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Everything posted by farmer_yohei

  1. that Random Curiosity site has Macross Frontier on it. Wasn't there something mentioned earlier about this meaning we might be able to find the raw once they had it?
  2. What i said was just dumb so I cover it up
  3. I knew you guys personally didn't back anybody. I was just wondering which group you guys would send people to watch if they came to you and said "hey mw which group should i watch?" Never saw the AnA/IZ version, what difference is there between that one and Shinsen?
  4. Here's a question I have been wondering: Which fansubber group is the one that Macrossworld backs? I mean which one will MW be using. Cuz I know there were atleast two different groups for the Decultured version, I just didn't know which one was the good one.
  5. Well....there goes my hope. Time to get back in line with everyone else.
  6. what was your file named, cuz if mine's the same I am gonna stop now
  7. Well, when I first started downloading it was only a few hours old...I thought it aired about 6 hours ago
  8. I found one on NyaaTorrents, thats the one I am downloading, but I don't know if its the right one....
  9. I think I might be downloading it now. But it might just be the decultured version and not labeled as such. I got two and half hours to go, and it keeps rising.
  10. For the people who have actually seen the first episode, which do you find better; the decultured or the new version?
  11. Hopefully this show will be viewed as a popular one and would therefore get priority from the fansubbers over other shows. I worry about that.
  12. I have never followed an entire show before, but I did follow Gundam 00 for a while. They usually appeared within a day or two.
  13. This new OP isn't too bad. I mean, its not as cool as the original on for SDFM but its okay. I wish she would have atleast mentioned Macross in it once. But atleast it sounds like anyother anime opening song.
  14. I know it might have been mentioned before, and if you will kindly point out where I will go and find it myself, but has there been any announcement about how many episodes this series will be? Or about when in April this airs? Also someone mentioned above about a preview for episode 2, is there any link to find that? I know some of this is redundant (?) for most of the people here, but I just saw the decultured episode 1 and I was blown away. It completely rekindled my interest in Macross again, much to my girlfriends dismay. Now I can't stop playing the "Do you remember love?" song.
  15. Yeah I know what to expect. But sometimes they actually try and do more than just run it through babelfish or whatever. I still have those dvds in my house. Could only make it through the first 8 episodes before I stopped. At that point it would have been easier to just watch it without the subs and I probably would have understood what was going on more.
  16. Don't do it. I bought those a year or two ago. The subtitles were absolutely terrible and they didn't even bother to translate the songs.
  17. From what I understand, both are technically canon. DYRL is a movie in the M7 story that is like our ww2 movies. The story of SDFM is canon, while the character designs from DYRL are the correct one.
  18. Hey, I am in japan and I found a 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Ichijo DYRL for about 12400 yen. I just want to know if this is too much for it or if its a good deal and I should get it?
  19. Hey for those of you with this cd, I have a question. What does "Karaoke Version" mean? Is it instrumental or what?
  20. Is this cd set better than the Macross Song Collection 2002?
  21. Ya know, with all this talk of dub vs. sub. I can't help but think whether or not there are nerds in japan who argue over whether or not its okay to watch a show in english or dubbed.
  22. Sorry to but in here. I'll just leave my two cents about gundam and leave. The problem with gundam. Every version of gundam I've seen has some kid who wasn't supposed to be able to pilot the most advanced weapon created (that being the gundam) turning out to be the only one who can pilot it. What about the soldiers who were training years to pilot it, you ask. Nope. They suck. This random child is the only one. Now, I don't mind the whole giant robots thing. But some little kid being the best pilot for it, no sir. Thats where I draw the line.
  23. As it is, there already is alot of really crappy anime released here. (is that even gramatically correct?) So why not one more? I think that not only the macross/robotech people would get it. I think that they would just be a larger portion, but other nerds would buy it as well just because it has giant robots. I would like to believe that even the M7 bashers on here would buy it if it meant that there might be a chance more macross properties would come over here if it did well. If I was HG, I would promise that just to get the sales up.
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