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Everything posted by PrimumMobile

  1. A Macross series having balance of silliness and seriousness is a completeley subjective matter. Also I appreciate Macross in its ability to reinvent itself in every iteration. You dont want your franchise to contain tired tropes over and over lest you become like Gundam. Despite a few exceptions most Gundam shows feature the same exact conflict with different window dressing.
  2. @Valk addict Are you implying that Frontier had no character drama about growing up and is all flash? Is that how you feel about modern Macross? The first episode of Delta already sets up a character arc fot Freyja and Hayate. Did Freyja and Hayate's talk about finding purpose lost on you? I felt that is pretty compelling stuff.
  3. I love SDF Macross but its no more a gritty war drama than Lord of the Rings or Avatar the last Airbender. If you want real Space Opera than watch Legend of Galactic Heroes or Yamato. Macross so pales in comparison to those. If SDF Macross is your idea of a gritty war drama and hard sci fi then your better increase the amount of literature. I even think Frontier is a lot "grittier" than SDF. Zentradi are one of the hokiest alien invaders Ive ever seen.
  4. ^ You can't criticize that if you are not going to criticize when the exact same thing happened in SDF Episode one. It was a homage. Minmay should have been paste too.
  5. ^ I think that's the problem right there . People are equating Macross with a genre it doesn't belong in. Macross is not in the same genre as Yamato or Legend of Galactic Heroes. I think what happened is space opera/hard sci fi buffs was attracted to the mecha/ship aspects of the show and thought that was the show was about. They didn't think music and idols were something integral to the franchise. They seem to have selective amnesia because SDF huge bouts of ridiculousness. tuna scene VF dressed up as Zentradi Hikaru riding a bike to the stars crossdressing Zentradi quality knife fight to marriage in one episode lighting a cigar with a gunpod Kamjin shenanigans tossing a baby around
  6. IMO it's not fair to compare the animation of a high budget 4 episode OVA to 2-3 cour TV series on a TV budget. Of course DYRL and M+ are king in animation due to the nature of their production. I'd rather TV series compared to other TV series.
  7. War, death and genocide does not make a show gritty. There are countless works out there that have all those and are not gritty war dramas. Lord of the Rings is the biggest example. Avatar: The Last Airbender has all those elements but hardly call it a gritty war story.. Theory Time! The Windemere apples are actually spreading a substance that triggers the Var Syndrome when the infected hear the Var Song.
  8. People really missed the entire point of macross and treated it is a realistic gritty war drama and space opera. This is the show with ridiculous space tuna fishing. Valkyrie putting on giant trousers and using a gunpod to light a giant cigar. Macross is silly franchise plain and simple. Plus is the exception not the rule
  9. Somehow I want to see Vajra help in someway being immune to Var since they aren't a Protoculture seeded race.
  10. I still think it's amusing that they got Asami Seto to voice Mirage. She's a seiyuu known for er singing talent. Maybe Mirage will become a idol/pilot hybrid? Here's her singing voice of you are curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVczSSWBqJk
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