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Everything posted by daBlah!

  1. daBlah!

    Hi-Metal R

    Grabbed one on HLJ. Was debating this week if I should grab a 35 year anniversary one but jumped on this one when you guys posted it. Have the VE-1 ordered so will be the first one I get in my hands of this line. Really looking forward to a VF1D in the line up.
  2. Hands down the Arcadia version is the one I'm focusing on the most. The possibility of them furthering the line up with the likes of Hargan and Proto versions had me sold right away. The strike accessories are just a great touch! Still if I get around to it that Fewture version is a beaut! I've a few of the Aoshima kits here so look forward to seeing a sturdier toy line up.
  3. Pretty sure it is just a recolor, the strike parts sold separately I assumed was for that very reason that it suits the standard version too.
  4. Stunning! Great work.
  5. Was just about to drop kick the phone level of necro'ing right here ha.
  6. That's a serious deal! Was frantically checkint if they shipped internationally lol sadly not!
  7. Speechless! Your dedication and hard work on this is truely outstanding fair play!
  8. Anyone able to shed some light on this snap from the display?
  9. Nice saturday morning surprise when it landed. Got it whipped and lined up with the rest of the Arcadia lineup. Brutally tight joints so far. Actually reposed the yf-19 in gerwalk and became a bit disheartened by the fact its shoulder joints are so loose it just flops. Great weight to the VF-0D love the look of it in fighter but gerwalk won out for its display mode.
  10. Got hit for ¥4,600 for one
  11. Looking good! what are Fewture toys like? Anyone got any experience with them?
  12. Fair play to them if they are tossing the grey goggles in.
  13. Good things in small packages thanks to Mr. aaajin Over the moon at these just to see what they're like, I honestly thought they were going to be bulkier delighted to have them in hand shocked at the weight of the box. Went on the hunt for some armor pieces to complete these with the intention of getting some cheap armor.... but ended up picking up a complete boxed Roy No regrets lads no regrets Roy checking the squirts out
  14. daBlah!

    Hi-Metal R

    Something like this would cover both of those maybe... at the hi-metal scale would this be too fiddly to be worth while doing?
  15. Have the tabs behind some item labels just gone black on some HLJ items? Certain these were not black before...
  16. Great to hear some preorder news for this!
  17. That is an excellent bit to have on display, touched by the man himself!
  18. The detail at that scale is fantastic!
  19. Is it likely that Bandai will continue with the 1/72 line of the vf-1? Addons like the armored pieces? And the only J heads released have been on the max and miriya versions correct?
  20. Sculpts looking nice. Just the head alone would be a great piece as it is
  21. Should be a crime that those look so awesome!!
  22. Had to go looking for this, just looks ace. Found the rest of it here http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2008/01/
  23. That is some top looking work there!
  24. Just finished watching the episodes and certainly has me interested to see how the next episode progresses...
  25. I think the inner gaps of the vf-25 super packs just infront of the wing make it look a bit more unsightly compared to the TRex version... also look like they sit too far forward when you look at the upper right wing...
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