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Everything posted by eko.prasetiyo

  1. ahh yes. why use jets if you have gravity control. you can packed a small foldbooster but why can not packed a small gravity control.
  2. just I tought. freyja would be accused a traitor by both side.
  3. heinz sing in front of the circle and it seems that circle can be adjusted to certain angle for targetting
  4. does anyone realize when heinz sing to activate var syndrome he sing in front of circle that sending a plasma to a hole on the wall. and there's few hole on that wall. seems that hole represent planet/world that been targeted by var and that circle seem can be adjusted for targetting.
  5. I thought they "store" the heat somewhere and use it for charging the weapon
  6. the lifespan of winderemerean about 30 years does that affected by their home planet? like caused by radiation / or something that happened only on winderemere solar system. perhaps thats why they want to conquer another planet, for the continuity of their races. or perhaps their sun is dying. just a wild guess. and do we have any clue who is "lady M"? is she the leader or owner of chaos? I wonder could she be Mirage grandmother ?
  7. brisingr means fire. why that this remind me of "avatar the last airbender" all nations live in peace until fire nation attack
  8. so the brisingr alliance declare war on UNG. since UNG are stretched accross galaxy, does this means its the second galactic war? presumed the first was long ago in stellar republic by protoculture
  9. but curiously battle frontier seems got it gunship back when landed on vajra planet in cruiser mode. try look again at ep25
  10. so what's the name of vajra home planet that colonized by frontier fleet later on?
  11. anyone notice that there's circles rotating behind pilot seat on sv262? are those hologram ? or some sort of system that unique to the sv262?
  12. so it safe to assume no one other than winderemerean that can fly those sv262 then. let say somehow in the future plot there's someone from NUNS/chaos sneak into their hanggar and try to steal one of those
  13. it seems the relic on windermere only can be activated by selected windemerean, in this case currently it's heinz. but heinz seems ill or her physical seems weak. does her illness caused by side effect of using the relic? and does the cause of var syndrome are "negative fold wave"? cause the sensor color is different when detected fold wave from walkure and the one from var infected NUNS pilot. and since freyja is winderemerean, there could be rumours that she is traitor from both side. chaos might think she joining walkure to destroy from the inside. aerial knight might think she joining walkure and give them winderemerean secrets. but it seems freyja is the key in this series. perhaps she is the one other than heinz that can activate the relic
  14. why did they "hide" sv-262 battroid mode? gerwalk already seen in the opening.
  15. how elysion can stand on the land like that & hold the carrier arm on that position? are they turned on the gravity control system? I never saw it before. I only remember macross class on that position "landed" on water not stand still like elysion cmiiw
  16. where's the main cannon? cause no gunship on elysion also the bridge seems bigger and more modern than quarter
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