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Everything posted by RDX17

  1. I don't know that it's relevant to the series at this point (or at all), but I've noticed a lack of prominent Windermerian women...other than Freyja of course. Does the Windermerian King have a wife? Did he have a wife? Who was she? What happened to her? Apparently Keith is a bastard (not just because he killed Messer), but who was his mother? Where is she? There are just no other Windermerian women other than Freyja at this point. I don't know if it's simply oversight, a purposeful omission (due to story/time constraints), but I've also been wondering if it has anything to do with the "scar" of Windermere.
  2. Right, I believe that's the "waitress" I referred to earlier (I forgot that she's Chuck's sister). I don't recall seeing her character in the last few episodes, but she's in every opening wistfully watching Messer...so I'm reminded of her each week.
  3. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice to see another release so soon, but I wonder if this will affect the anticipated Max/Milia VF-1Js? Still hoping for a Hikaru, Max and Kakizaki DYRL VF-1A release as well.
  4. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Thanks for the additional information on this! Much appreciated.
  5. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    The following message is currently on the Home page of MyKombini: EMS Fees (20 May 2016) : Dear Customers, Thank you for using Mykombini. Starting from June 1st, 2016, Japan Post will increase their shipping fees for EMS. Due to this price increase, we study other shipping solutions. The new EMS fees will be applied to all orders shipped from June 1st, 2016 onwards, regardless of the date when the order was placed. Thank you for your understanding Just a heads up, as I imagine this will impact other online retailers as well. Hopefully the increase isn't too bad.
  6. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Consistency is definitely an issue, as this old thread confirms: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/?showtopic=33919
  7. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Ah...got it. This sort of explains the HMR release. At least in terms of where the color schemes came from. Thanks for pointing this out.
  8. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Looking back at the first display pictures from 2014, they had the gray fast packs. I wonder what's caused the change at this point. Just an mistake perhaps? Or maybe this display is inaccurate? It's a bit of a shame, but not necessarily a deal-breaker. Edit: Maybe it's the lighting in the display? Maybe that white is actually a light gray? It doesn't explain why the front portion of Max's Fast Pack is white though. I don't recall ever seeing Max's VF-1J with that before. There is a brief moment where the front portion of Milia's Fast Pack is white/light gray though. That might explain some of the confusion.
  9. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    That is strange. I do appreciate the color coding, but it doesn't appear to be SDFM accurate (as far as I can tell).
  10. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    As did I. Now to see how quickly it actually ships.
  11. If you're looking for the original SDF Macross (as it was aired in Japan), with English subtitles, I believe the AnimEigo release is your best option. Here's an eBay listing for the AnimEigo version: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MACROSS-Super-Dimension-Fortress-Vol-1-9-Complete-Box-Set-AnimEigo-/191670672085?hash=item2ca0765ad5:g:~zMAAOSwmrlUwvPK If you keep looking around, you'll most likely find one a bit less expensive though. You can find it as a complete box set or as three individual sets (1-3, 4-6, 7-9). Here's some other information regarding different releases as well: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=118002 Hope this helps, and happy to answer any other questions you may have.
  12. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm with the SDFM (DYRL) camp as well. That's all I'm really interested in at this point.
  13. Most excellent! Thanks again for sharing this information.
  14. All around great episode: even Messer and Mikumo didn't bother me.
  15. During the Gertalk Podcast for Delta episode 7, I believe MW member Save mentioned a card advertising the Blu-ray/DVD release was handed out at the Walkure event over the weekend. That card listed the English subtitles too, so 99.9% sounds about right. Thanks for mentioning that Save!
  16. Thanks for another entertaining and informative Gertalk Podcast. It's nice to hear the thoughts of new and returning participants as well. Great job all around, especially considering how quickly you get these out.
  17. Thank you so much for the detailed information! I'll have to plan something Macross related for July 7th then. Edit: I searched for an image of the greeting card and the message within, but came up empty-handed. Have you ever seen the card or an image of it? Thanks again! Second Edit: I haven't found a picture of the card, but did find a site with a translation of Minmei's last message here: http://monkeybacon.mywebcommunity.org/OTother/MinmeiLastMessage.php
  18. Do you know if a specific date regarding when contact was lost has ever been published? I found mention of July 2016 on Wikipedia and a few other sites, but I'm curious where this information came from. As a fan of the series I'd also like to make note of it to commemorate this year.
  19. RDX17

    Hi-Metal R

    Right on, I received the same message. This is my first order from Mykombini's site. Have they asked you for payment yet?
  20. Excellent point! I do appreciate Messer's role with Delta (he's the ace after all), and definitely agree that Hayate needs to get it together, but I'm worried about how Messer's decisions are going to affect the team down the road. Right on, I see that. Thanks!
  21. Ah, thanks for pointing this out. I'm definitely suspicious of ulterior motives from Keith.
  22. A bit of a re-post on my part, but it's gotta be done... Episode 6, Messer to Hayate: "You're not even worth talking to." It's comments like this make me loathe Messer even more, especially considering he can't/won't admit to his own problems when asked directly. He's clearly affected by Heinz's song. He didn't share that information with the rest of the team or Major Arad during their one on one. I'm even more convinced Messer's pride is going to lead to tragedy at some point in the series, and unfortunately I think Arad is going to be the casualty. I do hope I'm wrong though, as Arad is my favorite Delta member (calm, cool, collected, thoughtful, level-headed and...Kaname). No doubt Hayate, Mirage, and Freyja still need guidance, which they're clearly up for...but they deserve better than Messer/Mikumo.
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