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Bridge Bunny

Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. So there is no chance of getting this for overseas customers? Though what I would love more is getting a ticket that Macross concert 😄
  2. That was a great talk, especially because it had English subtitles lol.
  3. So how do we buy tickets to this concert??? Is it open to overseas or Japan only? If Japan only I may have to ask acquaintances there for help.
  4. Mayn's back on the 3rd day of Anisong concert. I'm not familiar with the rest of the lineup so I'm kind of relieved I'm not going. Seems to me more and more 'artists' are of the virtual type which is not my thing. Should have gone to past AFAs when flesh and blood artists were the majority. I had no idea AFA would turn into this eventually. That said I'd still like to attend a May'n concert, but I also have other places to go to in Japan. My budget and paid leaves are limited so I hope the stars align next year.
  5. How can you ask and not post a link??? It's the first I've heard of this 😃 I think that was probably just a one-off performance. You're not getting a single 😛 (Though I did a search in Apple Music and there's not a May'n version there.) May'n performance: fripSide:
  6. What's the best SEED Freedom HG kit out so far?
  7. It seems there's not that many people (maybe due to the cold), which is nice.
  8. Thanks, sadly don't have the budget yet right now. I'm planning to go back to Japan in later half of the year if I am able to save up enough. If not, I'll re-consider AFA SG depending on the line up. And Happy New Year!
  9. You're not the only one who's sick. And it has seriously blocked progress on my gunpla building. Sucks to have wasted vacation time by being sick. Anyway, would like to attend one of these Xmas concerts someday. The only (main?) problem would be getting tickets.
  10. Thanks! I have some people in mind (ex-coworkers) who are in Japan. Though only a few I think have good Japanese-language skills. This one! I went to AFA once and there were not one but TWO big guys in front of me! Haven't had the motivation to go to another AFA since then.
  11. Under what line would this be?
  12. For the concerts in Japan, were you able to buy from Japanese websites easily? Or would it be better if I have somebody already in Japan buy it for me?
  13. I liked the movie. It's not great, it feels like some scenes are lacking or were cut. It could have been longer. I blame this on the director or the editing. In the first Captain Marvel movie there were some scenes with Jude Law's character that were cut that could have elevated that movie more. Maybe we'll see some of it later on for this movie. Kamala Khan was funny and nice like a breath of fresh air, I haven't seen her series but I know enough background so I was not so lost about the character. On the other hand I saw WandaVision so I knew about Monica. But super casuals might get confused? Or will it drive them to watch the series? The fight choreography was good I think. Maybe the editor burned out making those fight scenes look good? haha. (Though not Winter Soldier good.) Anyway, I made a loud 'oooohhh' at the end credits scene. Only me and my sister knew what it meant it seems. The other moviegoers were kind of silent.
  14. I thought it was some kind of obscure character, it looks like it has 4 eyes! haha
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