newly created audio rips from MACROSS on ps2 These rips where taken from an original disk. MEGA link will be up soon (file size being 1 gig) Hope you guys enjoy these sfx for your projects and other media (reminder, this is not me giving pirated games, this is for archiving original sound effects, im not giving out iso's or anything) small notes on the files: Rip made on 18/6/2016, 2:29 PM Ripped using PSound (psx/2 audio program) Ripped By Darkspire17 All files are in their natural formats and file names Ripped from an Un-altered ISO rip of the official disk Additions: Soundtrack has been assembled in a separate folder and renamed according to their listings in MACROSS COMPLETE 3 disk soundtrack. credit SEGA AM2,BANDAI and BIGWEST/TATSUNOKO and all other creators involved
  16. Im wondering what is the most avalible (and cheapest if possible) macross kits (SDF1) i know the revel kit is nice looking but the price is a bit high. the Yamato kits are very expensive (the resin kits i mean) im looking for a tv acurate macross model kit for a small project (macross island diorama) any suggestions?
  17. MACROSS on ps2 is prety good. it follows both the tv series and DYRL. it can be expensive at times but its worth a purchase
  18. i managed to get the mospeada opening from LOVE LIVE ALIVE. and the southern cross opening from the ADV boxset. thanks for the advice
  19. A few years i heard of super dreadnought fortress macross. The original 4 minuet pilot film containing clips of the first episode (Boobytrap). I believe i once owned it on a MADMAN promo disk (australian). ive not seen anyone show it off expect for ADV using it to demonstrate the remastering process. Has it been included in any form at all? dose anyone know where i can get a legal copy? all i remember is it shows a different logo opening and 4 minuets of clips from boobytrap accompanied by the full macross theme. any info you guys have on it? Link to ADV's edit:
  20. i tried. sadly none. but i do have mospeada's opening (found it in an ADV promo dvd)
  21. oh sorry. im not asking for pirated material. i mean im looking for releases that have them included as a bonus. im not a fan of R-T. but my friend wanted me to make it for him so yeah...
  22. im looking for MOSPEADA and SOUTHERN CROSS's textless openings. anyone have any sources? i plan on using them in a new hd upscale of ROBOTECH II THE SENTINELS.
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