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Everything posted by RDX17

  1. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Excellent question! In looking at past releases, it appears we found out about the VE-1 on August 24th, which then had a pre-sale a week later on September 1st. That one is scheduled for release in January 2018. Not sure if that was a standard announcement, pre-sale, and release schedule though. As for the VF-1A, it looks like it was announced last week (21st or 22nd), so a pre-sale should be soon: not sure if that means sometime this week, next week, or the following. It's a safe bet that the pre-sale date will be shared here before it takes place though. This is a truly great community when it comes to announcements and on-sale dates.
  2. Still working my way through this episode, but wanted to share a link to the Deltalk panel with Adrian Lozano and Mike Aguirre. Well worth a watch. Thanks guys!
  3. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Macross DYRL Hikaru VF-1A with Super Parts: Right on! It wasn't at the top of my list, but it's definitely on the list. Looking forward to this one.
  4. Sure thing! Glad I could help. Thanks for sharing those Super Dimension Convention pictures as well. As always, looking forward to the next podcast.
  5. For those of you that don't follow Tochiro elsewhere, Episode 93 of the Speaker Podcast is available for your listening pleasure. This episode covers Yamato 2202 Chapter 3: Pure Love. http://www.decultureshock.com/speakerpodcast-ep-93-yamato-2202-ch-3-pure-love/ A great conversation with Tim Eldred of CosmoDNA about the new chapter of Yamato. Thanks guys!
  6. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Right on! Thanks for cheering me up Jenius.
  7. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Just looking back, but it appears August 24th was the day the VE-1 Elint Seeker was announced. Coming up on three months without any new Hi-Metal release announcements.
  8. Thanks Mike! I think I am who you are thinking of...I think. Really enjoying my new book and the mini Queadlunn Rau I picked up. Thanks again!
  9. Truly enjoyed The Super Dimension Convention. Seeing so many Macross items in one place was really something else. I circled the vendor hall a number of times, and each trip I spotted something I'd missed on an earlier tour: books, model kits, toys, posters, etc. Just so many items. The work from the artists in the vendor hall was also incredibly impressive. Quite a lot of talent on display. The Macross Pachinko machine that Adrian and Mike had set up at their table was very cool as well. Two genuinely friendly guys who raffled off a number of things at the end of the day. Thanks for being so generous with your time, and it was great talking with both of you! Spent a lot of time checking out the items in the Museum & Gaming room too. So many great things to look over. Getting to see Mari Ijima perform was definitely a highlight, and the Idol Contest and Walkure mini-concert were also a lot of fun. Glad I was able to attend this year, and thanks to everyone who helped make the convention happen.
  10. Just finished listening. Adrian's comments about seeing Macross in 35mm were great. Never realized I was missing out, and hopefully I get that chance to see it in 35mm one day. Thanks for the PodCast everyone!
  11. Is there a schedule for the events, concerts, etc.? Thanks in advance! *Edit: There's a schedule of events now up for those interested: http://superdimensioncon.wixsite.com/deculture/events
  12. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Man, sometimes I'm embarrassed checking in here with my meager collection. VF-1J Armored Valkyrie VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Hikaru) Regult VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Roy) Glaug VF-1J Valkyrie (Hikaru) VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Max) Still on the fence about the Elint Seeker too, but the fact that I'm thinking about it means I should just go ahead and place an order. Wishlist for 2018 and beyond: Tomahawk, Super Ostrich, Queadluun-Rau, VF-1A (Max), VF-1A Supers (Hikaru, Max & Kakizaki).
  13. Epic PODcast! A lot of great coverage and information. Thanks for all the time and effort put in. Thanks too for commenting on the current Tatsunoko & Harmony Gold situation (2:13:40 for those interested).
  14. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for pointing this out. My bet would be no Macross HMR release for February 2018. Interesting that there's going to be a re-release of the Dougram though.
  15. About half-way through the podcast at the moment, but had to stop to say thanks for the thoroughly detailed review of the event. Very much appreciated!
  16. Pretty sure Gwyn was there. Those playing cards are indeed very cool. Hopefully there's another opportunity to order a set.
  17. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    So what's going up for pre-order next: Tomahawk, Super Ostrich, or something else entirely? It's been too long since I've picked up a new HMR and I feel like I'm missing out on all the fun.
  18. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    The VE-1 looks great. I've been holding out for the Tomahawk or the VT-1, but not sure I can pass on this one. Decisions, decisions.
  19. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Yes to all of the above!
  20. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I thought about including those, but I'm only it for the SDF and DYRL releases. I'll update my header. Thanks!!!
  21. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Same here. Excluding the Missile Effects Set and the upcoming Regult Missile 2-Pack, there will only be 3 Hi-Metal R SDF Macross releases this year: Millia, Spartan, and the Defender. Quite a drop compared to those in 2016.
  22. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Just an up-to-date summary of the Hi-Metal R SDF & DYRL Macross items thus far: 2015 September: VF-1J Armored Valkyrie November: VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Hikaru) 2016 February: Regult April: VF-1S Strike Valkyrie (Fokker) May: Glaug July: Monster September: VF-1A Valkyrie (Brownie) October: VF-1J Valkyrie (Hikaru) November: VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Max) 2017 March: VF-1J Super Valkyrie (Millia) April: Super Valkyrie Missile Effect Set May: MBR-07 MKII Destroid Spartan August: ADR-04 MKX Detroid Defender December: Regult Missile Type Set Here's hoping 2018 has some good things in store for us all.
  23. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    The product listing is now up on Tamashii's website as well: http://tamashii.jp/item/12256/?wovn=en
  24. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Strange that they don't appear to be listed on the Tamashii Hi-Metal R products page yet.
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