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Everything posted by daBlah!

  1. I see on the listings for the Legioss it's stating a redesign on the transformation: Is that true? Any further details on the redesign?
  2. Based on what Mr.K mentioned that there was no updates on the current line of products they were working on since the last exhibition. I felt it would have been at least something to show the line up of their products under development even if they were on hold, not progressed or delayed due to costs.
  3. Looking forward to it 😁 Edit: Loved it great work😎
  4. Notification today for the payment received from HLJ for Nora reissue. https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-complete-transformation-sv-51-gamma-nora-polyansky-boarding-machine-final-battle-specification-reissue-aca82158-3
  5. https://www.hlj.com/hi-metal-r-vf-0a-phoenix-shin-kudo-use-qf-2200d-b-ghost-banc660848 HLJ page live Edit. Seems orders stopped pretty quickly.
  6. Not yet. They were still reviewing some samples was the last update I seen for it.
  7. I believe in a display stand like this https://twitter.com/Mrk_arcadia/status/1675048158693572611?t=4SzmrBmBl3-D8zkBz-2gAg&s=19
  8. It's looking good. I believe they said the design model data was ready in 2019. Hargan Release.... Transporter (possibly depending on Hargan sales I believe Mr.K indicated)... would it be too much of a stretch to cross our fingers for a GR-2 Garland then?
  9. I think I've ordered from PlayAsia twice before and no issues. A long time ago so not sure what the shipping prices would be like now.
  10. At least with what he's produced could we say it's one of the most complete lines of Megazone23 mecha that's been produced. I've each of them here and await his attempt at the E=X Garland in that scale.
  11. Thanks for the link. I jumped on board for one. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘
  12. Is everything just crazy tight on this release 🀷 anyone keeping scores on breakages Vs no issue πŸ™ˆ
  13. Some Megazone 23 rumblings from AIC. http://aic-r.com/1645 http://aic-r.com/1636
  14. R-Area has done some great custom pieces over the years. I think his recent one he's adapting the Gundam Zeta wings to the VF-1. Found some of his shots.
  15. It's such a nice mecha design. I've to get around to finishing the 1/48 GR-2.
  16. The line up looks cool with the Hargan.
  17. Getting closer to the Arcadia release
  18. It's a shame they didn't integrate the smaller head for transformation like the old SD Infinity VF-25.
  19. The size of the small garland in that case is insane. Video of it and the transformation at 1/100 scale!
  20. Not the Arcadia hargun but a long time 3D fan project that's been realised with 3d printing. Lots of intricate details and mechanisms on it like the hip joint locking mechanism works and details under the cowl.
  21. That's the 1/48 scale Hargun by the same modeler that's featured in the book 😁 There are a few cleared photos of it a few pages back in this topic.
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