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Everything posted by farmer_yohei

  1. One of my DVDs in the first FX set was faulty and he sent me an other set of the DVDs no questions asked. Really nice guy too. 338029[/snapback] Sorry to but in but, hey wesker, how are the subs on that fx set? any good?
  2. I have "the Plundering Fleet" story. I don't know how to upload it though. If anyone can tell me how, i'll put it up
  3. Just trying to keep this thing alive. I am really looking forward to seeing the finished piece.
  4. The Macross 7 set that I have is by Manga International. Yeah, don't get it. Its like someone just took their vhs copies and put them on dvd. The subtitles are terrible. They sometimes don't match up to who is talking and are, well, really really bad.
  5. I bought M7 off of eBay. Not sure if its the FX or not. But whatever one I have had some of the worst excuse for subtitles I've ever had the misfortune of "reading." I'll check tomorrow and tell you.
  6. Wow, that pictures pretty good. What comes to mind for me atleast is a couple of the lines from Group X's "Mario Twins." "Wow. Good God/ Yeah you like the idiot don't ya" Its not completely my thinking, but its pretty close. Keep up the good work Father Jack's Girlfriend.
  7. Some of her stuff is pretty hilarious. Not in the it looks funny sort of way, but in a "thats pretty funny." Funniest picture, besides Gandalf (obviously), is the one of Ian in the Fan Art section. Something about Angst and More Angst as directions for drawing, just brings a smile to my face.
  8. Wow, this thing just died. What the happened with the picture?
  9. Ooooooo...this is gonna be bad
  10. well...I guess I'll check it out. Now, where can I find a good copy of it.
  11. So from what I've heard, its just 30 minutes long and is just music video...montages (I guess) from the movie and series. Do you really need to watch it? I mean is anything really new added to the "Macross universe" in that film.
  12. Hey random question. Who is this "ishtar" character they are talking about in the "hot women of Macross" poll?
  13. Hi. Does anyone know where to get the stories from "Misa Hayase: White Reminiscences" and the two stories from "Macross Perfect Memory" (they being "the Plundering Fleet" and "the Lost Two Years"? These would seem like something somebody here would have or know where to get. Oh, yeah. I heard of these through the Macross Compendium
  14. So does Macross 7 (and Macross Plus) follow DYRL? or SDF-Macross? Because I don't recall any mention of the Meltrandi in the Macross tv show, but from the summaries I've read of DYRL? they're there.
  15. I have always intended on watching Macross 7. One of my reasons for inquiring was because on most of the anime sites I've gone to don't really tell me anything. Posting here was sort of a last resort, and I figured since this was a Macross forum that I could get some good information. I just wanted to know whether or not it was worth the money to get the bootleg DVD off of eBay. Now before I get hit with people talking about I'm supporting criminals and what not. I don't have a good connection to the internet so fansubs are out. And from what I can tell, Macross 7 will be released here in the USA in....oh never. So the only option I can see is to buy the bootlegs. If there was an official release, I would get it, but seeing as how the only way I can view this series is bootleg, bootleg it is. I do love to use that word...bootleg bootleg bootleg If someone knows of another option, I'm listening.
  16. But is it a bad anime. Take M7 out of Macross' shadow, ignore that it follows Macross. Is M7 a good anime series?
  17. I didn't know it would be a taboo. My bad (god that is sooo 1998). Anyway I'll definitely check out thos links. I just thought somebody could just give me an unbiased opinion of the series as an anime and not as a sequel to the holy Macross. If anyone could, I would like to read it.
  18. Actually I think Avi Arad said that he was trying to make a Captain America movie...another one I mean.
  19. I have no idea what that means. But I do love the vagueness of it.
  20. See, what I am asking is how? Not just "it sucks." Why do you say it blows? I know nothing besides just that the main character is in a band and a pilot. And "really blowas as a anime and a story." I hope I am not coming off as confrontational or aggressive, I just wanted to know more information about it.
  21. Alright, I just finished watching Macross. I rather enjoyed it and am looking forward to seeing more Macross. I plan to watch Do You Remeber Love?, but what I want to know about is Macross 7. From what little I can read about it online, most people don't like it. I want to know if its really as bad as people make it out to be or what. I mean obviously a sequel will never be as good as the original (there are of course some exceptions, but for the most part they suck) but is it really a bad anime or is it a decent anime that is just dwarfed by its highly respected elder.
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