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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Looks great. How long did it take you to do that?
  2. It's hard to tell from the picture (it looks like it broke right where the screw is) but can u use something like a screw washer (and some glue) to attempt to hold eveything together?
  3. That is one fat cat.
  4. Both look great. Picked one up. Thnx for the info.
  5. Very cool. How do you like him compared to the older one?
  6. Very cool. What stand are you using?
  7. Crap I just bought an 0s before this sale.
  8. mooman

    Hi-Metal R

  9. Wow it is that bad. Waiting on invoice and my CC has not been charged. Will try to cancel. Thanks guys for heads up.
  10. mooman

    Hi-Metal R

    So Ami-Ami charges you when the pre-ordered items arrives? Sorry, I've never ordered from them before and don't understand how their pre-orders work.
  11. Thanks. I have a VF-0S incoming tomorrow. Good to hear those are ok, I will be careful. But I also have a VF-0A on order. I really like the neutral color scheme of the 0A. I could not resist.
  12. Beautiful. Can't wait till she's done.
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