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Everything posted by RDX17

  1. Very true. Also curious to see how many episodes end up on the second disc. I believe the first disc contains the first three episodes (as well as .89). If the second disc also has three episodes, I think that'd be a good indication the entire run will be 27 episodes.
  2. I know English subtitles were confirmed for the first disc in the series, but do you know if they've been confirmed for the second disc (or remaining discs)?
  3. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    The next round begins.
  4. Tochiro has provided information indicating it was actually Megaroad 04: https://twitter.com/GwynCampbell/status/729893993513771008
  5. Messer to Hayate: "You're not even worth talking to." It's comments like this make me loathe Messer, especially considering he can't/won't admit to his own problems when asked directly. I'm even more convinced his pride is going to lead to something tragic at some point in the series (either to him or someone else). No doubt Hayate, Mirage, and Freyja still need guidance, which they're clearly up for...but they deserve better than Messer/Mikumo. Overall, this was a great new episode and makes me even more curious about where the series is going. What's the connection between Windermere and the artifacts on the other worlds? Is Keith pushing his brother (Heinz) too far? Does he have ulterior motives? What caused the crater on Windermere? Is something sinister going on with Mikumo (her curiosity with Heinz's song feels somehow suspicous)? How will the death of Lieutenant Uroh (the "Rune-shirt" - nice!) affect Herman Cross, if at all? Next Sunday can't come soon enough. edit: Unfortunately I think Arad is going to be the casualty at this point. I hope I'm wrong, as he's my favorite Delta member.
  6. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for this. I'll keep this as reminder to have a bit more patience in the future or to stay on top of these as they're first announced. I ended up pre-ordering from MyKombini a few weeks backs for a bit more. Now I know.
  7. Thanks again for these Delta Gertalk Podcasts. They're both entertaining and insightful. Hopefully the series continues inspiring all of you to put these together for those of us not as familiar with the Macross universe. The time and effort involved is truly appreciated.
  8. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Amazing times indeed. I feel quite lucky to have re-connected with Macross right now. Here's hoping the Hi-Metal R line keeps going.
  9. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh no! Well, I hope it turns up.
  10. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I found this earlier topic related to the original Hi-Metal line quite interesting (HI METAL LOVE THREAD - 8 pages): http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36587&page=1 The last topic related post in the thread was July 2014: four months later the Hi-Metal R line was announced.
  11. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Received my VF-1S (Roy) today. The Gerwalk thruster cover was attached, however one side had popped out of its socket. It will stay firmly locked in position when completely opened/closed, but when in the process of opening/closing that same side pops out. The peg on the side that pops out appears to be just slightly shorter than the other side. A minor issue for me, but one that seems to be affecting others a bit more significantly to be sure. Also, it's the same gray as my VF-1S (Hikaru).
  12. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    That's too bad. I know there are a lot of pieces to these things though. Hopefully it's not too prevalent an issue on this or future releases.
  13. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, unfortunately that's the risk some of us take with importing these. Definitely some pros & cons to be weighed. Hopefully it all works out for everyone though. Yours is only the second mention of this missing piece I believe. And, out of curiosity, how is it your fault?
  14. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for grabbing the picture and throwing it up here, and for the reminder to refer to jenius' site (so much good stuff there). I guess that's what I'm curious about is if the Hikaru and Roy VF-1S are the same gray or if the Roy is even darker. The promo pics from Tamashii suggest the Roy is a bit darker, but of course those are just promo pics, and the Hikaru is definitely a bit more gray (at least mine is) than their promo pics suggest. I should hopefully have my Roy in a day or two, so I can compare them then.
  15. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    If possible, would you mind sharing a picture of the two of them side by side? I'm most curious to see the white/gray comparison. Thanks!
  16. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Excellent point!
  17. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's some info on Japan's Golden Week (essentially a national holiday for a week): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Week_(Japan) Thanks for the NY return/exchange info too. That's always good to keep in mind.
  18. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Their response may be delayed as it's Golden Week. Just something to keep in mind if they don't get right back to you. Also, thanks again for sharing this information. Something to keep an eye out for on future releases.
  19. Something is definitely going on with Messer. He was clearly affected by Heinz's song in episode 4 but doesn't mention it when the Walkure and Hyate discuss hearing it. I don't think he's a spy, but maybe he'll be infected with Var Syndrome as others here have said. This could lead to his death at the hands of Hyate or Mirage or he could alternately be saved by them and the Walkure and perhaps find himself a bit humbled by the experience. Whatever the case, I'm on board for the rest of the series at this point: solid animation, interesting characters and story, along with some fun music.
  20. Pure speculation of course, but my guess would be Arad or Chuck. I think if someone does end up a casualty it will be used in order to focus Hayate.
  21. I was wondering about that too. I assumed Heinz's song was causing the Var outbreaks. Maybe it's something in the translation?
  22. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Sorry to hear this as well. Why is it that you can't contact NY and return/exchange it though?
  23. Looks like I'm in the minority here. Definitely interested to see how the characters will change (if at all) throughout the series.
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