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Everything posted by zaino

  1. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    how did they work on the 19 advance? how i imagine it working in my mind is an exposed socket to snap them in (which is a terrible idea) or have a little hatch on the arms where you would open up to expose the socket to put them in
  2. chill my dude its almost like the people subbing are people too
  3. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    but how good will the 31J be at dancing!?! if it cant do immelman dance i dunno if i want to buy it
  4. i really want mirage to rise up and be the one to challenge Kieth to honor the Jenius name
  5. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Honestly the only one I don't like the color scheme of is chucks. I don't like the yellow and I don't know why
  6. not anymore were not!
  7. crap i already gave up my first and secondborne for amiibo
  8. that answers most of my questions. thank you very much
  9. Hello again, I have another question I briefly touched upon in the 31 thread: nature of the preorders. I read the response comparing it to amiibo and saw no3ljm say something along the line of "enjoy what we're looking at now and worry about the 5 minute PO later" Will preorders be announced? Or will they just be there and first to notice wins? Realistically will it be something as short as the amiibo windows? (one minute windows were hilarious) I'm pretty green when it comes to this market and all I really want is to just get my hands on a 31 (mirage would be nice) How irritating is the secondhand market to deal with if I miss out on a preorder? I just want to know if I'm giving myself a headache about this for no reason Thanks again for being helpful in answering past questions.
  10. Did my best to pay homage.
  11. I dont know i kind of disagree since he delta took a huge loss in losing him and he wasnt able to take out a single aerial knight, in all the battles they just keep blowing up the drones and really dont do anything to the pilots except the one hayate kills but he was green as grass delta is in serious trouble right now and i really cant wait for next week because they need a miracle
  12. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    great i enjoy living at my computer
  13. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    realistically how competitive will these preorders be (for the more popular fighters like mirage, messer, hayate) will this be like early amiibo where theyre gone in 10 seconds? or hopefully a little more grace period?
  14. edit: did more research and was able to answer my own question, still another question though about how tall are the 1/72 scale models? for someone who isnt a heavy collector is it more realistic to get a model kit or wait for a dx
  15. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Messer&Arad have been seen using blades so its a good possibility
  16. zaino

    Bandai DX VF-31

    okay, and thank you for the speedy replies i noticed amiami was taking preorders for a couple of the VF-31s but have never done preorders through them.
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