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Everything posted by neko878

  1. Cool thanks guys!
  2. The packaging looks nice. I noticed that there seems to be some extra room for an additional slender box. For the display stands?
  3. Ya thankfully! I purchased many expensive toys from NY and only encountered this issue once. I just expected better customer service especially since I have been a loyal customer.
  4. Thanks for the info! Hopefully I will get the refund in a timely manner. I thought about that but I just got frustrated with NY and just wanted a refund.
  5. Hi everyone! Here is my update on the missing part(s) on the SDF-1 from NY. I initially emailed NY explaining I was missing a main part to this figure. Their ONE and ONLY response back was "We will contact the manufacture and get back with you but no guarantee." I patiently waited a few weeks but I still have not heard back from NY. So I tried to contact them again for an update on the missing part but no response back. Then a week later I asked for an exchange but no response back. With numerous emails to NY and no response back I had to escalate this issue to Paypal because there is a certain amount of time you can submit a ticket for escalation. After waiting another week Paypal did rule in my favor and told me I am eligible for a refund. I just have to mail back the figure to NY with tracking number. On the Paypal return instructions it says to mail the package back to this address: 株式会社NIPPONーYASAN.COM 〒791-8055 愛媛県 松山市清住 一丁目3番3号 Japan Can anyone tell me if I translated the return address correctly to english? I am mailing out from the USA. Nippon-Yasan 1chrome 3-3 Kiyosumi Matsuyama, Ehime 791-8055 Japan
  6. Just received my SDF-1 Premium Version today from Nippon Yasan. Upon opening up the packaging I noticed I am missing the bridge (head). I believe there was suppose to be a parts package in the middle of the styrofoam box. I could not find that part anywhere. I hope Nippon Yasan has some good customer service to resolve this issue.
  7. Thanks for the link tekering! Wow this topic was made almost 9 years ago lol!
  8. Pic looks amazing in the dark. Did you have to power it up with a bright light before the pic? Or did you use a blacklight?
  9. This a really cool pic of the VF-4. Does anyone know where I can find accessories like the deck crew that will scale with the Arcadia VF-4?
  10. neko878

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Ordered from HLJ and AA. Only got confirmation email from AA. This was stressful...whew!
  11. neko878

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Looks amazing!
  12. Just paid mine the other day now the waiting game.
  13. neko878

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Fold Booster and Arm Cannon is what convinced me to PO this.
  14. I guess my DSLR tripod will serve dual purpose with this model kit! LOL! Also, I wonder what character figures it will include.
  15. The paint scheme looks cool but do I need another VF-1J??
  16. Added another Macross book to the collection.
  17. Yup me too. It saves me a few bucks.
  18. Any news on Max? I wonder if he is still set for a Dec release?
  19. Oooo nice!
  20. Omega Supreme is dominating all over transformers
  21. The box art looks pretty cool! So is the Premium version gonna be plain black/white just like Roy and Hikaru? LOL!
  22. So many date changes but looks like NY is prepping my shipment.
  23. Thanks for the info no3Ljm. I'm guessing these "fixes" are from the upgrades. The waiting continues...
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