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Winter Tw Wolf

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About Winter Tw Wolf

  • Birthday 07/20/1983

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    Winter Tw Wolf
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Oshawa, Ontario Canada.

Winter Tw Wolf's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Too funny for words. daeudi may be on to something. Might be nice to log in and see the SDF-01, valks and Destroids
  2. Flak Frigates...how I love thee, let me count the ways :9
  3. That's my fault for making an obscure "Undergrads" reference... XD Thanks for the bangin' card Akilae. Now to wait for the mod.....
  4. A little burg called Oshawa in Ontario, Canada. ...wow. I never expected to get an offer like this. Aki, my messenger tags are as follows: AIM: Winter Tw Wolf MSN: jean_luc_cougar@hotmail.com ICQ: 176201741 YiM: wintertwwolf HIt me up or PM me if ya want. Heck. If anyone wants to gab about HW period....
  5. My appreciation, gratitude and thanks to the people who helped me in this little predicament. After FINALY getting a response from Sierra, I've been told in a one line email that my video card isn't supported and can't run the game. Just as well, can't afford a new card now anyway. ; Oh hey, thanks for the misleading box information Sierra/Relic. I'll never buy another one of their products again. ...now to try and get my money back for this game ;_;
  6. http://www.moddb.com
  7. My desktop is set to 32-bit and the latest drivers for my card DID produce some results. No 'error.txt' has been found or created for that matter. o.O Here's a screenshot of what happens when I boot the game, and the newest Hw2.log file :s Thu Aug 09 13:03:49 2007 Loaded Archive: 'Homeworld2.big' Loaded Archive: 'english.big' Uing ..profiles\ for profiles folder Changing from a 32 bit colour depth in winNT (5.1 build 2600), Service Pack 1 Using NVIDIA Corporation's 1.5.7 GeForce4 MX Integrated GPU/PCI/SSE/3DNOW! renderer (Suspected driver is nvoglnt.dll Loaded Archive: 'englishSpeech.big' Loaded Archive: 'Music.big' SOUND -- created destination [ fdaudio ], handle [ 4 ] with [ 48 ] channels created SOUND -- created destination [ fda streamer ], handle [ 5 ] with [ 8 ] channels created Build name: The Dust Wars - AutoBuild3569 - Ordered by smmatte Built by : mrbuild Data path : C:\PROGRA~1\Sierra\HOMEWO~1\data Could not initialize all fragment programs. Please use the '-fragment_program 0' command line parameter GAME -- Using player profile Player1 Resetting fp control word. CmdLine: '-fragment_program 0' Getting closer to playing....will try your suggestion Aki...but I'd rather not play the game without the shiny stuff
  8. There's an 'error.txt' file? *Feelin' stupid*
  9. Unknown at this time. I'm posting away from my home comp at the moment. Does the Hw2.log I posted hold any hints as to the problem...? I'm currently downloading the newest drivers for my card from NVIDIA. "ForceWare Release 90" version 93.71 WHQL.
  10. Owie. Sys specs: 3200+(2.200GHz) AMD Athalon XP CPU 512 MB PC2700 DDR SDRAM 160 GB 7200RPM HD NVIDIA GeForce-4 MX Graphics(64mb) WinXP Pro(Sp1 Fresh install) The game when I click on it, goes to a black screen like its loading then RIGHT back to my desktop.
  11. I failed to find anything relating to my issue. I get the impression that this issue is either very uncommon, or unique to my computer. Odd... I've fired off a help ticket to Sierra, but have been given no response as yet... ...maybe I should stick to old DOS games >.> EDIT: Nice ninja edit, Aki XD
  12. I do have Admin access. o.O
  13. Argh. Despite installing HW2, the ver of DirectX and DivX on the cd *AND* the latest patch, I cannot for the life of me get the game to boot. I wouldn't ask here, but the Sierra forums are dead and I can't find an answer. I do however get a .log in the directory with the .exe and the contents are as follows: Thu Aug 09 09:08:59 2007 Loaded Archive: 'Homeworld2.big' Loaded Archive: 'english.big' Uing ..profiles\ for profiles folder Changing from a 32 bit colour depth in winNT (5.1 build 2600), Service Pack 1 If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, or have missed, please by all means let me know. Please? I'm asking nice EDIT: This is a pic of the PRE-Installation message I got/get. I hope its relevant. EDIT 2: I've got Admin level access, so I know its not that.
  14. It was a joke ...my god I can't wait to install HW2 on my new P4 system in a weeks time :9
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