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Everything posted by RDX17

  1. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Fingers crossed!
  2. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Seems strange not having any pending HMR releases at the moment, even if they're not Macross related. As of October there have been five released this year, one of which was Macross (VF-4G Lightning III). It looks like there were only four released last year, two of which were Macross (VF-1D and VF-4 Lightning III). Here's hoping they've got some good things in store for the future.
  3. Thanks for the update on this year's Super Dimension Convention. Bummed that it won't be happening, but obviously understandable. Here's to next year!
  4. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

  5. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Cool toys, cools pics, and cool people. Man, I love this HMR thread. :)
  6. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    ^That's awesome!
  7. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    ^Nice! Now HMR just needs to release a VF-0S to help fill out the line up.
  8. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I think that's the best option. For what it's worth, I think the VE-1 is the only release that I've personally had an issue with. I know there have been other issues with folks getting two right or left leg armors, some grumbling about matching orange paint/plastic (including from me), but for the most part I think the HMR line has been fairly solid in terms of quality control.
  9. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I had the same issue with my VE-1. I don't recommend pushing too hard on the fuselage because the piece of plastic that attaches it to the body is actually incredibly thin. I decided to remove the fuselage, however it was a frustrating and nerve wracking task. I recall using an x-acto knife to slice through as much of the adhesive attaching the fuselage to the body, however due to the tight fit I couldn't separate the pieces entirely. So, I ended up removing the nose cone and splitting the fuselage down the middle in order to loosen the remaining adhesive. Splitting the fuselage will most likely break the few pegs that actually hold it together (as more adhesive was used on those). Once I was able to remove the fuselage, I trimmed the plastic spurs that ultimately led to that annoying gap. As difficult as it was dismantling, putting the fuselage back together proved even more problematic due to the section between the nose cone and the cockpit. That is actually two separate pieces with a closed hook inside that is used to attach it to the cockpit section. If/when you separate the fuselage, that loop/hook inside is going to be broken. Hooking that back on to the fuselage took the most effort due to the small space inside. I could have just glued it back on, but on the off chance that I ever decided to dismantle it again I decided to avoid using adhesive there. I'm glad I was able to remove my gap, but in retrospect I probably should have just learned to live with it...because there were a few places where dismantling it could have resulted in a complete loss. Happy to provide any additional information to help. *You can see my original post with gap pictures from May 13, 2019 in my history.
  10. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Absolutely genius!
  11. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

  12. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed! This would definitely make for a great two-pack.
  13. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    The Regult Scout will be an awesome addition to the collection if/when it gets released, but first...TOMAHAWK!
  14. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking over the past releases, I just realized there were only two HMR Macross in 2019: the VF-4 in March followed by the VF-1D in April. Here's hoping we see a few more in addition to the VF-4G in 2020.
  15. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    So glad to see another HMR release announced. It's not a Tomahawk, but at least the line is still alive...and that keeps the hope alive as well.
  16. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    It was the idea of the Tomahawk that provoked me to start collecting the HMRs...along with Jenius' video reviews of the line. Glad that I was able to pick up some other cool Macross HMR items, but I'm definitely going to be bummed if there's no Tomahawk.
  17. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    So cool! And even cooler! ^ This is the movie I want to see.
  18. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

  19. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    These are all awesome. The filter/animation makes me of Richard Linklater's movie adaptation of Philip K. Dick's 'A Scanner Darkly'.
  20. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    This is brilliant, although I feel like the HMR train should be under maintenance or being inspected. :)
  21. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Sounds like it's going to be a long summer of waiting for those of us solely on the Hi-Metal R Macross train.
  22. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I agree actually...Misa is the one. I find that having the Fastpacks on also helps hide the orange issue. Congrats on your new Max as well!
  23. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    ^VT-1 without the Super Parts, and with the wrong lady friend! Very disappointing.
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