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Everything posted by RDX17

  1. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I just finished removing the fuselage, disassembling it, cleaning off the excess glue and/or plastic nubs, and then reassembling it. Difficult and frustrating at times, but the gaps are gone and the fuselage is now locked in where it should be. Even more respect for the people putting these things together for us, and thanks to everyone here who has shared their past projects, particularly sh9000: seeing your separated VF-1D fuselage inspired me to give this a shot.
  2. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I'm wondering if I can remove the fuselage without any serious damage, clean up the connection, and give her a tighter fit. Thanks!
  3. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I've been trying to close this gap behind the cockpit and the body/chest plate without success. I think the real issue is how the cockpit/nose of the plane is attached. I'm basing this on that visible space beneath the pilot in the backseat. Looks like it wasn't pushed all the way back before the glue(?) set. Is it possible to remove the cockpit/nose of the plane and reattach it more snugly? Any thoughts or suggestions on how to fix this are appreciated. Thanks!
  4. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    ^Looks great!
  5. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Right on! Thanks for the additional information.
  6. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Right there with you!
  7. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Incredible pictures as always Saburo. Thanks for sharing these. Regarding the air intakes, should the covers be deployed in Gerwalk or should the fans be exposed?
  8. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Another great Scorched Earth Toys review! I wasn't able to bring the wings completely forward in Gerwalk mode as the shoulders are so high, and only realized after watching the video that they don't need to be locked in. Here's hoping we get some good Macross HMR news now that Golden Week is over.
  9. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Glad to know I wasn't the only one that got stuck there. The VF-1D did feel bit more challenging to transform.
  10. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmmm...well, that's a bummer.
  11. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's hoping we get a good Macross Hi-Metal R announcement from the Tamashii Nations Tokyo event. Only a few more hours.
  12. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Just received my VF-1D from HLJ. The slight difference in the orange doesn't seem as noticeable as with the VT-1, which is nice. A Minmay for the cockpit would have been cool, but it's not a deal breaker, and I think having her in hand is more iconic. Having the dual seat attachment for Battroid mode is also a nice bonus. Only one quality control issue: my Minmay has a very small speck of what appears to be white paint on the left side of her head/hair. Looks like she's got a gray streak. Thinking about touching it up, but it's really not all that remarkable. Overall, still incredibly impressed with these HMR releases and I really hope they keep 'em coming. Most likely keeping this one in Gerwalk mode (*no back plate concerns for me).
  13. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah, thanks so much!
  14. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Which Fan Liner is that sh9000?
  15. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    VF-1D paid and pending shipment from HLJ. Here's hoping we get a new HMR Macross release announcement in the near future.
  16. That's some incredible sleuthing. Great job!
  17. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Excellent news! Right out of the box these HMRs can be quite stiff. Glad to hear you were able to work it out though.
  18. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    ^Instead of pushing down on the cockpit, perhaps working it loose from the undercarriage. My guess is that it's just an over-tight attachment in this case.
  19. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Still puzzled as to why nothing was scheduled for release between the VF-1D (April) and the Soltick H8RF (July) for the HMR line. Here's hoping there's an announcement in the near future, as this silence makes me nervous.
  20. ^Thanks again for taking the time to snap these pictures and upload all of them. A lot of great work there. I only realized after a second viewing that the runners-up were a separate album, so for others who may have missed it like me, be sure to check out both. I realized I need more Ragna in my life after this brief glimpse (I hope it's okay to share these linked photos here. Please let me know otherwise and I'll remove them): And I always enjoy a hangar shot, especially if there's a Tomahawk included:
  21. Thanks for that gallery of pictures. Brought back a lot of memories. Truly appreciated!
  22. They're currently on Tales of South Ataria. I'm enjoying it, although looking forward to seeing them pick up the main story again. If you want to check back in: https://cycomi.com/fw/cycomibrowser/chapter/title/83
  23. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    ^Ah, well...that explains it. One day (soon hopefully).
  24. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Can it finally be happening?! Please let it be!
  25. I'd like your post, but I think I over did it today: "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today." I'll have to hit you up later.
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