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  1. Hi Chronocidal,

    On this post: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/44623-arcadia-replacement-parts/

    You helped a friend building up a model of a missing part. May you please help me as well.

    I have broken a part of my "Arcadia 1/60 VF-1A". The part's name is B05 as shown in img245.jpg (see attachment)

    May you please help me? 

    Thank you so much


  2. Well, I want to thank everyone for trying to help. For now, I just secure a screw there as a stopper, but I regret buying it. If I am given a choice again, I would had bought the new DX Chogokin VF-1J with a much better design. But again, I was the idiot, and I was to blame. Again, thank you everyone.
  3. This is all Yamoto's fault.... Why use a stopper??? The shoulder is fragile enough, and Yamoto wants us to pull on it more??? No wonder it had become a defunct company, because they don't use their brain. I can do a better design. Take a look at the new DX Chogokin VF-1J, its shoulders can be slid out and in, instead of needing to forcefully pull on the shoulder and rotate. That is why Namco Bandai wins and Yamoto had been defunct. Serve them right, useless Yamoto company, they should have been defunct a lot earlier, so I don't need to buy their useless product!!
  4. It is not good. Because I feel that my VF-1A is incomplete, and I wish to get a perfectly 3D printed part.
  5. I had tried to glue something in place, but they cannot hold the arms. Anyone else? Please help me? Anyone in the macross world community? Anyone with a 3D printer?
  6. Anyone doing the 3D printing parts? Someone on the Internet was selling the shoulders 3D printed parts, am I right? How about the part I had broken? Do they 3D print that?
  7. Do you have a part list? I want to know the part number of that broken part. Anyway, it is the inside of the body where the arms rotate around. (see the attached picture) I was SO EXTREMELY stupid. I use a nail clipper to cut out the stoppers that stop the arms from falling down when transforming into the robot mode. I did that because I was told that the shoulders are fragile, and I do not want to pull on the arms over the stopper when transforming into a robot. So, I cut the stoppers out. And now, I regret BIG TIME, because both arms keep dropping down in the robot mode without the stoppers. Please help me; I need the replacement part so bad.
  8. I had purchased "Yamato 1/60 VF-1A Mass Production Movie Version 30th Anniversary". Unfortunately, I had broken my VF-1A toy due to my own stupidity. Please help me. I had paid a lot of money to purchase the figure on Amazon, so the broken part had made me very sad. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement part for my VF-1A? Can I contact Arcadia, and ask them to send me a replacement part? PLEASE HELP ME.......
  9. To treatment: Yes, it is better to wait for a new release than to be ripped off by a scalper. However, Yamato 1/60 version 2 models are the only version that did the backpack and the super parts correctly. The super parts are not attached to the backpack for version 2, this will greatly reduce the strain on the backpack. Version 2 is the best version, given that the shoulder problem had been improved by Yamato. To no3ljm: Sorry about the mistake, and thank you for telling me. To anyone: Can anyone confirm whether smooth shoulder hinge pins are used for VF-1A Valkyrie (Hayao Kakizaki Custom) (TV ver.) (2nd Ver.)?
  10. Hi Galactic Diva, Thank you so much for your confirmation. I am very grateful. So, one last question, does it has the smooth hinge pins, rather than the knurled hinge pins? Anyone can give me a confirmation? I am not a rich guy who can afford an expensive toy like this, and $500 is enough for me to pay my rent for this month. Thank you so very much in advance.
  11. ok, thank you, Destroid Armour Waxer. I hope for the best.
  12. May someone (who transforms his/her valkyrie often) confirm that "VF-1A Valkyrie (Hayao Kakizaki Custom) (TV ver.)" has a smooth pin, and has no shoulder hinge problem. Please forgive me asking it, it is an expensive toy. Thank you
  13. Hi Bridge Bunny, May you please give me a link to the spreadsheet that you mentioned about what is safe to buy? Thank you
  14. Hi Global's Pipe Holder, Do you transform and play with it often? Or do you just display it without touching it at all? Thank you
  15. Hi guys, I want to buy the following valkyrie, VF-1A Valkyrie (Hayao Kakizaki Custom) (TV ver.) (2nd Ver.), but I want to ask some questions about it first. - Does it have the shoulders issue or the updated shoulder hinges? - It does have the updated crotch locking mechanism? Thank you
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