I have always intended on watching Macross 7. One of my reasons for inquiring was because on most of the anime sites I've gone to don't really tell me anything. Posting here was sort of a last resort, and I figured since this was a Macross forum that I could get some good information.
I just wanted to know whether or not it was worth the money to get the bootleg DVD off of eBay. Now before I get hit with people talking about I'm supporting criminals and what not. I don't have a good connection to the internet so fansubs are out. And from what I can tell, Macross 7 will be released here in the USA in....oh never. So the only option I can see is to buy the bootlegs. If there was an official release, I would get it, but seeing as how the only way I can view this series is bootleg, bootleg it is.
I do love to use that word...bootleg bootleg bootleg
If someone knows of another option, I'm listening.